Friday, July 12, 2024

What I Want

 I want my bf to stop seeing his grandma like completely. I know she is very old but she can hire a nurse. I guess she is really rich so she has the money to do so. I want him to be a more present part of this family with me, him and our son.  

I realize if he does stop going to her house that she might go senile and come damage our house in some way. I am prepared to call the cops if she throws rocks at our window or enters the house without knocking first. She has a key but we could change the locks. 

I know she can turn the utilities off. I hope and pray soon my bf will put the utilities in his name and start paying them. We don't have much money but it's enough to pay those. That is the ultimate power she has over all three of us is that she can turn them off because she is paying them. Please all pray she would never ever turn them off just as a temper tantrum if my bf refuses to see her anymore. My son and I could stay in a hotel if that happens but taking him in a car is not easy. 

He needs to cut ties with her. They have a very odd and overly attached friendship. I don't understand it. It has always bugged me. The older and more crazy she gets the more I worry she might try molesting him. I think she is in love with him and she might starting thinking he is her dead husband reincarnated or something nuts like that. Old people can get really psycho. I don't trust her. I want him to never see her again. 

Please all pray she will snap out of it and stop being psycho. Thanks all. 

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