Friday, October 18, 2013


It's funny how blog/writing topics just flood into my mind sometimes, from God I'm sure. :)

 There was a scene in Sister Act 2 where she says to a young lady, "If the first thing you think about in the morning is writing, then you're supposed to be a writer."  That's me! lol :) 

Possible writing topics I thought of yesterday :)  1. writing/journaling is a way to see ourselves in a mirror. We really begin to see ourselves the more we true....2. Sacrifices in biblical days used to be public but now we can keep our sin private which is really not a good thing and just makes it worse....3. Why is apologizing so hard?  Why don't we as Americans apologize more often?  What does that say about our culture?  4. Why did God make the 10 Commandments the ones that he did?  5. Is Romans 7 talking about life before Christ or after Christ?  6. Why do humans fight?  Could it be to gain respect when we feel we have lost respect from someone?  Oddly enough, fighting usually does gain respect.   7. What does it mean in Romans 12 that we are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices?.....

Feel free to write about these and start your own blogs! :)  I think everyone should blog!  It is the best thing you can do for your mental, emotional and spiritual health.  It is the best way to grow in the Lord and become a more mature person. And it is the best way to witness and help other people see God better. :)  If you feel inclined to write, then write!  Don't be shy, just let it all out there. :)

I read once that we don't fear that we are nothing, we fear that we are something.  To really shine is to be vulnerable.  To really sparkle as Jesus intended us to can be scary.  It can open you up for attack, jealousy etc.  But God wants us to shine for him amen?  Yes, may we glorify God more and more in all we do.  Amen! :)

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