Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Why do we call them aliens? 

Is it because we see them as evil?

To us they are like smeagle

Some are evil but not all are 

The rapists should be executed 

The good ones 

And there are good illegals 

Should be made citizens

And pay taxes 

And be required to attend church 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Debate

I wish I could be in the debate 

That sure would be great 

I'll probably pretend I'm there 

As I see it, may it be fair 

I love seeing debates 

With those two it will be great  

Like a rooster fight it could be 

If they both still have some fight 

Left in them, we'll see 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sexual Immortality

Desire to be pure 

Avoid sexual desire 

You should never lust after 

A person who is not yours 

There are better things 

To let rule your mind 

Focus on God 

Not as much on people 

People cannot save you 

Only God can 

What is Sin?

 Galatians 5:20-26

"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."


People say "I can't help it"
"I'm addicted" 
Decide to not be addicted 
You can break free 
If you want to 
Set yourself free 
Be stronger 
Than you have been 
Just. Say. No. 


 Do what you promise

Let your yes be yes 

Don't let others down 

What you say you will do 

Do it 

Don't drop the ball 

Never give up 

Keep going 

It takes effort to be faithful 

But the reward is great 

Happier relationships 

That might last forever 



 Do you struggle to be gentle?

I do too 

It makes others blue

Speak the truth in love right?

Be kind, never fight 

Never intimidate 

Always appreciate 

Be a lovable person 

Only with God we can 


It is good to be good today 

Think of kind things to say 

There is enough that makes us sad 

Try to make others glad

God wants you to never be bad 

Many great days we had 

When we tried hard to be good 



Did we forget the need for kindness?

It seems we have a hard heart blindness 

We see what we want to see 

With more prayer we might be 

Who God desires us to be

I pray all the gossip will stop 

Maybe we are bored but that's not 

The best way to spend our time 

Be kind to others 

End the War


War Games 

Let's all put the amo down 

Before firing off more rounds 

Stop and pray 

You think you want to play?

But killing others is not a game 

Do to others

As you want them to do to you 

It is time to make peace 

Before America is no more



The leaders need to go out
And have fun, don't pout
Time for a president party
Make friends with enemies
Then there will be nothing
To fear, what do you hear
God saying to you?
What we do to them
They will do to us
That we can trust
Or we let the past go
Enjoy a fun show

And become allies again 


Good things come 

To those who wait 

Those who wait on the Lord

Will soar on wings like eagles 

Nothing has to be done right now 

Wait on God

When is the best timing? 

The more patient we are 

The more wise our actions are 


 Make peace with God 


Make peace with others 


Make peace with yourself 

Forgive yourself and let it go

Peace peace God's peace 

It is peace that is greater 

Than all our fears



The joy of the Lord 

Is your strength 

Are you feeling weak? 

Increase your joy 

Go outside 

Take a walk 

Watch a comedy show 

Pray and read the word 

Confess any sins 

Put worship music on 

Get your joy in God back 



What is love? 

It is not just physical 

It is sacrifice and giving 

It is being patient with others 

It is turning the other cheek

Love is kindness to a stranger

It is feeding the homeless 

It is being gentle with the weak 

Love is something we all 

Need to get better with

Sunday, June 23, 2024


How much money is enough?

Just a little bit more 

Don't work crazy hard and get sore

Don't wear yourself out to get rich

You cannot serve God and money 

Selling your soul isn't funny

The love of money is the root 

Of every kind of evil 

Money is good

But God is better



If you want just what you got 

Then you forget what is not 

In your house or yard or car 

You can travel very far 

But you will never get 

Every single special thing 

Learn to be content and bring 

Your wants to God 

God gives us the desires of our heart 

Just pray and ask 


 You're so vain, I bet

You think this song is about you 

Watch out for being puffed up 

You are better than some 

But others are better than you

Never get up on a high horse 

We all have issues 

We all have imperfections

Stay humble 


Hold your tongue when mad 

Maybe even when sad 

Be careful what you say in wrath 

Better to take a long nap 

Sleep on it as they say 

Don't make the world more grey

By saying what you need not say

"Don't let the sun go down on your anger 

And don't give Satan a foothold"


To ensure I'm never slothful

I always have a big mouthful

Of words I feel a need to share 

My thoughts can be kinda rare 

But I am just trying to spare 

People from a life of pain 

Watch out for sloth and gain 

Wisdom, stay busy always 

"Idle hands are Satan's playground"


Don't go there in your mind 

It will give your spirit a bind 

Stay in love with your mate 

Keep the fire there, keep it great 

Give up lust 

Or it might bust 

Up your life 

And cause strife 

Keep your thoughts pure 

And your salvation secure

Make Up

 Make up is a game 

So some can look the same 

As all the women on TV

It makes women look cheap

They wear it if weak 

And have no self esteem 

You are lovely without it 

You are not more legit

With lots of make up on

Take it off or before long 

You will melt with the world


Food Addictions

We all love Oreos and candy 

It makes us feel just so dandy 

But what is your God,

Cookies or God?

Just one more cookie and you may see

How gigantic you could be

Learn to say no most of the day 

Find a new hobby, not food I say

Eating is fun 

But it's like a gun

Too much will kill you early 

☠️ 🍪 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Holy Spirit

I talk with you till the day ends 

I love no one more than you 

May all my actions stay true 

To the faith you keep in me 

I hope I will always be 

Someone you are proud of 

Thank you for all my blessings 

I pray I will stop stressing 

You have us in your hands



 He is our strong Batman 

Whatever you need, Jesus can 

Heal you of any sickness or pain

You know you have everything to gain

By being his loyal servant to the end

On his non stop blessing we depend 

He is the truest friend we can have 

Talking to him keeps me glad 

He brought so much peace to me 

Thinking of him gives me glee

He is my constant companion 

He makes me feel like a champion 

Thank you Jesus for being there 

We make a very powerful pair 

I love you more than words can say

Now let's teach the world to pray


Alex Jones

Like a real life superman 

He helps us all when he can 

He shines the light on evil 

Hoping to stop the abuse of kids 

If only more cared like him 

The world would be better 

We should all be unafraid like him 

And take the evil down 


 They think they are so big 

They put on a non stop jig

Wanting to intimidate us 

Their rockets they do thrust

Off our shoreline to scare us

It is just a giant game 

They are hoping we came 

Up with a desire to fund their war 

But it really makes us all sore 

Why fight over more land?

Be happy with what you have


  We all want to feel significant 

Like maybe we could be magnificent 

But then we get tripped up

"Is it fear you're afraid of?"

Believe in yourself and see

You can be all you can be 

In God's army 


Ukraine and Zelensky

Cut Off Ukraine

He wants money
We could say you're so funny
We need to care for our nation
You have your country to run
Maybe you think it's not fun
Then why did you step up to rule
Or are you really a fool?
We need to keep our money
Giving it all away is not funny

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Masons

Is it just a club for men?

Only on Jesus we can depend

The Satanic look of the temples 

Makes us all wonder if it's not simple

Stay away from this group of guys

It is just a network for money but buys

Your soul at a hefty cost 

It is just an assembly of the lost 

They are seeking the light but find dark 

It is joyless and sad, a stark 

Contrast to the church of our biblical God

It is not a way to find God 

It is just a path to Satan and foreplay

Are they all homos, it's hard to say

Don't be fooled by their good acts

It is a very evil pact

That they must give to show loyalty 

None of them ever feel free 

Go to church for friendship and love 

Pray to get guidance from above 

And enjoy all the great people of Twitter 


Hell is Real

Black demons dance through the fire 

To hurt the damned is their desire 

Don't go down to that place 

Try to just seek God's face 

Don't mess around with demons 

They are not your friends 

Talk only to the Holy Spirit

On him you can depend

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Why would you go that path?

