Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Save the World

 I was hoping to save the entire world on Twitter. I will now take a sabbatical break from that for a few days. How about you try, dear reader? I pass the baton to you.

 Post on the White House page in the comments some world changing idea. Post memes that are pro life and pro straight lifestyle. 😁 Comment on the UN page. Follow famous influential people like Alex Jones and Russell Brand and Elon Musk and Pope Francis. 

Make the world a better place with some Ben Garrison cartoon pictures. He is a Christian. His cartoons are great social commentaries on the world today. 

Tell people vaccines are bad for them. Help people want to read the Bible by posting great verses. Post great quotes from sermons you listen to. You can use your social media influence for a very great good. 

Post videos of your ideas for our government or the schools or anything you hope to see change in society. 

That is what I have done with most of my extra time for about 5 years now. Go save the world! It's your turn. 😁

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