Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Life is About Change

Just because something isn't exactly what you want, you can still be grateful for it.  I'm somewhat preaching to myself in this because I'm having to adjust to a new job now and new friends and a new boyfriend.  I love it but I can't help but miss my old job and my old friends and my old life.  But may God send me new friends there that are even better then my old friends. :) And may I appreciate my boyfriend as much as I appreciated my ex husband.  It's hard to not look back at what was though and miss it.  May God give me the ability to appreciate my new things rather then miss the old.

With everything in life there are pros and cons.  When you get more hours at work, you have the hope of having more money, but you have to go through the suffering of working more.  My back was killing me today at work. Please pray for me to have less back pain.  Thanks all!  I have literally never had such bad back pain in my life. :( But I'll get used to it I'm sure.  I'm just not used to standing for 9 hours in a row.  I've really been a spoiled princess for many years now, getting to be a stay at home mom for 7 years, so working is like new territory for me.  It's been awhile since I had to work hard, in the sense of standing a lot.  Other then that my job is pretty easy.  I'm just a cashier at a gas station.  I love the aspect of getting to talk to random people all day and making them smile by saying some random joke or complimenting them.  It's a great job really. I pray I am shinning God's love and light as much as I can there. :)

I suppose God allowed me to get fired at my last job so I can shine my light to more people in a new place.  I guess my light shone enough at my last job with my previous co-workers.  My mission was complete there I suppose.  Just like when someone dies it's like their assignment is up, when God makes a change in your life it's like you are being re-assigned and on a new mission.  Embrace it.  And try to enjoy it. :) Change can be hard but good too.

You can't have something great in life without suffering, generally.  Nothing good in life comes easily. That's always key to remember.

Also, if you don't learn to adapt in life you will be depressed.  Change is always happening in life and we have to learn to roll with the changes.  If you stay stuck in your past, you will be depressed.  If you keep wishing what was still was, you will feel hopeless, because the past is in the past and there isn't much you can do about it. Today it seemed like all the sad events of my past year just hit me all at once.  It was cold and rainy weather today so that didn't help to keep my mood up. :(

But whatever you are holding on to, just let it go and move forward.  Be greatful for what you have now rather then always looking back at what you don't have anymore.  That is really all you can do, if you want to maintain a good mood, which is pretty important. :)

It may not be easy to appreciate a new great thing you have because you are looking back at an old thing, but try to. :)

May God bless you all!  I pray you all will be able to keep your mood happy in this crazy cold weather we are having.  God loves you very much!  Never forget it. :)

God bless!

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