You will just incite God's wrath 

Or do you not fear God at all?

I'm sure you had some crazy balls 

Think before you worship the devil 

Or else God could easily level 

This nation to the ground 

Only a few true believers are found 

In this corrupt nation 

Put God on every station 

Then maybe he will spare our country  

Putin Prayer

 Maybe if I was ever president Russia would stop hating us. I'll get those demons out of Putin. In the name of Jesus I command any demons in Putin to get out right now. May he be at peace and pure and holy from this moment on. May he stop wanting to blow up every country other than his. May his lust for power and land and money be over. May he calm down and be content with what he already has. And may he go on a cruise and forget world domination for awhile. 


 Just because some look different 

That doesn't mean they are not good 

We all deserve love and kindness 

But some have a terrible blindness 

To those who do not look like them 

They harden their heart in anger

To people of other races, why?

God can be found in all the faces 

May we learn to give peace and graces 

To everyone, no matter what

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Powerful people are envied 

People go crazy over them in a frenzy 

Everyone wants to know those on top

We think maybe if I become a cop 🤔

How do most people get more power?

Maybe that doesn't matter this hour 

What will the world do 

If nucs fill the air kind of soon?

The drive for power is the reason 

Why war seems to be in season  

No one wants to back down 

The offer of peace met a frown 

We all want to be up top 

But maybe everyone should stand down 

My man and I used to listen to tons of spirit filled sermons when I was prego. Every time the pastor said power I raised my arm and said "power!"
Everyone wants lots of power, don't we? 🤔 That's why I wanna be President Davis. ☺ Someday....

Ruler or Slave

 Women can be in change 

But then some say she got too large 

Is it only men who should rule?

That is what most say is cool

What if men and women are equal?

Wouldn't that be better?

We say women have been liberated 

But then why the make up and high heels

And having to stay a size 2?

Who is still the boss then?

Women are not free 

We just appear different now 

Will we ever get a woman president?

Probably not 

Because the world is tilted 

Toward only men and jilted 

Any woman who wants authority 

"Stay in your place"

They say to us women

Not with words but actions 

Cook and clean and make a baby 

"Ok" we say 

With our head dropped low 

"If that is all I'm good for"

Women in Cages

Your desire will be for your 

Husband but he will rule over you 

The man is the head 

Women are to submit 

A woman must learn 

In quietness 

Women are repressed 

Most are depressed 

But we are also protected 

And kept safe 

At least the cage is safe

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Russell Brand got saved about 3 months ago. I have been trying to encourage him in his faith every day on Twitter and praying for him.  He had an interview with Alex Jones recently. Then Alex gave that awesome speech about America being given a destiny by God etc. at the Detroit Trump rally. It made me cry because I like to think I had a hand in him speaking so boldly for Jesus. I pray those two always stay connected to each other and God. May the 3 of us be effective prophets to the world until the end of time. 😁👏

And may Joyce Meyer and Jentezen Franklin keep saving many people as well. 😊

Michelle Obama

 Just because she is a woman 

Perhaps some say she can't lead 

But I say why does gender matter?

Women can be wiser than men 

Some women are stronger than men 

Women are more rational than men 

Why not let a woman lead America?

Michelle would be great! 


He could be our superman 

He has many great plans 

To make this nation safe 

Why did they try to jail him?

Was his crime really so bad?

Who else will lead America?

Why not let him lead?

Unless they have a better offer 

Most Marriages

God says he hates divorce 

But what can light and dark

Have in common?

Let no man separate 

But what if one cheats? 

You can always stay friends 

As long as you can depend 

On them to get what you need 

Men Who Are Women

 Why do some men turn gay?

They hate women I would say

They hate their mom 

So before long 

They decide to never want a woman 

They hate their dad too 

He made them very blue 

Maybe he left or abused them

And they never want to be like him 

So they want to be a woman 

Women Who Are Men

Why do women become men?

Maybe they see men failing 

So they want to replace them 

Yes men were meant to be leaders 

But so many are wife beaters 

Thank God my man is kind

But so many have lost their mind

They abuse women and kids 

Where is a perfect man?

It does not exist 

Women are more moral 

Than any man could ever be 


 Looking at old pictures 

I feel a glow 

Of days when the snow 

Made the world chilly and fun 

The Christmas tree was lit up

Hot coco filled my cup

And the excitement of my new baby 

Made me ecstatic all the time 

I loved rocking him to sleep 

He was just so sweet 

Now he is a wild ride 

Making messes as I chide

And tell him Nooo non stop 

It was so simple at the beginning 

So much love, it was like winning

But at least he still is adorable 

Monday, June 17, 2024


 God please save America.

God please help my family stay together. 

I pray my son will enjoy his toddler bed soon. 

I pray we all continue to find meaning in our lives. 

May the Christians stay strong and overcome any persecution. 

I pray my house always is comfy and clean. 


Why does America have crime?

Too many have too much time  

People just want more dimes

They don't want to work at all 

So they steal as their downfall 

Then they go to jail 

Maybe get out fast on bail 

Then no one will hire an ex con 

So they steal again 


 Find the middle ground 

Don't be arrogant 

But don't be a doormat 

Jesus was confident 

Without being egotistical

We are meant to serve 

But don't kill yourself to serve 

Know your limits 

It's not all about you 

But it's not just about them 



We all drift at times 

The world sends a chime 

And we fly away from the church 

We feel bad and miss the light 

Sometimes it is a very long night 

When we come back 

It is like a drink after a long thirst 

Don't leave God's side 

It is never a good idea 

Sleep Alone

 To the married I say 

Sleep separately, it's ok 

You don't have to feel shame 

For wanting to feel more sane

Sleeping alone is better 

Get good sleep every night 

So you have more of a fight 

And energy to do 

What you need to do

Free Will

 God gives us all free will 

Is that wise? because we spill 

Negativity into the world often 

May God help us to be light and soften 

The way we talk and act 

We all love God, that's a fact 

He gives us life and joy

But some treat God like a toy 

When done with him they throw him out 

Then they go in a corner to pout 

Why doesn't he do all that I want?

Because he doesn't want to spoil you 

Is your joy more important than safety 

What if what you want is dangerous?

God knows what is best for us 

Trust him, he will take you places 

You may see many faces 

Or stay still and wait 

Your future will be great

No matter what 

Free Speech

Who should get to have it?

Everyone who doesn't cuss 😂

The kind ones

We are the land of the free 

Because of the brave 

There is a wave

Happening around the world 

Of people turning to God 

"Where the spirit of God is 

There is freedom" 

May this world be more free

And safe 


 So many hate Christians 

Just because one Christian was mean

That shows you are very green 

As we mature we stop generalizing 

Just because one person of a race 

Only seems to spray mace 

That doesn't mean you should 

Hate all people of that race 

God can be in every face


 I have seen a few go insane 

Could not control their brain 

They let bad thoughts cause a storm 

Saw everything as forlorn 

They hated they were ever born 

What can you do with a person like that?

Stay and help heal their pain 

Or step out of their non stop rain 

And go find some sunshine 


They pretend to be your friend 

But in the end 

They will ruin your life 

Cause tons of strife 

Don't listen to them 

Follow God's voice instead

How can you tell the difference? 

