Monday, October 21, 2013

Discernment of Spirits

Some people can see into the spiritual realm literally, or they sense evil spirits etc. 

There seem to be many forms of the gift of the discernment of spirits that I have heard of.  I believe I can sense evil spirits but I have never actually SEEN anything odd, I just feel things. 

I seem to be able to sense when evil spirits are around.  It's funny that I can feel evil spirits but not feel God or the Holy Spirit.  Or maybe I do but I have just felt that, Him, for so long that I'm used to it and think nothing of it, who knows. 

I did feel God or the Holy Spirit a heck of a lot more when I was on some missions trips twice in Taiwan.  We were working with a Pentecostal church there, Banner Church in Tai Chung, so maybe that was why.  I have never felt God anywhere else like I did there. :)  And it was amazing and really, really cool. :)  I remember being in the services there where I didn't even understand anything cause it was all in Chinese but I felt God so intensely.  I remember thinking, "Why don't I feel God like that back in America?" lol But maybe it's because God or the Holy Spirit is not as welcomed in American churches lol as odd as that sounds. :) 

I took my friend, who sees demons a lot, to a Pentecostal church once to get prayed over.  I did not go that church.  My whole life I have either gone to Baptist or Non-denominational churches.  But a lady at a church Bible study told me about it.  So I thought I'd check it out.  They had healing services on Wednesday nights.  The church is called The River in Costa Mesa, CA.  A man and his wife prayed over my friend.  The man said she had the gift of seer.  He said he also had that gift, and that eventually she would start seeing angels and Jesus etc as well.  He said Satan was trying to scare her away from her gift by causing her to see all of these scary things. 

The lady who prayed for me prayed about the thing with my dad.  She had me picture that I was back there in that moment and that Jesus carried me away from there to a safe place.  It made me cry. :)  And she prayed that I would have joy and that my feet would dance.  For the month after that I made tons of youtube videos of me making up motions to worship songs. lol And shortly after that I think was when I started this blog.  So that's all pretty cool. :)  Her prayers worked.  She said God told her that day that she needed to pray for me.  What a trip huh. 

I just had this mental image, I suppose spirit filled people might say a vision lol, of an angel peering over my shoulder when I wrote blogs and being like, "Yeah that's good, good job!  Now write more about...."  Hey i's possible.  Maybe they are here when I write and they help give me ideas.  Who knows. lol :)

So the Bible talks about the gift of discernment of spirits but it doesn't say exactly what that gift looks like, so that might be what my friend has.

I know I also had a friend at a church that said she would see black on people.  Like in her mind's eye.  She would just see them as black.  People in the church even.  She didn't say who though.  So she could have been discerning that they had an evil heart. 

A guy I was with before said he could see demons on people.  Like he could see if they were evil.  And it would even make him sick to his stomach when around these people. 

My husband says he can see skulls on people or demons.  He says sometimes even when I have gotten mad at him he sees a skull on me.  Which seems to say that my anger, as Scripture says, gives the devil a foothold sometimes and it is like I am welcoming them then to influence me, and he can SEE that.  Scary. lol 

My brother sees auras around people.  They are brighter depending on how loving the person is.  My mom has a huge aura he said.  Mine is a little smaller lol.  Mine is similar to my step dad's he said.  My husband's is like my grandma's, both have a really good aura that shows that they like to and are good at helping people.  Amen they both are!  My dad has a horrible aura that is almost non existent, as would make sense.  My brother also saw on a mutual friend that it was like he had a light inside of him and it was shinning out of cracks all around him but it was like he wouldn't let the light out. 

Pretty trippy stuff huh.  I don't see anything, nothing at all.  I don't really feel anything odd either, for the most part.

Although often times, ok many, many times, I wake up at exactly 3am or close to it, and I just feel this incredible fear; like there is a demon nearby, in my room or in the house.  Sometimes I have smelled something burning and I'll go make sure the stove isn't on.  I have woken up like this when I was on missions trips mainly.  I'm sure it's God waking me up to pray because 3 to 4am is supposed to be the witching hour.  Look up M and M's song called 3am, that proves it.  It is when Satan does most of his work.  Probably when he gets into our dreams most, possess people most etc. 

I woke up at 3am a lot when I was in Taiwan and I just felt compelled to pray for everyone on my missions team and our events that day.  I did when I was up at Berkeley a lot for a summer Torrey program.  I would pray for everyone that was staying in the house with me.  Often times I wake up at 3 and don't go back to sleep till 5am or so.  I just pray for two hours for things because I feel I absolutely have to.  It is odd I know. 

