Monday, October 21, 2013

Bob Foo

I have more evidence to prove how evil doctors can be.  Please read.  :)

Last night my husband and I went to a church by us called Stonegate, great church!  Bob Foo was speaking.  He did a lot of work with the underground church in China for years and still tries to help them from here in the states.

He told one incredibly sad story of a woman who called him from China trying to get his help because her baby was about to be forcibly aborted. 

They have the one child policy over there right?  Most don't realize how horrific this policy actually is.  Doctors! In China literally electrocute women's wombs so that they cannot reproduce past one child.  They also forcibly sterilize the men.  In order to have a kid, just ONE, you HAVE to register with the government and basically ask their permission if you can.  Craaaazy.  If you have more than one, they will come to your house, drag you out like something from the Holocast, and forcibly perform an abortion on you.  We do not realize HOW lucky we are to live here in America!  Amen! :)  God has blessed America! :)

So this lady called him who literally had 200 soldiers surround her house, for ONE unborn baby!  They dragged her out, beat up her husband, and forcibly took her to the hospital.  They then injected her womb with poison to kill the baby and did a forced abortion.

They do this with women who are even 7 or 8 months pregnant.  Why?  Because they don't care at all and clearly have a heart as black as tar.  Also they very well might be possessed by Satan, who hates the human race.  Like the computers in the Matrix, Satan wants to exterminate us any way he can.

The suicide rate for women in China is higher than anywhere else in the world because of these heinous crimes.   

He said sometimes the aborted baby will come out still breathing, because the poison didn't work, and they throw the LIVE baby in the trash, because that is how heartless and cold they are. 

One lady said outside of a hospital in their trash she saw baskets and baskets full of babies, possibly some still alive.  Sounds like something from the Matrix doesn't it?  What is the world coming to? 

 Clearly we are close to the end.  Clearly God will pour out on his wrath on this world soon.  Clearly we have reached the evil that was in Sodom and Gomorrah before God destroyed it with fire, as we will be. 

And that is happening EVERY DAY right now in China all over the country!  Please pray for them.  I would say mainly pray that they can all move here to the states, in Jesus' name amen! :) 

He pleaded with us that if we have any business connections to make people in high places aware of these atrocities, that we have a responsibility now to do SOMETHING about it.  Pray.  Tell as many as you can.  Write letters etc. 

It was so heart breaking to hear all these stories.  My husband and I were crying as he was talking, of course.  Driving home I was like, "Wow we are so lucky to be able to have a kid!" 

Never cease being THANKFUL for the freedom you have in America.  It is astounding how messed up the rest of the world can be!  God has really, really blessed our country.  We are starting to loose that blessing slowly, but we are still incredibly blessed! 

Never forget how blessed you are!  Now go tell everyone you know! :)  Peace be with you. :)

As a disclaimer: the argument was posed on Facebook about this that this reflects more on how evil the government is, not the doctors, but here's what I would say to that:

IF the doctors REALLY cared about what they are doing and about the babies they are aborting, they could BOYCOTT the government and all go on strike, refusing to abort any more babies.   They could quit their jobs etc.   They are not just victims completely to the Chinese government.   They are choosing to continue to do these things.  Like the soldiers in the Holocaust, they are assenting their wills to do evil.  They are not helpless.  They have a choice in whether they do this or not. 

Another argument for how evil doctors are or CAN be, two guys I have been very close to were sexually molested by their doctors.  I am not saying doctors are all evil.  Of course there are some good ones.  But I think the majority of them are. 

More examples:

I truly think that taking any kind of prescription, such as for anxiety or depression or anything, can open a door for a demon to be attached to a person.  I have seen this in the lives of people closest to me.  I have never struggled with an attached demon because I have never taken a prescription drug.  I have struggled with fear though given what my dad did, but nothing crazy in regards to demonic oppression. 

I have never been severely depressed.  I have never had crazy thoughts from Satan.  I have never seen demons etc. 

So be careful of anything you put in your body.  Trust very little of what doctors tell you.  And unless you are dying, don't take anything they prescribe.  I am serious.  It will most likely just make you worse and more unhealthy physically, AND spiritually.   

God give us all eyes to see and ears to hear about this issue.  Amen :) 

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