God leads to life and peace

Turning Evil

 Friends who turn on you 

Probably don't mean to 

But the demons mess with them 

And they stop being your friend

They turn them against you 

Don't get too blue 

You will find some new 

Friends to hang out with 

God can replace ones who went 

Crazy due to their bent 

To follow evil

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lost and Found

Things come and go 

Don't feel too much woe

God will replace all that you lose

Stay hopeful, always choose

To believe 

Wait and see 

How great it might be 

Look forward, not back 

Your future is packed 

With endless possibilities

Angel Dads

 They work lots of hours 

Hurt their backs for love 

Their families matter most 

They just want us to be happy 

They rarely get thanked 

Just doing their duty 

Day in and out 

A servant to their lady 

And the sweet little kids 

Faithful, good and honest 

They do their best 

Forget about all the rest 

They take care of those weaker 

God bless all the dads 

Happy Dad Day

 For some this day is sour

You did not like the hours 

With your dad 

My dad was inspiring 

But also a pervert 

He made me get stronger 

He helped me see true evil 

I guess I can thank him for that 

Now I fight evil every day 

Like superwoman you could say 

Because I want no one 

To end up like my dad

Many others have had 

A bad dad like mine was  

Keep those demons away y'all 

They will cause your downfall

Instead always call

On your heavenly father 

Let him heal your wounds 

Let him be your daddy 

God has been my dad since age 6

And he's the best dad I could ask for 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Elect Lisa for President!

 Why I deserve to be our next president:

I'm not racist. :)

I will compromise with the people on abortion and gay marriage. It wouldn't be my way or the highway. 

I would sing God Bless America or the Star Spangled Banner before any speech I give. 

I would have note cards for speeches. 

I would grant Mexicans citizenship. But after a background check. 😃👏

I would build more homeless shelters and never give money to other countries. They would have to find a job to live there though. And save for getting a car and an apartment. 

I would encourage everyone to attend a church because that would lower our crime a lot. 

Or whoever becomes our leader next could possibly do all that. 


 God keeps telling me I should be the next leader of America. That seems insane I know. I have a 1.5 year old. He would enjoy adventures though I would say. My bf would be a great body guard. He is very good with a gun. He has been hunting since he was like 10. Also he is very calm and safe. So I would always trust him to have a gun around me. I like giving speeches and am good at it. I have given my testimony in churches about 8 times. Sometimes I got really nervous but other times I didn't.  

For now I like spewing my ideas out and hoping they can change the world. But maybe someday I'll be the face of America! Lol who knows. Let's look at the facts. One old guy could die any day now and the other one may go to jail soon. So who will lead our country? Who deserves to lead America? All I know is no one could find any corrupt dirt on me. We need a really good person to run America for once. 

God bless America! 


 In order to come to peace 

You have got to release 

Any grudges you are holding 

Let it all go 

The anger is just a show 

To say "No one disrespects me"

It is pride that leads to fights 

Be humble and do right 


 If a nation offers peace 

The offer should be accepted 

Why have war in every country?

Why let millions die?

Maybe he finally got tired 

And that is good

Why make him keep fighting?

My House

 We have a big tree in the yard 

That looks majestic and lovely 

There are two baby kittens 

Who are fatter every day and cute 

The grass finally covers all the dirt 

I made a path to walk on 

It is my tiny garden of Eden 

My Son

 He likes to play with toilet water 

It sometimes does bother me

He is walking well now 

When I lay down 

He hits my pillow 

And runs away laughing 

He is so cute 


 Is everyone now suicidal?

Does everyone hate life that much?

I feel like I'm the only one

Who wants God to not blow up the planet

It seems most want the end to come

Why? Why do you hate being alive?

Yes there are headaches and back pain 

And war and crime and cold hearts 

But with God the sad things fade away

If we could all focus on God

Then the suicidal desire will end 

If you think God punishes you

Win back his favor 

Make God like you 

If you don't know what he wants 

Read the Bible more 

And do what it says 

Whatever is lovely or admirable 

Think about those things 

Stay away from sin 


 I have faith that we are worth saving 

I know God loves the US

That is why we are blessed 

We are the light of the world 

We create the best sermons and worship 

The good outweighs the bad

Most Americans want to be kind

Most actually wish to find 


He isn't that hard to get to

Believe that you can know him 

And you can 

He will forgive you 

Of whatever you repent of 

But change is needed in our nation 

We need God on every radio station 

We need to fixate on the Lord 

And not where is my charger cord?

What is our true God?

Do we all just want to nod

Off and go to sleep? 

While Satan desires to keep 

Us all in his grasp 

Get away from him, quickly  

Run to God 


Kids now are made to change 

Doesn't it seem kind of deranged?

For life they mess up their body

No family in the future for them

Are they making themselves condemned?

What if they change their mind?

Only depression they will find

Their fate is sealed 

They mutilate their body

So no one will ever want them 

Is raising a family that bad?

Many great memories they could have had

Maybe you hate your parents

But don't cut up your body 

Just move out 

That's what we did in my day 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Our Flag

 The flag is very Christian yo

Reminds us we are God's you know 

Red stripes for Jesus' blood 

Stars to show we are the light 

We try to shine very bright 

Through darkness we always shine 

We know God says "you are mine"

Now we all have to climb 

Up to God to safety

From the war

My Bio

 Elizabeth (or Lisa) Davis was born in Orange, CA. She is Irish, English and German. Her parents were Pentecostal and avid church goers. They went door to door witnessing. She has an older brother Nate who is 4 years older. He served in the National Guard for 8 years. 

When she was 9, her parents divorced. After that she got into some trouble shoplifting. She became kind of a bad kid for a bit, but in school she was a model student. She always got straight A's. In high school she was a Honor Roll student all 4 years. She was on the basketball team 3 years, sang in choir 4 years, debated in the MUN club 4 years. Senior year she was in ASB as the Senior Class Vice President. She graduated with a 4.3 GPA. For college she went to Biola University and got a B.A. in English. Her average GPA was 3.5. There were a few classes that were harder for her like math. After college she was a tutor for the SAT for a while. She also worked as a preschool teacher for 3 years. One year she was a Junior High English teacher. She has written in her blog for 12 years. 

She has written 35 self-published books inspired by her blogs. You can see them by searching Lisa Bedrick books on Amazon. She is also an online pastor and has made Bible teaching videos on YouTube for 5 years. Search Lisa Bedrick on YouTube to see them. She loves the Lord with all her heart, and she loves America very much. She is hoping to be a Vice President or President for America someday. 

God bless America!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

President Liz

 Oh to be president 

I want to have my residence

In the lovely White House 

Would people love me?

How fun it would be 

Maybe God would give me favor 

With every person on the earth 

Maybe I could be super popular 

Maybe I could cause world peace 

I bet I could get hundreds saved 

If I was president 

It would be a dream come true 

Nothing on earth would make 

Me as happy as that would do

I think a press conference 

Would be totally fun 

I think giving speeches 

Would make me feel great 

I might get nervous

But I also might not 

Esther saved her people 

Maybe God wants me to save mine 

Long live America!

