Saturday, October 19, 2013


I have heard that miracles are much more common in other countries.  Why is this? 

They are more common where people don't have the Bible in their language I think, because God speaks to them in other ways. That is the main reason God works more in the other countries I think.

But also, we Americans like to reason everything out so not as much happens here as a result, which is very sad

From a former co-worker:

From a former co-worker:

"I was working on a ship 2 years ago. I tripped while walking off stage in 6 inch heels. My foot hurt a lot the next day so I went to the infirmary. It took them 4 appointments to figure out what was wrong with my foot.  They did not believe it was broken.  So eventually, they decided I had a neuroma, and that I had caused the nerve damage by wearing such tall shoes as a teenager and into my adulthood.

Then they tried to give me the one pain medicine that I am allergic to, but I couldn't have it.  So, there I was without medicine, limping around the ship, teaching line dancing and participating in the weekly 5k walk.  I was in such p ain! But one night as I was falling asleep, I felt gentle pressure and someone massaging my foot. I fell asleep and the next day my foot didn't hurt at all that day. When I got home 6 weeks later, I went to the podiatrist who told me my foot was broken!"

Amazing! :)

From a friend: "Maybe if we prayed regularly that God would work his wonders and miracles across the land we would see more? Interesting thought and I may try it."

Yes, Jesus said "you have not because you ask not," so for sure we just need to ask more for God to do miracles, and maybe He will. 

What people said in regards to if they had seen a miracle.....

From my husband's friend:

"Yes I've seen people's leg grow out, back pain go away, knee caps pop back into place, akles sprains healed just after injuring it.   I've seen demons manifest and come out with the person with throwing up.   I've seen people healed while they are being water baptized.   People healed of color blindness and seizures while being water baptized.   I've seen feet pain go when I prayed. 

My mom was unable to eat because she got out of surgery and so she was nauseous.  She couldn't eat without throwing up.  Me and my dad prayed over her and she was able to eat again. I've seen cancer healed and the person is still living.   These are just a few that I can remember.  I know I seen more than that."

Very cool :)

From a lady in my small group:

"Me and two of my sisters were coming home from New Orleans in a rental van and I was driving. The radio was turning up and down and I told my sister in the back seat to stop messing around. She said she wasn't. Then something came over me and I said dad if that is you change the channel to the football game. The channel started changing and then stopped on the game and it turned up. I just started crying and shaking. It was so crazy....I guess I needed to make sure my dad is still with me and that was his way of telling me.  It gave me peace"

From a high school friend:

"I heard of a lady who had her uterus removed yet still managed to have a baby with her husband who was a pastor or something."

From a junior high friend:

"I used to get b day cards and random cards on holidays from an anonymous person who had my name and address.  They would say things like I hope you find your way and blessing me all the time well then I started going to church and got one last card saying "I'm glad you found your way and this will be the last card." I have never received a card since which kind of makes me sad I used to enjoy the cards. Weird story but unique."

Here's an article about a man coming back from the dead....

I have heard stories like that.  My previous fiancé told me a story where his dad died when he was about 7.  His dad went up to heaven but Jesus or God said to him, "No you need to go back.  Your son needs you."  I always thought that was a cool story. :) 

Another man I know in a bible study I am now in also died and went to heaven.  I completely believe his story.  He said in heaven there are movie theatres and theme parks and roller coasters.  There is everything up there that we have down here and it is fun.  I was like "No way, there's movie theatres?" lol :) 

Also I read a story once of an elderly woman who was afraid to die and leave her husband behind.  But an angel told her that where she was going her husband already was.  Interesting isn't it.  That would mean that we are simultaneously on this earth but also in heaven, because heaven is outside of time.  What a cool concept I think! :)  So don't worry, you're already in heaven lol. :)

And this is probably the coolest story I have ever heard.  Check this out :)

From a good friend:

"My mom was in a coma.  She was supposed to die but out of nowhere she woke up."