The movie the Exorcism of Emily Rose talks about this.  In the movie the lawyer kept waking up at 3am and smelling a burning smell.  The priest tells her that is Satan's hour and that is why she keeps waking up then.  Watch the movie if you can.  It was directed by someone who went to Biola.  It's very good.  But ignore the stuff about Mary.  I don't now why he put all that in there and I don't theologically agree with it. :(

When we are at church or listening to worship etc. my husband will say he can feel God or he can sense the Holy Spirit a lot.  I'm always like, "What are you talking about?" lol  I told him after church yesterday, "I don't feel anything at all at church.  It's just the same for me as going to the grocery store."  So it might just be that he has the gift of discernment of spirits so he feels spirits more strongly.  He might be more sensitive to that. 

So my friends sees demons literally.  My brother sees someone's character in an aura.  And the lady I knew saw blackness on evil people.  So it's all very interesting for sure. 

My husband also just told me when he was more into the Pentecostal groups that they started purposely walking in the disernement of spirits and they reached a point where they could see everything in the spiritual realm everywhere they went.  ha I don't know if I would want to see that though.  I like NOT seeing demons personally. lol :)  But they could actually see where the demons and angels were.  They would take pictures with their phones and there would actually be orbs that would appear in their pictures.  Wow.....

The closer you looked at the picture the more you could see the demon in the orbs. 

My husband said some people have such a strong gift of discernment of spirits that they can smell a demonic presence which smells like burning sulfur probably because they are burning up in hell.  I have smelled this burning smell on quite a few occasions acutally in my house when there was no reason for it and it does kinda freak me out. :)

My husband says angels don't stick around where there is sin.  They flee right away.  Any bad language will make them go or any evil thoughts.  They are so pure they can't be around that.  But on the flip side these things make demons draw more near to you.  So be careful lol :) 

My friend who sees things woke up twice within weeks of each other about a year ago with a scratch on her chest.  I said she probably just scratched herself in her sleep or maybe she was having a seizure, but it seemed to really freak her out. 

Sometimes my husband will have lots of red marks on his back that seem to come out of nowhere.  Several times I have seen these actually. 

He has told me he had a friend get clawed in his sleep.  He and his friend then went to his dorm and prayed over it and nothing happened to his friend after that. 

It was after my friend showed me her scratch marks that I took her to The River church to get prayed over.  :)

Another crazy story, back before I knew my husband he was smoking a lot more than he does now.  He smokes about 3 or 4 a day now, which is still sad, but then he was smoking a half a pack or more a day.  In the middle of the night, and this was either in his dream or it was literally happening, demons levitated him off his bed and told him, "You have given us permission over your body now because you smoke so much." 

Pretty freaky huh.  I believe him.  I think that actually happened.  Smoking is a drug too and it can open a window in the demonic realm just like any other drug.  So please help pray for my husband to QUIT for good.  He has been on and off with smoking for the last 16 years or so. :(  May God give him supernatural strength to resist that temptation in Jesus' name amen! :)

If you or anyone else struggles with smoking pray this aloud, it HAS to be aloud: "Jesus would you make the taste of tobacco and any desire for it lose all of its allure to where I actually hate the taste and any craving for it. Make every form of tobacco heavy in my hand, with no desire or inclination for it in any way. The pathways that I have opened up in my body to receive tobacco as pleasant I now shut and fill in with a desire for You Lord." amen!

That was from a friend. :)

So this stuff is real.  It doesn't just happen in horror movies.  It actually happens.  So be on your guard. 

Pray over your house.  Pray over your kids.  One lady at church said you can assign angels to watch your house.  I have tried doing this and I hope it worked lol. :) 

Some people see angels all the time, every time one appears. 

Some people see demons all the time, as my friend seems to. 

Patricia King runs Extreme Prophetic Ministries in Phoenix, AZ and they see things like this all the time.  So check into that if you like. :)

May God give us peace despite Satan being the ruler of this world and attacking us all the time.  May we know how to stand against him and be fervent in prayer. 

May we grow stronger in the Lord so that Satan will not mess with us.  Amen! 

God be with you and may he protect you all!  :)  God bless!

And if you are feeling freaked out now watch this video and you will feel better lol  God is good!

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