And long live Queen Elizabeth 

Of the USA



Russell Brand

I just want to say you are great 

You really did change my fate

You brought my fire for God back 

Thank you for that 

Now us prophets can save the planet 

Or we will see it burn 

Either way I'm glad 

You will be in heaven someday 

And you saved a lot on the way

You have made me laugh a ton

Thanks for being so fun 

Most of life is so serious 

But you lightened it up for all of us 

Girl Power

 We need more girl power

Maybe this is the hour 

When women should lead 

Much more peace we do need 

Less testosterone could be great 

We could have a better fate 

Don't ever take Satan's bait

The world seems to look down

On women, that makes me frown 

They think we all are clowns 

But your mom was a woman

So there, take that to the bank 

What y'all should do is thank 

The women who keep you calm 

Now go read the Psalms 

And let women have more power 

This is the hour 

For women to take over the world 

Go girl power!

A Dream

 "The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do."

If I was the president 

That would be awesome!

Mexicans would be made citizens 

So they pay taxes like the rest of us 

I would keep our nation safe 

I would suck up to other leaders 

Everyone would love us

But I would never, Ever 

Give other countries money

They can take of themselves 

Tough love is usually the best way to love

There would be welfare for 2 months

Then they should find a job

If they can't walk, family should step up

If I was in the White House 

I would not be a mouse 

I would lead our leaders with courage 

We would do anything we had to 

To keep America safe 

If I could run this country 

I would clean out all the evil

No one would hurt a child 

Or if they did, prison for life!

Big guns would be banned 

Abortions up to 3 months legal

Gay marriage is fine 

But I would recommend counseling first 

The trash would all be picked up

The police would be more kind 

The minimum wage would be $18

Gas prices would stay around $2

Homes would be cheaper 

No more homos around kids ever!

If I was president 

I would take up resident 

As our US leader forever 

If I could 


Putin Poems


Perhaps he is bored

Idle hands are 

The devil's playground 

When people are bored 

They pick fights 

Try to do what's right 

As far as it depends on you 

Keep peace with all men 

Go far away Putin and stay there 

Let's all hope for world peace


Our oldest president ever

Retire? no never 

He loves to start some sh....

Maybe he feels legit 

Be more careful with your words 

We all don't want a giant war

And take less pills 

Or Putin will 

Attack us if we're weak


We all know you got a lot 

So much fundraising you caught 

Even Putin wants to steal it 

Why not brag less about your money?

Him shooting us isn't funny

Let's give people less 

Reason to attack our blessed 

And happy country of America

God bless America

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Bear

Take down the bear

I'm serious I swear 

Today they started a war

They shot at our beach

Time is over to be a peach

Are we just gonna let them attack?

Maybe we should fight back

Why do we have a Navy and an Army?

Take that ship hostage 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Nuclear Bombs

Why do leaders want to flex

It just makes us all vex

Are they going to wreck 

This beautiful country, our home

Will we have to roam 

The streets in a nuclear fall out

Why shoot off those crazy weapons

No one needs that self dare 

We know you have power, we swear

Maybe it is all to get money 

"Whoever loves money 

Never has enough money"

If it's a joke it's not funny 

Maybe it is a bluff 

Just to get more stuff 

What does this senile man want 

Does he merely just want to taunt 

Us and make us shake 

I suppose some love that fear 

They want to see many tears 

It is a rise some get

To make others have a fret 

But what about the golden rule 

"Love your neighbor

As you love yourself"


Gay Pride

 Is there really gay pride?

Or is it gay shame?

How long will they play the game 

Of hiding from God their sin 

Confess it in order to win 

A permanent place in heaven 


 Will we have a crazy war

Just cuz some are bored 

"Idle hands are 

The devil's playground"

With the busy I found 

There is less drama 

The more you build 

The less you destroy 

If you're constructive 

You won't be destructive 

People start things 

When no idea brings 

Them to work on a mission 

You have to get a vision 

What good can I do?

So I feel less blue 

Depression is from lack 

Of activity and boredom 

What makes you come alive?

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs

Ask yourself what makes you feel alive 

What the world needs 

Is men and women who are truly alive." 

Forgive Them

 Every man has 10 women to forgive 

Every woman has the same 

It is hard, all the games 

Let it go, let God deal with them 

Don't hate all of one gender 

Just because one was never tender 

Hate is never a good thing 

Get all that bitterness and bring 

It to the cross and cry 

Let all the pain say bye 

Maybe they did try 

But let it go and move on 

Go listen to John Mayer songs 



 I know we enjoy teasing 

The insanity and the freezing

Of our dear president's mind 

It could put us in a bind 

He says some really crazy things 

That could absolutely bring

A world war to America 

Why not let Jill or Harris speak?

I say give it a week 

It might make the US pride peak 

Is an insane man better than them?

Get over that pride all you men 

Let the women talk and rule

It doesn't mean the men are fools 

If it bothers too much of the US 

Get a man we can all bless 

My vote is Ted Cruz or Trump 

Which one would cause less bumps?

No Ted isn't trying for the top 

But he could ☺

Go Ted Cruz! 

The ones who don't care about power 

Are those who most should be in power 

Turn or Burn

 Read Rev. 16. I've always worried that may be America. But it doesn't have to be. We need to stop all sin or God could judge us. It is time to take sin seriously. 

Maybe today we will see 

How pure America could be 

Let's stop the marches and riots

Time to pray and get quiet 

Why don't we realize 

God could diminish our size 

Are we all suicidal?

Do you want God to blow us up?

Vladimir Putin


Please forgive our president 

His brain is not full resident 

Maybe he told you stupid things 

His insanity may bring 

Us all to a crazy war

Don't let the money make you sore 

He is sorry he doesn't help you all

But don't make America fall 



God I pray for Putin to stand down. 

I don't get why he keeps trying to overthrow other countries. Why mess with Ukraine for so long? According to Wiki he is stealing their kids and sending them into child trafficking. Why?

And why almost attack the US? He most likely doesn't respect Biden. What will Biden do? Nothing probably. Time for Mrs. Harris to step up and negotiate. 

What does Putin want? His war ship is on our Florida coast now. Some person who is kind and rational need a to ask him what he wants and find a compromise. Maybe Ted Cruz. Let's go Ted let's go! And if he does that he could be our next president. At least I say that would earn him the right. 

I think possibly Putin wants to be our next president maybe just to run away from his second controlling and mean wife. Or he wants a million dollars. Hopefully that amount will be enough for him. :)

Russell and Ted should go butter up Putin and help him see nuclear war is not a good idea. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Watch out for being racist a lot 

Equality should be sought 

All people should be our family 

Some still will come to see 

That loving all needs to be 

The goal of all of us 

No matter what our ethnicity 

Mexicans are not snakes 

They are humans for God's sake 

We need to respect every race 

If we want them to respect us 

If the Mexicans want to stay 

Maybe have a party and say hooray 

They are a fun group after all 

Why not join their happy fun ball?

Not everyone has to be like you 

Love others and stay true 

To what God calls us to do

Which is to love the new 

People in our nation 

We came from all over you know 

Let us hold hands and blow 

Off this racist mindset 


 Dear God may Putin stay calm. I pray he will stop trying to intimidate us. May we stop pissing him off with giving money to his enemies. I pray we will stay out of the fight.

Putin is a big time pain 

He wants much to gain

Why take over other nations?

Just stay calm, take a vacation 

Please stop picking fights 

You know that isn't right 

May God help you stay in Russia 

And leave the rest of us alone 

Global Warming

Yes humans are spewing gas into the air which hurts the cleanliness of the air.

CO2 that we breath out is food for plants. Didn't we all learn that in biology? Plants take in CO2 from us and give out more oxygen. Reverse global warming by planting trees. Go plant tons of trees. :)

Illegal Citizens

 I have gone on 8 missions trips to Mexico. I care about them. They need to get saved. But they also need to not mess up America any longer. 

