Saturday, November 16, 2019

Learn to Wait Well

When you pray for something, God will tell you no, yes, or wait.

We generally are not very good at waiting.  Think of any time you have had to wait in line.  It's not fun right?  But God wants us to be good at waiting.  "Delight yourself in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart."  But he doesn't give you all your desires at once.  If he did you would probably be spoiled.  He often gives us one blessing at a time, probably so that we won't get too prideful.  God gives us as much blessing as we can handle at one time.  He doesn't want us to loose sight of him so he blesses us slowly sometimes.  But if he has put a dream in your mind and given you a vision of something, he will bring it to pass.  Just stay in faith that he will and he will. :) Keep believing and keep hoping.

Psalm 130:5 "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope."  God speaks to us through the Bible, but he also speaks to us in our spirit.  Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice."  If you want to heart God speaking to you, you can.  You just have to listen harder.  Go on a walk a few times a day to hear God.  It often isn't until we get away from all the distractions in our home and go for a walk that we can clearly hear God speak to us. :)

Isaiah 40:31 "They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."  When you learn to be good at waiting, you grow stronger.  It's kind of like taking a really good nap.  You wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.  When we take a nap, or a break, from striving and trying to do things on our own and just wait for God, our strength will be renewed.  Praise God! :)

Isaiah 30:18 "For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him."  You might be waiting on God for a blessing or for justice.  I know in my case, my dad sexually abused me as a kid.  He initially only served 6 months in jail, which I felt wasn't just enough.  Recently he got committed to prison for 10 years for molesting more kids.  I felt then that justice had finally prevailed. If you wait on God to bring justice to those who hurt you, he will.  Don't get revenge yourself in any way.  Wait on God to bring justice to those who did you wrong.  Let go and let God. That is why we can forgive because it's not up to us to bring about justice for ourselves.  ''Vengeance is mine" says the Lord. "I will repay it."  Amen.

Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry."  If God doesn't seem to be answering your prayer right away know that he still hears you, but he has a lot of things to do. :) God doesn't live to serve us, we live to serve God.  Amen? So wait patiently for him to help you.  He will in due time.  Just stay in faith and learn to wait well on God.

I pray this blog blessed you all and helped you grow in faith and wisdom.  God loves you all and I love you all too!  That's why I write so much for you all, whoever you all are. lol :)

May God bless you! :)

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