Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rainbow Month

We give a whole month to the gays

Moms only get one day, how sad I say 

But let them all shout hooray 

They like to put their sin on display 

Shame is what they should feel

But they have heard the whole spiel

They do not care about the word 

Or they twist it to say what they want 

Then Christians they love to taunt 

Ready for a fight at any time 

Don't take the bait or else you may climb 

Up that crazy mountain of debate 

It is not worth it, keep your fate 

You should try to remain calm and fair 

No more words of hate to share 

We wonder what would Jesus do?

The topic would make him blue 

But he would gaze at them and say 

It is now a new day 

Go and sin no more 

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