When people get out of prison they are very dangerous. If they don't have a family to help them, they commit crimes again out of desperation. Think of what's it's like: no job, no money, no house. That is the same almost as illegal citizens coming over.

Deport all the illegals! Most of them are probably drug dealers and they rape women and children. But I have no clue how kicking them out could be accomplished. 🤔

Drug cartels in Mexico control approximately 70% of the foreign narcotics flow into the United States. Mexican cartels distribute Asian methamphetamine to the United States. It is believed that almost half the cartels' revenues come from cannabis. Cocaine, heroin, and increasingly methamphetamine are also traded.

Why illegals should go:

They throw trash all over and that is very disrespectful. 

They come to work high on pot and mess everything up. 

They hound white women probably just to become citizens. 

They are big time horndogs. 

They don't respect women. 

They want to barely work. 

If I was in government trying to get illegals out, I would tell every major business to Stop paying people under the table. Meaning no more cash or cash card methods of paychecks. A paper check should always be given and they need identification to cash it.

Health Issues

 Baby number 1 my pregnancy was totally easy. The labor took 24 hours but it wasn't too bad. It just felt like terrible period cramps. I got a pain med in my IV so I mostly did not feel the delivery. That was wonderful. After delivery I almost passed out from lack of blood but I recovered. Luckily my mom gave me a sandwich and I drank a lot. I will say hospitals not letting women drink water in labor seems mean. That can lead to dehydration and passing out or dying. But they let you have popsicles. Yay....Lol.

Baby number 2 my goodness. My back hurt, my groin hurt a ton. I had sciatica 24/7. I could hardly sleep in comfort. Getting up to pee I could barely walk. After the delivery I developed gall stones. They gave me pitocin to speed up my labor. I always wondered if that caused my gall stones. I got my gallbladder out and have been fine since then. I can mostly eat normally. Ok mainly only salads and fruit don't hurt my stomach. I got about 30 cavities. It took awhile to get them filled but I did. Throwing up while pregnant is terrible for your teeth. 

Baby number 3 I had horrible heartburn but I was writing a book a week. Surely the stress of that caused it partly. Look up my books on Amazon woot! Search Lisa Bedrick books. At one point I prayed to die because I hated being pregnant. I then went partly blind. My blood pressure shot up. My arms were in crazy pain from writing so much. I had a C Section to get my baby out a month early. Now I have a pooch that I may have forever due to scar tissue. I tried walking to make it go away but no. 😭 My health was fine after the baby. My blood pressure went down and no cavities this time praise God. I seem to be fine now. It helps if you really want to be alive. 😁 Then I believe God keeps you more healthy. 

Needless to say I don't want any other pregnancies. It is not easy. The men need to honor women a lot more for going through all that. Your mom went through all that for you. Call her and tell her thank you. 🤗

May God bless you with great health. And I pray you want to stay alive. 

Pull Out Method

 Is it wise to have 12 kids? A lot of cultures are all for that. I have observed that the more babies a woman has the more it deteriorates her body. I have had 3. Am I less healthy now? Yes. But it was worth it. Having more than 3 I would not recommend. Use the pull out method. 😁

I know some are all for birth control pills. I'll just say I tried taking those for 3 months, but then my uterus was in serious pain so I stopped taking them. I don't think it is a good idea for women to take those. Use the pull out method instead. It works. 😁

I think most don't know about this very safe and effective form of birth control. You don't need any other kind. Is it sad for the man to have to pull out? Eh. I will say the intimacy is less passionate, but passion is evil anyways right? Or it can be. Passion can cause you to worship your mate making them an idol or a god. But only God should be your God. Never worship a person. Only worship God. Never love a person too much. Save your heart for God. 

If all couples did the pull out method, then abortions would never be needed ever again. How awesome would that be? 😁👏 It just sounds like a very crazy process. A baby is cut up and vacuumed out. Ewe and wow. Just use the pull out method. Why create life just to kill it? All couples should have one kid and use the pull out method after that. No one needs more than one child. All siblings do is mostly fight anyways. 😪

A lot of couples abstain from sex to stop having kids. That leads to affairs. If the man or woman misses sex too much they will find someone else. Sex should be often, but use the pull out method.

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Why did China cook up a disease 

That spread all over like leaves?

They wanted to kill their people?

To depopulate I suppose 

The one child rule was imposed 

They wanted to kill us all

They did not know they could fall 

Into hell after they die 

For causing many to say bye


 Occupy, protests, marches but why?

What do they want, to look fly?

They want to be on the news

But maybe they should choose 

To write about how they feel 

Instead of make the world reel

With all their crazy acts 

They need to face the facts 

You can't make the world better 

With violent protests

So give up and go home 

Men and Women

Are men better than women?

Maybe to a degree 

There is a heavy fee 

In being a woman 

We get less liberty 

Men are rational 

Women are emotional 

But at least we care 

Just sayin' 

My entire life I've dealt with chauvinism

It is worse than humanism 

Some men think they are Lords

But most men are just bored

Men have anger at women 

But we aren't all the same 

Not all women play a game

Respect each person as they deserve 

Women are not just here to serve 

Men, but we do love to help 



Vote 4 Trump

They punished Trump for his greed

Maybe that money he did need

He has 5 kids after all

I'm sure he wants them all to call

He is guilty of some crimes 

But aren't all the politicians? 

I'm sure someday we will find 

They all did things in a bind 

It must be hard to run the US

They all have tried their very best 

Let's cut them all some slack 

Unless you really want to pack

Up and move to the White House


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Black or White

Why do whites think they are king 

That is really a sad thing 

Why not love all and bring 

More peace to this world 

All races are the same 

Back in the day we all came 

From another country 

Love all the races 

See God in all the faces

God bless America 


 Why do people cheat?

It isn't very sweet

They need to beat 

Those demons out 

Have self control

Or lust will take a toll

On your life 

There will be strife 

Love the one you're with 

Or you can leave in a jiff

But don't just stay and cheat 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Love Each Other

Why can't we just love? 

Then angels may come from above 

And give us all back rubs 😂

Be careful what you say 

Be more nice today 

"Sticks and stones hurt our bones 

And words can make us suicidal" 

Control that tongue 

Why pick on the people up top?

Jealousy is an ugly thing 

It often does bring 

So much evil into our words 

Spirit of jealousy be gone!

Follow Jesus, before long 

You might act just like he did

Save America and get rid 

Of all the lies and cheating 

Give the demons a good beating 

Tell them to get out of your mind 

Get free, release the bind 

Fly like a bird and be free 



 Control is witchcraft 

Here, wear this black hat 

Why not say you're a witch?

Or does that make your skin itch?

Come into the light I would say 

If you go in too deep and play

With mind control you're a fool

Give people freedom to be 

Then we all will see 

A more happy country

Your Soul

 Would you sell your soul 

For a dollar roll?

How much money does it take 

To put your soul at stake? 

"Why gain the whole world 

But lose your soul?"

Fame and money takes a toll 

It may cause you to lose your soul

It's better to stay unknown

That is how most have grown 

To love God more than money 

Your life may be less funny 

Let God be your honey 


Keep you soul on track

Never step off the path 

Follow the yellow brick road 

All the way to a heavenly abode 


 God bless America 

Land of the free

May we always be 

"Iron sharpens iron 

So one sharpens another" 

But may we remember to be brothers 

A family in Christ we should be 

Caring for each other with glee

May the attacks and abuse stop 

May we only encourage each other 

From now on 

"In the last day 

The love of many will grow cold"

But instead can't we be more bold 

And witness and love others?

