Sunday, January 24, 2016

Shine for Jesus

"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father who is in heaven."
I have been making something that I call "Jesus packets" for the last year or so. They are a Bible tract with a bracelet that I make wrapped as a present or in a goody bag along with some candy and cookies or a brownie that I make. "Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down" is a funny motto I have about them. Someone may not receive the gospel well by just reading a Bible tract or having one handed to them, but if the tract and the gospel comes with lots of fun stuff, it might be easier to take. Also people don't care what we know until they know that we care. Hopefully when people see that I put a lot of time and effort into my Jesus packets, it will make them realize how much God loves them and doesn't just want to condemn them. Hopefully they will see that someone cares. Hopefully it will change the way they see Christians and might make them want to become one.
So far I have delivered them in Austin, TX to about 200 houses, 6 nursing homes, one church's staff, a pregnancy outreach center to prevent abortion, a children's home and a homeless outreach a couple times. And last Christmas I delivered my packets to about 5 apt complexes and about 500 other people by putting them next to people's car doors all over Odessa, TX. Yay God! Praise God for Him enabling me to do all that and may people's hearts be changed toward God as a result of all my hard work. In Jesus' name amen. :)
And here's some interesting things about my packets, in all that I only got one e-mail complaint about me trying to "force my religion on them," actually only one email saying thank you, and one thank you card signed by a nursing home's staff. So if you are doing something for God and never get a thank you from anyone, keep going and keep doing good. Keep sharing the gospel no matter what. Because you are working unto God, not man. Amen! "Do not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest." Which will most likely be in heaven. Jesus said, "Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy." Amen. Invest in others. Reach the lost. Show God's love to as many people as you can.  Go be like Billy Graham and Mother Theresa. :)
There were two over the top amazing things that made me leap for joy that happened: I got be on the Odessa news about my Jesus packets And the company Scripture Candy just recently sent me about 2,000 free pieces of candy to use in my Jesus packets. All glory to God! How cool is that?! I never would have imagined that making the packets would get me on the news, or that I would get so much free stuff for them. It was just something I felt God telling me to do. I just was thinking one day over a year ago, "If I wasn't Christian, what would make me possibly want to become one? What would someone have to do or give me etc. that might melt my heart and make me change my mind? What thing or words might convince me that God really does love me if I didn't already know that?" And thus the idea of my Jesus packets was born and began. :)
May God inspire you as well to do something great to bring glory to His name and possibly share the gospel, and something that will give your life meaning and significance as much as my Jesus packets have given that to me. Maybe you can make some Jesus packets too; for orphanage kids, nursing homes, homeless people etc. You can put a Bible tract in them or just type a note of encouragement for them.
Thank you for reading. :) May God bless you!

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