Thursday, December 14, 2023

My Molest

 For any who are wondering what my dad is like. He is evil. My dad attempted to rape me when I was 6 years old. I was taking a nap with him in his bed. He kept pulling my underwear down. He was pretending to be asleep and saying my mom's name. I could tell he wasn't really asleep. Then his member was sticking out of his robe. He put it between my legs. At that point I jumped out of his bed and ran to my room. I don't know if there was a lock on the door, but maybe I locked the door. When my mom got home from getting groceries, I told her what happened. She called Focus on the Family about it. They reported it, and he went to jail. 

The only other thing I remember is being younger than 6 and taking showers with my dad. He had me play with his member. 

Parents be very careful who you let be around your children or what you let them do. You never know what someone might do. Just because you wouldn't do it, that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. 

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