Let's be more kind 

Maybe then we will remind 

Each other of Jesus' love and mercy 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Trump Hatred

 Why do so many hate Trump?

Maybe everyone wishes they were him 

They hate that he's rich 

They hate that he got to be president 

Maybe mostly they hate themselves 

They could have made themselves rich 

But they chose not to 😔

Now they are mad at themselves 

For all the money they wasted 

If only they had saved more 

Worked harder, talked more

They could have been Trump 

The End

 If it is the end of all days

Have you changed all your ways?

What will Jesus see you doing very soon?

When we see him we all will swoon 

What a sight it will be 

When we all look up and see 

Him coming on the clouds 

Will we get to fly up and away?

That would be great I would say 

Some believers may get beheaded 

That I have always dreaded 

But maybe he will rescue me 

As long as I keep him happy 

I want to be raptured up now 

But instead I will wait and bow 

My head and pray for the USA 

To maybe be less gay 

So that one day we can all say 

Goodbye to the earth and hi to heaven 


The Jews

 My entire life I was confused 

Why God punished the Jews 

Very harshly he met their crime 

In the Holocaust for crucifying Jesus 

Now they keep on rejecting him 

So Hamas moved in and killed many

They were slaughtered like crazy 

It makes you feel a bit hazy 

Why does God keep hurting them?

Maybe in order to save those left 

Many now are lonely and bereft

Maybe they will turn to God now

Before the end comes 


 There is a lady who has not had kids 

Was she made infertile by rape?

Who was the rapist? 

Two older brothers could have 

In the movie A Time to Kill

A 10 year old girl was rapped 

The doctor said she was then infertile 

Some sick men need to realize 

How deadly it is to rape children 

Does Satan want them to be infertile?

His attack on families 

Can begin in your infancy 

Why does God allow such things? 

Maybe to help us bring 

Other kids to safety someday 

Let's all remember to pray 

For the purity of every child 


 How much cash do we need?

In America there is lots of greed

We work and toil but for what?

No amount for us makes the cut

Running like a hamster on a wheel 

We get no where because they steal

Half our pay for taxes 😥

And entice us to spend the rest

Be content, that is best

Any amount of money goes quickly 

That can always be so tricky 

"Godliness with contentment 

Is great gain

For we brought nothing into the world 

And we can take nothing out of it."

"The love of money is the root 

Of all evil ."

Ashley's Diary

Why did Ashley write about her dad?

Journaling did use to be a fad

But why leave the diary behind? 

Did she actually want someone to find it?

Maybe she hoped we all might see

How evil that man could be 

But it was in his youth so oh well

For some they never break the spell 

Of having a sex addiction 


 Why keep an old guy in charge?

Maybe this all is actually large 

He makes a good puppet for the rich

But the corruption makes us all itch

Is there a spider on me?

No but one is spinning a web with glee

With Trump as it's next victim

They do this all on a whim 

There is no definite plan

Just get rid of him and span

Across the world and dominate 

Another puppet on a string 

I hope God will one day bring 

A greater sense of order to America 

Maybe when Lisa Bedrick is president 😂

Trump Trial

 Richard the 3rd wanted to be king 

Maybe a song he could sing 

But no he killed every family member 

When was it? In December 

Merry Christmas family 

This is what some do 

They get hungry for power anew

Nothing they have is good enough 

Their greed makes them want more stuff 

So off they go to kill their foe

May God protect Donald Trump 

Gold Digger

 "Now I ain't saying she's a gold digger

But she ain't messin with a broke wigger"


Are all women gold diggers? Yes

All men mainly want sex, God bless 

Those horny men 😁

All us ladies want money

Show us that money honey 

The guys say that isn't funny 

And no my great men it's not 

A man is expected to kill his body 

With hard work for his little hottie 

But if she gives him kids why not?

Women work too 

Don't get too blue 

She busts her but for you

Ok if she does

So work hard for her too 

Then all things you can buy new 


Trump Incest

 Does Trump want to do his daughter?

Is Ivanka Trump in love with her father?

Most girls do love their father a lot

And every man wants every woman 

Every single woman 🙁

God says he is innocent in actuality 

But every man thinks about every woman 

Are they pigs for being that way?

It is how God made them, I say 

To keep humans from going extinct 

But this is why all women should hide 

Safe in our homes we should abide 

Or else all the men might chide 

And try to rape all of us 🤔


8 Guys

 My man is my 8th true love 

Sent to me from angels above 😂

My first man Greg was a womanizer

After him I got a lot wiser 

Then was Roger who had anger issues

Often I cried with lots of tissues 

Then was Tim who was a great friend 

I flew to Australia to hang out with him 

Then my ex Ben who went insane 

It wasn't my fault he lost his brain 

Then Bryan who played guitar 

We did street music, could have gone far

Then Josh who looked like Bieber 

He went to jail, sad cuz he gave me fever

Then Eric the craziest man I ever knew 

He very often made me so blue 

And now my sweet angel Zach who I love

I think really he is a gift from above 😁

Biden in the Shower

 Why do men shower with kids? 

My dad did that with me

Ashley and Biden did that

It's when people see kids as property

They are no more than cattle owned 

To some sick people 

Kids have no value to them 

They cover up the sin with charm 

They don't want you to sound an alarm 

Just keep things peaceful right?

Honor your mother and father 

Why tell the secrets, why bother?

No one will care 

Because most don't care about kids 

But those kids grow up to be adults 

And they will change the world for good 

How about we start caring about the kids?


 Every mother son relationship 

And every father daughter one

Can seem to get odd

The Oedipus complex says 

Every man wants to kill his father 

And marry his mother 😨

My son seems to disdain his dad 

And love me a ton which is rad

That really is a bit fun 

This time I am the favorite 

Before I had two girls 

Who just worshipped my ex 

But seemed to disdain me 😭

Yes feel sorry for me 

As a teen I fought my mom 

But I used to love my dad 

My counselor told me to say bye 

Because so much over him I cried 

So I haven't seen him in 22 years 😳

Sometimes you got to let family go 

Then your life will start to show 

A lot more growth and progress 

We become who we hang around 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Child Molesters

 Why would any grown person 

Ever desire a child?

To me that seems so wild

I'll try to keep my anger mild

But it is so insane 

It's always messed with my brain 

God said in Bible 

To drown them in the ocean 

My dad was a child predator 

He should have a sedative 

If they do it it's repetitive 

Protect the children forever!

Never ever sever 

The innocence from the kids

If only this crime could get lids

Sealed over it for all time 

I would give a million dimes 

To keep all the kids safe 

May God protect all the kids 

From now until forever  

Russell Brand

 If I was ever star struck by a man

And thought of making plans

It would be by Russell Brand 

He got baptized a bit ago

I really love his show

There is a lot that he knows 

He preached a few times

I could tell he had climbed 

Up the mountain of God

I saw a light in his eyes 

That almost made me cry 

I had never seen it before 

I pray he stays close to God 

I pray he doesn't look back 

Like Lot's wife turned into salt 

May he realize we can't look back 

We have to march onwards

Pick up our cross daily and walk 

No matter what happens  

A Prayer

God I pray for the Biden family. We need them to keep going 5 more months. May they stay strong. May Joe be respected but also command respect. May he be kind to Trump and be mature. May the gossip over Hunter end. I pray we all will forgive him for his crazy life. I praise you God for his rehabilitation. I pray Jill will be a great speaker for Joe if he is not feeling well. I pray you heal all of them of their emotional wounds. May Joe forgive you God for taking his first wife. May he learn to have full genuine faith again. I pray they will all be on fire Christians from here on out! 

