Saturday, November 9, 2019

Anti Feeling Zombies

The majority of the world are walking dead zombies.  Most people prefer to not feel anything because when they do, people around them discourage them from feeling what they are feeling.  I remember when I would feel emotional growing up my mom would simply say "Are you pms'ing?" As a way to dismiss it and say my feelings didn't really matter. Or if I would cry about something she would say that.  I suppose that was the equivalent of a dad saying to his son, "Son, crying is for babies. Don't cry!"

So we might grow up with a parent not caring when we feel things and then we learn to turn our feelings off.  Then we might have a crush on someone and they totally reject us so we decide to not feel any more, until a numbness sets in and we decide that we don't want to feel very much at all anymore. We decide that caring about people is just to hard so we decide to just stop caring. This is the main reason why people drink alcohol, is to turn their feelings off.  Of course the opposite can happen too though, where drinking can bring out stuffed emotions, which is interesting.

Of course the Bible does say "don't cast your pearls before swine" so make sure whoever you think of falling in love with isn't a swine. ;) Don't waste your strongest emotions on people who aren't worth it.

The hard truth is, most of the world doesn't really care about you.  People will ignore you and disrespect you and all you can do is say ok and shake it off.  You can't let people in too much because they will generally disappoint you. You should never give anyone your full 100% trust or admiration. Only God deserves that.  He is the only one who will never let you down.

This is why Paul says it's better to remain single, because feelings and love can be so painful.  "Those who marry will face many troubles in this life and I wish to spare you of this," he said.  Also he says if a woman becomes a widow at a young age she should just remain single as she is and not seek to marry again.  He says, "She is happier if she remains as she is." It is very evident why he said that considering how difficult dating is.

God should always be number one in our hearts and minds. He is the only one who deserves to be number one. Don't ever let a human being be first place in your heart, becaues that is idolatry and God does not like it.  May God bless all yall. :)

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