Sunday, July 28, 2024

Baby vs. Daddy

 I am happy with my son being my main in person friend now. He never rejects me. He never yells at me. He is happy with anything I do for him. We have a very peaceful and great friendship. 

His dada did not appreciate me very much, or he didn't say he did. He slept a ton every day. It seemed like he never wanted to be around me. I don't know why he seemed to hate me so much. Maybe it was that I got grumpy. But I was grumpy because he was grumpy. 

It is never a walk in the park raising a kid. But we all parent the best we can. 

It was cool having my ex around for moral support. He was a good listener. Most days he liked talking with me. He let me cuddle with him and talk. He was good at massages. He always had a kind look of love in his eyes. 

It is hard to remember him as being mostly nice or grumpy. We all have our good and bad days. 

Either way things are more peaceful with him being gone more. 

I told him he can go live with his grandma till she dies and be her caretaker. But if she sells a house maybe she can then hire a nurse instead of my ex being her nurse. Hopefully he will want to come home then and we will probably all appreciate each other more. Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? 

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