Monday, July 22, 2024

Peaceful Now

 You go most of your days thinking you couldn't live without someone. Then you finally get a break from them and there is finally peace. There is the calm after the storm. The dark cloud of his demons is gone and you feel happy.  You don't feel disdain anymore. Finally no one to glare at in the kitchen when they make tons of noise. The messes all over the kitchen are over and done with. The house is peacefully quiet at night with their snoring sirens gone. No more doors slamming when going out to smoke or coming home. No more risk of them knocking your baby child over. No more seeing them scared like a pansy to go hang out with the baby in the living room. No more him complaining that I talk too much. No more him saying he "needs to sleep." How much sleep do you need?!


He was a dad but never had 

To go without food and sleep 

It was all about him still 

I wondered if he would kill 

Our sweet baby boy 

He never got him a toy 

Never bought him clothes at all 

But he's the man cuz he's tall 

Why do others matter right?

He seemed to want a crazy fight 

Always trying to annoy me 

I think my anger gave him glee 

He was an anarchists you see 

No one could boss him around 

No love in him could be found 

Inside his heart of stone 

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