Jill Biden

 What a great lady she has been

She is a person many can depend on 

Everything I planned to do she did 

BA in English, 2 Masters and a Doctorate 

She is one of God's children 

I know because he told me 😁 

I think she should run for President 

And I could be her VP

Two women running America 

Now that would be fun 


President Biden

 Did you know his first wife died in a car accident? They had 3 kids under 4. Look it up on Wikipedia. He lost his 1 year old girl and his wife. 😭 No one talks about that. And now he has taken so much criticism. I'm sorry myself for picking on him. Let's all give him some peace. Let him finish his last 5 months in peace ok? Then hopefully he will retire and go rest on a beach till he dies. 😁 I pray he has a happy and peaceful rest of his life. 

Hunter Biden

 "An eye for an eye"

The Bible says

Trump was roasted

And now Hunter is

Did he sleep with kids?

Pictures show that he did 

Should he go to prison?

Or we can let God deal with him 

He is not the president 

So we can all be happy about that 

Does he have problems?

Yes but everyone does 

Jail time could humble him 

Maybe he needs that 

May God have mercy on his soul 

Grow Up

 How old are we?

It is time to mature 

Or the end is sure 

Stop picking silly fights

Maybe it is a delight 

But the games need to end 

On this you can depend 

God will judge every careless word 

Be careful what you say 

The whole world is watching 

1,000 Years

 I asked God if the US

Could be where the 1,000 years happen 

Those beheaded for Jesus will reign with him

But where? America!

Then we can keep existing forever 

Maybe the rest of the world 

Can have a big crazy war 

But God can keep us safe 

Away from all the destruction 

May God put an angel bubble 

Over the US now 

But let's all become holy 

So we deserve an angel dome 

Of God's safe protection 


An Analysis




He is a great speaker 

He is Christian 

People easily like him 


He cheated a lot on his wife 😢

He stole money 


He slept with a porn star 



He is very kind to all people 

He has tons of political experience

He has stayed with one wife forever awe.... 


He seems to be odd with kids 

His son is seriously crazy 


Just keep kids away from Biden


Both should repent and go to church. 

Trump and Biden

 Trump is a cat

What say you about that? 😁 

And Biden is a mouse 

He had fun in the White House

All the mice are scared of Trump 

Maybe they fear he will cause bumps

But in Jesus' name 

Let's all be the same

May all the mice become cats too

May God give us fire to be new

Then no one will be scared of Trump

Maybe he won't cause bumps

But let's all be good cats 

Not evil ones 


World War 3

 The events of prophecy are unfolding 

Israel got attacked, now a Russia scolding 

Will we get blown up soon?

The thought makes us all swoon 

Not if we say the right thing 

May our leaders be kind and bring 

Peace to the world somehow 

Just don't blow up lots of cows 

Y'all know what I mean 😁

Let's keep America sweet and green 

No more killing random people 

Let's all pray under church steeples

Don't anger the wrong guy

Then the US will say bye 

As we blow up into the sky 

Don't think it could never happen 

Anything is possible 

Pride goes before a fall 


Alex Jones

 The most divisive figure ever 

People either love him or hate him 

He was wrongly accused of spreading lies 

Now the gov. wants to cause his demise 

I feel a need to save and thank him 😊 

Since he warned me about the shots

He is a prophet and tries to warn us all

About the great possible downfall 

Of our wonderful nation 

Does he love America too much?

Yes it's possible that he does 😂

He just wants to save America 

But can we all be saved? 

God can save anyone from anything 

Maybe with humility we can all bring 

Our hearts to the cross and give 

All of ourselves so we will live

For God and not ourselves 

God Bless America! 

Become a prophet like Alex!


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Be Patient

Just wait for the sun to shine 

It may seem dark but climb 

Up this mountain with me 

When we reach the top you will see 

The amazing things God will do 

Don't let politics make you blue 

Maybe God is making everyone new 

It will be ok don't worry 

Be patient, wait and see 

Maybe in the end there will be glee 

America could continue to be

A rising star


Donald Trump

 What if Trump dies tonight?

That would give us all a fright

Who is next we would wonder?

But maybe his enemies will blunder

Pride comes before a fall 

On God he really should call 

Stop bragging about money raised 

Instead may he lift his hands to praise, God

He thinks that he's invincible 

But anyone can be killed 

Maybe his bodyguards are skilled

I pray he heeds this warning 

And watches everything 

And may he stop bragging about money 

This whole thing isn't funny 

Someone might try to steal it 

And kill him 

May God give Trump 

Divine protection 


 Donald Trump had 3 wives 

Many may ask why?

Alex Jones had 2 wives 

I had 2 husbands 

We all escape our family 

By trying to save the world 

Maybe the world will listen 

If our families will not 

Maybe the world wants our help 

When the family seems to not care 

It is a superman complex 

Does the world need us? 

A little bit 

People need strong leaders 

Prophets who listen to God 

Is Trump a prophet?

Maybe he can become a prophet 

Jones has had anger issues 

But he is still a prophet to all of us 

I didn't realize I was a prophet 

But to an extent I might become one 

Maybe God bless all the prophets 

And may the world listen to us 

Monday, June 3, 2024


 People hear trumpets in the sky 

Maybe it's a warning to say bye 

Soon we all might fly

Up to see God 

The earth will seem small 

When we are all standing tall 

Inside the pearly gates 

What will forever be like?

I hope I'll have a bike 

Up in heaven to ride 

Maybe a few horses and a cat 

I can't wait to be in paradise 

I hope you will be there too 😁

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed."

Why God

 Why does God let people be gay? 

It is very said I would say

My whole life this has made me sad 

I have seen a whole lot of bad 

It breaks up families 

Women let their man just go be

Gay 😣

It keeps people from the Father

Most just stay gay and don't bother 

To go to church because people are mean

Which is sad since Christians should love

It causes more and more sin 

Sin begets sin 

Don't let Satan win

Defeat him with the sword of the Spirit

Be filled with God's glorious Spirit 

Once people slide down that hole 

It is like they get on a bad roll 

They go more and more down 

Their life is a prolonged frown 

Why not help them to not go in?

Why not help stop the sin?

Don't teach them as a kid 

That is a thing we need to rid

Stop the perversion, stop the pride 

Or else most Christians will just hide 

As the world gets more and more dark 😢

Pride goes before a fall 

On God you need to call 

On your face you should fall

And repent for your sins 

Then a place in heaven you win 

God wants to see godly sorrow 

He desires a heart that is sorry 

For going our own way 

For saying anything we want to say 

Repent and turn away 

From that lifestyle 

Live normally and have a family 

You probably would be a ton happier 

Just because your family was bad 

Doesn't mean your new family will be 

Have faith in your future 

It will go better than you expect 

I believe in Jesus' name that for you 


The Rainbow

 The gay group needs the rainbow 

So they can feel more of a glow

To make their life less sad

Because they often are bad 

Which makes all of us mad 

If they change we would be glad

But it is easier said than done  

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Naked Parades

 Why do these men walk naked? 

There was a man naked

In the Bible who ran around 

He was possessed they found 

I pray in the future 

That all naked people in public 

Will be arrested instantly 


 My hope is to help everyone be straight

You just have to find a super great mate 

Maybe your luck has been quite bad 

Maybe a friend you wish you had 

It's ok to like the same gender as you 

But keep it platonic or else be blue

Why ruin being right with God?

