Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beautiful Things

 My son's lovely blue eyes 

Are more wonderful then apple pies 

I love our Texas blue skies 

They match my cat's sky blue eyes 

I love seeing a newly cut lawn 

The way hot afternoons make us yawn

Kittens playing in the yard all day

I wish they talked and I would say 

I love you so much my mini cats 

I love the smell of clean laundry 

The way warm running water feels 

I love the smell of vanilla candles 

The way clean sheets feel 

I feel love when hugging my baby 

I love seeing him explore the house 

Proud of his new mastery of walking 

I love when he laughs 

And even more when he runs 

He makes me have more fun 

I love the food my man brings 

It makes me want to sing 

Happy sandwiches and sushi 

I love this house 

It is a very safe place

It keeps a smile on my face  

Thank you God for all we have 


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