Yes the same happened with my grandma a couple years ago.  They are fighters for sure!  And God kept them alive for a reason. :)

From a missionary I know in Taiwan:

"Healings happen here more frequently than the states and financial blessing is pretty strong here. I think its because of a cultural belief that any good god will do both automatically, so it makes people believe strongly. A friend of ours had a non-christian mom who got healed of cancer and now is full of love and life in Christ."

so cool :)

From a high school friend:
"At a men's bible study at a hotel banquet room the men were studying and a man started to speak in tongues.  Someone was about to stop it because there was no interpreter.  Then a man yelled from the back, the bartender, and said "Hey! That man is speaking my native language! How does he know that?" They asked him to interpret and they shared the gospel with him and he became a believer."

Pretty cool :)

From a college friend:

"When I used to teach in East Africa, my students from the Bible college would go out as ministry teams. Several times they found themselves having to perform exorcisms. Now, I never went with them, I was faculty advisor and I met with them on campus. But one particular story they told that stands out in my memory was a six-year-old girl, brought by her parents. The girl's skin would bubble up very quickly at a certain spot, and the boil would turn into a moth or moths and would fly immediately, typically right at the face of someone nearby. Praise the Lord the students were successful in exorcising the demon through intensive hands-on prayer. Now, again, I was not physically present to witness this. But demonic power encounters and exorcism was a common enough occurrence for my ministry teams that I have no reason to doubt the veracity of this account.

Also, my mom's grandfather experienced a miraculous healing when their family made a one time visit to a Pentecostal church in Oakland in the early 1940s. He had an intestinal hernia that only his doctor in the immediate family new about. And in the service the preacher announced that there was someone there with an intestinal hernia and the Lord was going to heal him on the spot. And without leaving his seat, my mom's grandfather experienced a warm feeling at his waistline where the hernia was bulging out, and he saw it visibly pullback in. And that was it. He never experienced any problem with it again. He was healed from that point."

wow.... :)

From a college friend:

"A friend who when he was a new acquaintance spoke in front of my church to testify that God had healed him of his Asperger's. Since I am familiar with that syndrome from other friendships, and his sister had told me what his life was like with it (for instance, never being able to merely stand before an audience much less formulate words on the spot like he was doing that day), I knew God had done something amazing, and is still doing so, because I've watched as this now-friend has become not only increasingly comfortable with but loving and compassionate toward any and all people, and most importantly that he is better able to allow God to solidify and strengthen his faith."

From a college professor:

"Something more along the lines of "miraculous experience" perhaps is the "vision" I saw at a Billy Graham event in Japan around 1994. When I was looking out over the vast crowd of the stadium, I saw the large groups of people form into shapes that looked like the four major islands of Japan. I had a sense that God was really breaking down some barriers, and that eventually the love of Jesus will permeate the whole country."

A lady in one of my Bible studies was on her honeymoon this weekend and stepped into a Catholic cathedral in San Antonio, TX right by me with her new husband just to check out.  Just being tourists.  She felt light headed and like she needed to sit twice but brushed it off like it was nothing.  But then when she got outside the cathedral she realized she could hear way more clearly than she ever had.  Her head didn't hurt.  Her head had hurt constantly for the last 30 years.  SHE WAS HEALED!  Yes God can be in Catholic cathedrals too lol. :)

Also My husband seems to have the gift of healing.  A few years ago before he met me he was at a friends house.  The friend's daughter got her arm caught on a coat hanger and it penetrated her skin.  Ben prayed for her to be healed, with his eyes open, and saw, literally SAW, the wound close up and the blood the disappear.  I believe him.  I know he would tell the truth about something like that. 

From a missionary in Taiwan:

Healing...."It is something I love being a part of too. I've seen legs grow out to become even. I prayed for a woman and her cancer went away. I've seen God take away nerve problems and headaches. He cares about it all."

