Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tasks to Get Done

 Americans are tired of illegals not having to pay taxes. That is why they all should be made citizens.

How to make illegals citizens. Contact big companies. Ask them if they are paying illegals under the table. Send them paperwork to make every illegal worker they have legal. Then they will pay taxes and the pay will be the same and fair for everyone. πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸŒŸπŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ

Abortions are so high because the cost of living is so high. Minimum wage should be $18 an hour. Rent or mortgage payments should be no more then $1400 a month. Water and electric bills should be kept cheap. And taxes should be just 20% of a person's paycheck.

So many people I think want to be gay because they can't afford to have kids. The cost of formula and diapers is super high. The cost of medical care is too high. The fact that vaccines are highly encouraged for babies but they could have bad side effects is difficult. Vaccines should be optional for babies. Schools should never require vaccines for attendance. Parents should decide that for their own child if they wish to vaccinate their child. Most vaccines don't work so what's the point. 


Prayer should be allowed in school. I think every day should begin with prayer. Why not have the home room teacher ask if any student wants to open the day with a prayer?

The Bible should be read in school. We read every other book to kids. Why not read the Bible too? Yes many religious go to our schools. If any parents don't like the Bible, they can homeschool their kids. Less tax dollars going forward to raise their kids. 

The grass roots method was a thing I heard about in MUN a lot. What we teach the kids is what society will soon look like. Why is America almost half gay now? Because it was taught in schools. How about instead we encourage prayer and Bible reading in schools? 😁

You know why all our grandparents were so kind and good? Because the main text book they used in school was the Bible. And it should still be today.

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