Monday, October 21, 2013

Seeing Demons

I would like to share some somewhat freaky stories. 

Here are some stories my friend has told me about when she has seen demons:

One time she was kneeling beside her bed, praying I suppose, and she was suddenly dragged across her floor on her knees, like something out of a horror movie.  She felt ropes being thrown around her and could hear chisels in the back ground.  She heard demons saying, "Common guys let's get her!"  She was being pulled down to the ground.  She was having a seizure.

Another time she woke up from a nap and everything in her room was vibrating or shaking.  She was terrified.  She called our old youth pastor who prayed for her and it stopped.

Another time she saw her aunt's friend in her back yard.  But at church the next day she asked why he didn't come in to say hi and he said he wasn't there.

Another time she looked in a mirror and saw, instead of her face, a skull with flames behind it and heard a voice saying, "Come with us...."  Pretty scary for sure.

Hearing her stories has made me somewhat paranoid that something like any of this will happen to me, but it still has not.  Praise God!  Although sometimes at night I get the feeling that there is something there, something evil, that is watching me.  lol creepy I know.  Or Satan or a demon says things to me in my mind like "I'm here" or whatever and I instantly tell him, "Shut up Satan!" and I feel better. :)  lol I don't know if any of you have had just little things like that but I do all the time at night since I was in high school I think. 

Another friend, a co-worker, said in the middle of the night something, a demon I'm sure, was pulling her hair and whipping her head back and forth.  Luckily a few days before I told her about how I was reading the Bondage Breaker and if she ever felt a demon she needed to say, "By the power and blood of Jesus Satan be gone!"  She said this exact phrase and whatever it was instantly left.  So if you ever experience anything crazy in the middle of the night, say this phrase and you will be safe. :) 

Pastor Mike Erre told a story once where he felt something sitting very heavy on his chest in the middle of the night.  He said in that moment he just thought, "Jesus is my savior" and whatever it was left instantly.  Praise God!  He also told a story of hearing a demonic voice on his answering machine one day, just out of no where.  He was, at the time, trying to become a pastor, so it was demonic attack to try to prevent him most likely.  Stupid Satan! lol 

My friend also used to look in the mirror and see skulls a lot, or once she saw her eyes pop out of her head.  The doctors said she had schizophrenia but she does not have any other symptoms of this.  She is a perfectly normal person.  They also said she was epileptic, but every brain scan and test she has ever had done comes up with nothing.  They cannot medically explain any of the things that happen to her AT ALL, which is why it has to just be spiritual. 

She has had seizures ever since she was little.  I saw her have one once when I stayed the night in the hospital with her one night in high school.  I was about 15 at the time.  I was looking down at the menu deciding what to order for breakfast.  When I looked up her head was jerking to the side and her neck seemed strained.  She was trying to say something but it just came out as odd sounds.  I freaked out and ran in the bathroom of course. :)  I then was out in the hall calling for a nurse.  I kept saying over and over to the nurse, "There is a demon in there attacking her.  That has to be a demon!"  The nurse tried to assure me that she was just having a seizure and it was perfectly normal.  But there was nothing normal about what was happening to her.  I knew it was a demon attacking my friend. 

Another back drop to these stories is that her parents did drugs when she was little, so that also could have opened doors to the demonic realm in her life.  Drugs are a gateway into the demonic world.  Drugs used to be used, and still are, in witchcraft.

This again is why I am for the most part against prescription drugs as well.  If real drugs can have that effect it's possible that prescribed drugs can too. 

She also used to watch a lot of horror movies.  I pleaded with her for years to stop watching horror movies.  She finally has and these events have seemed to have stopped praise God!  So that also could have been the cause or the open door to Satan.

Pray for her please.  :)

And if you have heard of stories like this or seen anything like this now you know you are not alone. 

Stay away from horror movies, drugs and prescription drugs.  That is my advice to you. 

And pray, a lot, and go to church and get in as many small groups as you can, because there is greater strength in numbers. :)  It is when we are alone that Satan can attack us the easiest. :( 

May God protect us from the evil one! :)  Amen!

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