His approval he hopefully will nod

You have sought and found nothing 

But with God there is something

Ok you want a body to hold

Just go online you are told 

It really does work you know 

It might seem like a long show 

Hang in there and you will see 

Someone can fill your heart with glee

Maybe you haven't found a mate yet 

But it will happen soon I bet 

Don't give up on the opposite sex yet

There are some good ones left I swear 



 You don't know who to love 

Maybe God can give you a shove 

In the right direction 😂

You need to clear the infection 

Of demonic lies in your mind

That put your heart in a bind

Love is not a feeling 

It doesn't always leave you reeling

Love is always a choice

We decide who to love 

We force it if needed 

Really the Bible should be heeded 

When deciding who to love 

Maybe the opposite sex seems less fun 

But try to go have fun in the sun

 Don't leave it up to fate 

You can decide anyone is great 

If you really want to 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 

Love is almost never natural 

Because we all just love ourselves 

It takes work no matter who it is 

Put work in on the opposite gender 

Learn to become more tender 

There will be fights no matter what 

Every two people have issues 

If I haven't convinced you yet

The Holy Spirit can help I bet 

Go read the Bible 😊

Why Some Become Gay

 Reasons why more people aren't gay...

A fear of going to hell 

Being shunned by family members 

Possible job issues due to homophobic people 


Reasons why many become gay....

Fear of pregnancy 

Fear of being a parent 

Childhood sexual abuse that caused anger at the opposite sex or "love" toward the same gender 

Being too close with a long time same sex friend 

Not having much luck in dating 

Maybe their parent pretended they were the opposite gender 

Wishing they were the opposite gender because it seems to be better 

I will say I was molested as a child. I always wished I was a man, because men can do more things. But I never considered being lesbian because I care what God said in the Bible. And y'all should too. 🤗

Gay Christian

 Can you be Christian and gay?

Heck no, I would say 

I guess many say it's ok 

But you pray about that 

And go get another cool hat 

Now I'll step up to bat

God might give you a good friend 

But only on God we can always depend

You could just hang out with no sex 

But for some that would them vex 

Why take the risk I say?

You never know when that day 

Will come when Jesus returns 

If guilty you could burn 

But if homo love in you churns 

I'm sorry that you feel that way 

Find a lady on this lovely day 

It is better than almost being gay 

Start a new walk with God today 

You think he made you gay?

That is really hard to say

But the Bible says acting it out is a sin 

So always remember that and win 

The crown of life from God 


Watch my Bible study video on this subject...

Red, White and Blue

 Our nation loves red 

Because our Jesus bled 

For all of us years ago 

We all grew up to know 

White is the most holy color you see 

That we will wear in heaven with glee 

As we stay always on our knees 

To praise God who met our needs

Blue is the color of the night sky 

That we look up to and wonder why 

We are so tiny here on earth 

Why did God give us our birth?

These colors fill us with a special praise

While our voices to God we raise 

A hymn of worship but the haze 

Of demons pulls us back 

Take out the sword of the spirit to hack 

Their evil fists away  

Stay near to God today 

Don't let Satan keep you away

"The Bible will keep you from sin

Or sin will keep you from the Bible" 


Rainbow Month

We give a whole month to the gays

Moms only get one day, how sad I say 

But let them all shout hooray 

They like to put their sin on display 

Shame is what they should feel

But they have heard the whole spiel

They do not care about the word 

Or they twist it to say what they want 

Then Christians they love to taunt 

Ready for a fight at any time 

Don't take the bait or else you may climb 

Up that crazy mountain of debate 

It is not worth it, keep your fate 

You should try to remain calm and fair 

No more words of hate to share 

We wonder what would Jesus do?

The topic would make him blue 

But he would gaze at them and say 

It is now a new day 

Go and sin no more 

Demon People

 Do you want to follow the dark?

Many wolves therein bark 

Are you tough enough to see

How deep the rabbit hole can be?

Or do you want to fly out of there?

Set yourself free of their control 

"Where the spirit of the Lord is 

There is freedom"

Control is witchcraft in an ugly form 

Maybe their bodies they often adorn 

With flashy things to draw you in 

But to take part in that is a sin

Run away before it's too late 

Fly up to God's heavenly gate 

Ask to be let in and stay 

Keep your soul there and pray

On this earth you must tread 

A bit longer till you are dead 

But be a prophet to the nations 

Great will be your reward someday 

Come on the side of light and say 

Whatever God wants you to say 

Give up all the demon plays 

Let your heart belong to God 

Forever your soul will be shod 

With white clothes of grace

And you will get to see Jesus' face 

Be patient and wait for the end 

He will return soon you can depend 

Just keep saving the lost 

Don't worry about the heavy cost 

It will be worth it all someday 

Live for Jesus

 Someday soon we all might die 

And up to heaven we will fly 

We will wave to this world goodbye 

Maybe our friends will sigh

But I know that we won't cry 

We will be up at God's throne 

No longer being a Biden drone 😁

We will have a party in the sky 

With all the angels we will cry 

"Holy holy holy is our Lord."

Will you be in that party? 

I guess we will just see 

Or you can continue to be 

An object of God's wrath 

Or get saved and do the math 

How much blessing do you want? 🤔

Or do you prefer to just taunt 

The Christians who try to change 

This world for better and rearrange 

The majority of power to good, not bad 

More peace would make us all so glad 

But if you want Satan as your king 

Just know that will only bring 

Your soul to hell someday 

Maybe instead you ought to pray 

That God will have mercy on you now 


American Pride

 Where I want to have my pride 

Is in America where I prefer to hide 

The rest of the world is so dark

We always stood out in stark 

Contrast to the chaos everywhere else 

Let's keep being the light 

Rather than give the world a fright

Let the old glory flag fly in the yards

The bright red stripes for Jesus Christ 

And his blood shed for all humanity

As he hung lifeless on that tree

The bright stars remind us all

That the more on the Lord we call

We will shine as lights to a broken world 

"Do all things without arguing 

So that you will shine like stars."

If we stay calm, we can go far

Put that competitive spirit away 

Always keep Satan at bay 

Jesus is the only way 

God bless the USA 



Saturday, June 1, 2024


 Someday America will be grand 

All of us will get up and stand 

In awe of Jesus on the clouds 

Hopefully he will be proud

Of the way we each did live 

Many good deeds we did give 

Will he say well done to you?

Or did you live just being blue 

Look outside your world and love 

God will rain down blessings from above 

What else are you supposed to do?

Ask God before the end comes 




 We all get selfish and greedy 

Maybe we really feel needy 

But what else do you actually need?

You have tons of clothes I bet 

Maybe toward God your heart set 

No doubt you have good food 

How about you not be rude?

If all your needs are met 

Why do you often fret?

You want and want and beg

How about you get content?

Money can be heaven sent 

But what did Jesus pray?

Give us our daily bread

And that should be enough 

God Bless America

 Are we the land of the free?

Yes we have many nice trees 

It is a great place to live 

But more freedom they should give 

Freedom of speech no longer is a thing 

Maybe God someday soon will bring 

A sense of harmony to this world 

Speak your mind and don't be scared

For you that is my little dare

We are only as sick as our secrets 

So in Jesus' name may the secrets go away 

May godliness be here to stay 

Let's get on our knees and pray 

Try to never be afraid to say 

Things that need to be said