Saturday, January 16, 2016

God's Laws Lead to Life

"When your judgments (God) are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." Is. 26:9


This is the verse of the day on my phone Bible app, and it stood out to me, so I decided to write about it.


The thoughts dawned on me after reading this, that people who don't believe in God actually don't believe in WISDOM, because God is wisdom and His Word and His laws are wisdom.


Also, people who don't believe in God actually don't because they hate self-control and self-discipline. Typically people that are rebellious to their parents are then also rebellious with God.


That is why it is so important for parents to make their kids listen to them and obey them, so that they will also obey God someday. Kids should fear their parents a little, so that they will later fear God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Because fear leads to obedience, and it is very important that we obey God, because God's laws lead to life.

Often times people say God is a big kill joy. They think that God is like some Catholic priests who tell people not to have any fun because all fun is sin. But that is not what God is like and that is not what God says. God wants us to have fun. God wants us to be happy. THAT is why he tell us NOT to sin. Because any sin has consequences and punishment associated with it.


You may get away with something for awhile, but ultimately, we all have to face consequences for our sins. We ALWAYS reap what we sow; it is only a matter of time before we do.


Sin always leads to death, of some kind, but God's laws and guidance and His wisdom leads to life, always!


Jesus said, "I came that they might have life and life abundantly." How do we get that abundant life though? By following God's laws and submitting to Him, because he knows what is best for us, because He created us. Amen.


I was discussing this concept with my husband the other day and said that maybe people don't fear God much anymore these days because God seems to let a lot of people get away with murder. But does he? It seems like he does. But maybe he actually doesn't.


Romans 1:27 says, "Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." This is the current state of a lot of America actually. This verse refers to homosexuality and the punishment or penalty of AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.


So when people get consumed with lust, they do face consequences. We tend to disassociate STD's with God, but that is actually God's judgment being enacted on someone for sexual sins. Sin leads to death. Homosexuality is sin, and it leads to all kinds of health problems etc. That is not just a medical phenomena; it is God's divine retribution for sin.


Also we all know that alcoholism leads to cirrhosis of the liver and many other serious health issues. That is God's judgment on the one who loves alcohol way too much. It is also just that we will sow whatever we reap.


But alcohol can be good. Proverbs 31:7 actually says, "Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to him whose life is bitter. Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his trouble no more." So alcohol was actually given to us as a way to forget about our troubles for a bit. But to become obsessed with it, and to never want to come back to reality, is what leads to sin.


Many other things can fit into this category actually, like even reading too much or watching TV too much. Reading, TV and video games can all be an escape from reality just as much a drinking can. And if someone never wants to come back to what is and stop escaping via reading, TV or video games, that can also be a sin. All things should be done in moderation and we are not to be mastered by any one thing. Amen.


Over eating and being gluttonous leads to diabetes and possibly an early death. And it leads to all kinds of other health issues. Anyone who does not realize this lacks wisdom. God calls us to be masters over our stomach and over food, not let food or greed or sin master us. Amen.


Psalm 91:16 says, "He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him And let him see My salvation." If you want to see a long life, and enjoy your kids and grandkids as long as possible, FOLLOW God's laws. Sin leads to death, but God and His word leads to a long life. Amen.


The truth is the opposite of what Satan is telling you. Sin does not lead to your ultimate happiness, God's laws lead to your ultimate happiness and a long and great life. But you have to learn to discipline yourself and submit to God.


Hebrews 12:11 says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."


Sin is a lack of discipline, in any area of life. But wisdom causes us to know that discipline is good, because it leads to life.


Killing the flesh is good. Dying to ourselves and dying to sin is good. It might be painful for a time, but in the end it "produces a harvest of righteousness and peace" and every possible good thing in your life. Amen. :)


Discipline over our eating habits leads to good health and less doctor visits. Discipline over our flesh and lust leads to a long and happy marriage. Discipline over our desire to be lazy leads to wealth and prosperity. And discipline over our emotions and anger leads to better relationships where people love you and will never hate you.


God is not letting people get away with murder, so we need to have a healthy fear of the Lord and a healthy fear of sin and it's consequences. People dive into sin because they have no fear of the possible consequences, but they really, really need to.


Do people who commit adultery realize that it will probably kill their marriage? No, most do not, for whatever reason. Because they seriously lack wisdom. That is why they don't realize that even seemingly harmless flirting with another man or woman can lead to a divorce from their spouse. Affairs can by physical but they can also just be emotional. And all sin leads to death. Affairs almost always lead to the death of a marriage.


That is why this verse in Isaiah says, "When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitant of the world will learn righteousness." When we see the ramifications for sin, we realize what righteousness is and why it's so IMPORTANT. We realize what not to do by seeing how other people suffer due to their choosing to sin.


Following God is not about never having any fun. Sin is what leads to no fun. Cancer is no fun. STD's are no fun. Diabetes is no fun. Having your marriage die is no fun.


But Satan whispers in our ears that whatever sin you are tempted with will lead to fun and your ultimate happiness. But that is a serious LIE, and you have to come to see that, for your own benefit, and the benefit of everyone around you. Because when you sin, it affects everyone else around you, whether you want it to or not.


Sin always leads to death. Just think about it, whenever you eat too much junk food, do you feel good or bad?


That is the easiest example. Whenever guys look at porn, they feel very guilty and dirty about it. Even if they won't admit it others, they know that's how it makes them feel.


Any addiction leads to someone feeling terrible about themselves; shopping too much, eating too much, lusting too much etc.


God gives us good things and they are good as long as we don't overuse them. Everything should be used in moderation.


Sex is good; it leads to the further bonding of a husband and wife and a happier marriage. But when it is overused and sex is wanted too much it leads to addictions, bondages to sin and people feeling miserable. And yes married people can have a sexual addiction to sex too that may not be ok. Everything in moderation. If sex is keeping a couple from ever really talking to each other, then it may have become an addiction.


People wreck any happiness they could have ever had in life with sexual addictions. They can mess up their marriages, their children, their careers etc.


Eating is also good of course. Food is fuel for our bodies. But if we eat to much, it will most likely cause us to die way prematurely. It can lead to many other health reasons to visit a doctor and therefore, lots of medical bills etc.


Feeling good about ourselves is also good, but too much of that leads to vanity, pride and treating others like dirt. So stay humble, always, and people will like you a lot better.


Anger over being disrespected by another can be good; it is how we protect ourselves from being abused by abusive people. But too much anger can ruin a person's entire life. If you are constantly angry, no one will want to be around you and you could loose any job you get and any relationship you are in due to a bad temper.


Wanting things is ok, but when we want too much it leads to envy. God wants us to have good things, but in the right time and for the right reasons. If we can't be patient and wait for something then our impatience can lead us into sin, like stealing etc.


Wanting to earn money to support your family is also good, but too much of a desire for money can lead to greed and loving money and "the love of money is the root of all evil."


Relaxing is good, because God tells us to rest, but too much rest can become sloth, which leads to poverty and ruining relationships due to one's own selfishness.


All things in moderation are good, but as Paul says, we are not to be mastered by anything. Once we are mastered, we are mastered by sin rather than by God. To love any created thing more than the creator is what sin is. We can enjoy things, but we should not love things on this earth too much. Because "if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father in not in him." Amen.


Thank you for reading and may God bless you all! :)

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