Monday, January 11, 2016

Spiritual Wrestling

Spiritual Wrestling

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph. 6:12

It's interesting that the King James version of this verse says wrestle. That has kind of a different feel to it then saying that we battle. When we think of a battle, we think of a group or community doing war against another group, but the word wrestle is much more individual.

Spiritual warfare really is an individual wrestling, and it's all in our minds. One example is any time you try to do good for others, Satan will try to tell you that it's not really making a difference. No one really cares. That is why Paul tells us to "not grow weary in doing good." Amen.

Any time we try to do anything for God, Satan will come against us in our own minds. Any time we think about reading our Bible or praying, Satan will discourage us or try to occupy all our time so we think that we don't have time for God. B.U.S.Y. can stand for "burried under Satan's yoke." Yep.

But also think of the term he uses, "principlaties." A principality is a state ruled by a prince. In Daniel there is reference to the "Prince of Persia." This was a fallen angel, or a demon, that was in charge of a specific region of the world. Satan has his demons set up like chess pieces all over the world, and they are constantly watching us and thinking of ways to defeat us or lead us into sin etc.

It helps to have a little attitude when it comes to Satan and his demons, I think. My song for them is "Can't Touch This." :) But if you are lazy or too "nice" or too passive, you can make an easy prey for them. But if you are fiesty, that makes things more difficult for them. Just like a lion will leave a prey that puts up a fight and go for an easier prey, so they will leave you and go after people who are more easy to conquer. That is why Paul says before this that we need to put on spiritual armor, because we can gaurd against Satan and his attacks. We just have to remember how, and do it.

Our greatest weapons against Satan are truth, righteousness, faith, peace, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and our salvation. If we know the truth, Satan will not be able to deceive us, as he very often tries to. If we have faith, he will not be able to discourage us. If we have peace, he will not be able to make us angry all the time. If we let ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit, we will not be led by our own flesh and sin, which can open doors for Satan. If we know the Bible well, Satan will not be able to tell us something is in the Bible that isn't, which he does a lot as well. And if we know that we are saved and God loves us, Satan won't be able to convince us that we aren't saved and that God doesn't love us. Amen!

Another thing to note about this verse is that it says, "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood." We often think that our battle is against other people, but what this verse is implying is that any time someone attacks you, that is because Satan is causing them to. Therefore, get mad at Satan, not the other person. It is their flesh, but it is Satan or demons telling that person to follow their flesh rather than God's spirit. So whenever someone lashes out at you, know that in that moment they are being attacked by Satan in their mind, and have compassion on them rather than wanting to lash out back at them. If you can see every attack as Satan inspired then it will help you to not get mad at the other person. Get mad at Satan. He is the only real enemy you have, not other people. Amen.

I hope all that has helped you and given you a new perspective on things and life. May God bless you all with more and more wisdom as you seek to follow Him. Amen. God bless!

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