Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Character of Jesus

Some of the best sermons I ever heard in my life were from Mike Erre when he was at Rock Harbor.  He did a series on the fact that Jesus was a totally different person then we think of him today.

He was not some hippie with long hair and a huge smile on his face.

I can actually imagine Jesus not smiling at all. 

Teachers usually don't smile.  They are very serious.  You have to be or else no one will take you seriously.

He was angry at the Pharisees all the time and stressed out so I'm sure he smiled very little.

Some things to note about the character of Jesus when he walked the earth.

1. He had amazing self-control.

He fasted for 40 days.  How many people can say they could do that?  I doubt I could.  I did three days once and thought I was on the verge of dying lol.

Also he was tempted in every way but never sinned.  Amazing self- control.

Also when he was on the cross and he could have called all the angels in heaven to protect him but he didn't.  Wow.  Extreme self control right there.  He suffered extreme, excruciating pain even though he DID NOT have to at all. 

2. He got angry, a lot.

He flipped tables and the Bible even says something about him having a whip when he chased the money changers out of the temple.  So if you get angry, don't beat yourself up too badly, Jesus was without sin but got angry a lot!  He was angry at his disciples when they slept in the garden and did not pray with him.  He was angry at his disciples on several occasions.  And just about anytime he was around the Pharisees he was angry at them and their heard hearts, and he showed it quite clearly. 

3.  He insulted people. lol

He constantly was frustrated with his disciples.  He said to them, "Are you still so dull?"  When they asked about the parable of the seeds.  He called Peter Satan.  He called the Pharisees a brood of vipers and the children of Satan.  He was not "nice" as so many think of him.  He was very confrontational and direct. 

4.  He liked to be alone at times.

Many times it says Jesus went up on a mountain to pray.  Often Christians think they need to always be out doing things for God.  But no, even Jesus took time to just chill.  We need this time so that we can pray.  God says, "Be still and know that I am God."  Amen?  Yes. :)

5.  He was confrontational. 

He publicly embarrassed Judas by pointing out that he was the one who was going to betray him.  Granted Judas deserved it.  But he didn't hide things or beat around the bush that's for sure.

6. He didn't do everything his parents wanted. 

When he was 12 he stayed in the city and was at the temple for three days I think.  He totally stressed out his parents. lol :)  And when they came he didn't even apologize for making them worry.

7.  Jesus never said "I'm sorry" to anyone.  

He never apologized for anything he did.  The closest time could be when he wept over Lazuras dying.  I'm sure his crying was to say I'm sorry to Mary and Martha for causing them grief.  Granted he probably didn't need to say sorry for anything.  But what about calling Peter Satan?  lol most would think that would need an apology.  But he never said sorry for anything.  Interesting. 

8.  He disowned his family pretty much when he was an adult. 

He said when they were nearby, "Who are my mother and brothers?  Those who do the will of my father."

9.  He broke most laws of the Pharisees such as days of when to fast and drinking wine. 

10.  He hung out with the "bad" people. lol 

If Jesus were alive today he would TOTALLY go into bars and maybe night clubs, because it is "the sick who need a doctor." Right? :)

11.  He never sang. 

That is interesting.  At least it never talks about him singing.  Which shows that he was probably not some happy go lucky guy.  I'm sure he was very serious and solemn. 

12.  He never directly told anyone "I love you." 

He said it indirectly to his disciples before he was about to die, but he never said the words "I love you."  Why?  Perhaps because he knew actions speak louder than words and he showed people he loved them instead.  He didn't need to say it.  We can say I love you to people all day but if we don't SHOW it, it means nothing.  I love the quote, "People won't care what you know until they know that you care."  Very true. :)

13.  He washed his disciples feet. 

He was a servant.  He was humble.  He didn't need to be center stage.  He was always try to run away from the crowds lol.  He was always telling people not to brag about how great he was or what he did for them.  He didn't want others to worship him per se.  He wanted them to worship God the Father.  He was always pointing people to his Father.  Amen :)

13.  Jesus never prayed in tongues. 

Interesting.  Something for Pentecostals to think about. :)

14.  He cared for the outcasts of society. 

No one was off limits to him.  He wanted to help EVERYONE.  He did not look down on or judge anyone, except the Pharisees.  :)

15.  He cared about little children. 

He did not see them as a waste of his time.  He got down in their level. 

16.  He talked to women. 

Which was very taboo at the time.  Men almost never talked to women.  Women were almost at the same social status as slaves back then, as sad as that is. :(  But he treated them as equals. 

17.  He NEVER COMPLAINED about anything. 

Ok except how slow the disciples were in picking up on things. :) But he never complained about the weather or being hungry or tired etc.  He was always content. 

18.  He never praised himself. 

He never pointed out all the great things he did for people.  He never bragged about anything.

I'm sure I could think of more but those are some interesting things to think about regarding the character of Jesus.  God bless! :) 

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