Like my friend whose headaches went away.  Yep, it's real.  It can happen for you too!  But all in God's timing. :)  My husband also had a healing of his legs becoming even.  All his life his back popped when he walked and caused pain.  About 5 years ago he was prayed for for healing of this and his legs are now even.  So cool. :) 

From a high school friend:

"Yes!!! My Mom's gallbladder was healed! She had an ultrasound at a much later time for something else and the techs and doctors were astonished that she didn't have a gallbladder and no scars of the 'surgical removal'."

From a church friend:

"My family is a miracle; my father was a heroin addict, my uncle was the leader of a gang which involved organized crime, and my other uncle was into drugs and a distributor of Narcotics.  Now they're all pastors!"

From a lady who used to pray with my mom over my high school a lot:

"Yes. I watched a girl get healed of a broken finger before my eyes. I hear lots of testimonies of healings. One woman I know told me she had a heart attack and there is always scar tissue afterwards, but years later the doctors found no record of her attack. God gave her a new heart. Around the time she converted from Catholicism to a born again believer. That's a true story from a woman I trust."

From a college friend: (this is a really cool one :)

"I saw God provide food out of nothing on a missions trip to Mexico when I was about 15. We were on our outreach night where we played w/ the local village kids until their parents returned from working the fields, then fed the crowd, showed the Jesus film, a preacher shared the Gospel, gave an opportunity to respond, and handed out Bibles to those who responded. We had just finished feeding everyone and it was our teams turn to eat. We had all just sat down with our plates (the last of the food) when a whole other crew of workers came in from the field. Our leaders asked for all our food that we hadn't touched to be returned so we could give it away. Now food was my idol and going hungry was something God had never asked of me. I was very reluctant to give up my plate thinking of how shaky I would be & convinced I would pass out if I missed a meal. Lol. I prayed & reminded myself that this was the one meal these poor people were going to have for the day whereas I had food back at the mission that I could eat latter that night when we returned. I reluctantly gave up my plate of food. But we only had about 15 plates & there were at least 50 people, but I want to say it was more like 100 people, to feed. Suddenly, there was food in our vehicles that wasn't there before, enough to feed every person and our team (I remember it being 150 hot dogs and buns that was most certainly not present in our vehicles when we sat down to eat the first time). Everyone ate and there was food left over. It was a miracle!

On a smaller scale, I've experienced another miracle of God providing a dollar out of nothing. I was a teenager attending a Christian school thanks to the half-off tuition for pastors kids & my grandmother's generosity. My brother & I were in everything: choir, sports, small singing ensembles, worship team, etc. and everything had a cost to the parents. I remember we had just finished buying our choir outfits to the tune of $150 for both my brother & I, paying $60 for our choir competition trip, & just a month or two prior, had spent $120 for volleyball season for us both, not to mention the game money for eating out after away games. It was ridiculous. So after all of that, our choir director asked everyone to being one dollar for a gift for our pianist. I knew it wasn't much in isolation, but after all my parents had sacrificed to pay for all of our stuff already, I didn't have the heart to ask them for one more dollar. I prayed and expressed this to the Lord as I was getting ready for school in my room. I heard the Lord say, "look down" and there between my bed & nightstand was a dollar bill that I know for a fact was not there before I prayed. I cried and marveled at my personal God who provided out of nothing.

I've seen mail miracles as a child & as a married adult where God provides money in the mail for exact amounts, on the day necessary to pay bills or buy food, etc. I also got to pray for healing for someone at high school church camp and see them healed before my eyes."
Wow....I've always wondered if something like Jesus feeding the 5,000 could happen today.  And there you have it, it can. :)  And I so wish I could see something like that, where I pray for someone and they are healed right there.  How awesome would that be! :)  Praise Jesus :)

Here is a very interesting video about spiritual warfare that will open your eyes to a lot ...

If u do watch this you can skip to the last 5 or 10 minutes.   That is the best part really and about 10 minutes in is really good.   He describes demons and what the evil spiritual realm is like.   This is all the account of a man who was in surgery and almost died.   He went on a tour of the supernatural world basically.   Very interesting for sure!

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