Saturday, July 6, 2024

Abortion is Murder

Is it reproductive freedom

To murder a tiny baby? 

Your conscience won't be free 

It will hurt bad you see 

Your body will bleed 

Your guilt may lead 

You to church to make amends 

For the tiny life you rend

Keep that baby 

Be a mommy 

It is the most fun you'll ever have

Everyday you will feel glad 

That you didn't give up 

All things worth doing are hard 

Don't be a pansy 

Toughen up and be 

The mom that baby needs 

Rock them in a chair 

Brush their sweet cute hair 

See the life shine out their eyes 

Promise to never say goodbye 

Someday you two may fly

Up in the rapture and have fun 

For now enjoy the sun 

And make every day wonderful 

With your sweet baby cupcake 

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