Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Why Being a Christian is Beneficial

I will now discuss the topics of peace and self-control.

Joy, I think, is the main fruit of the Spirit missing among Christians, and peace and self-control are the main fruits or qualities that seem to be missing among those who are not Christian.

I think many who are not Christian do not see the benefits of becoming a Christian because they think it will take away all their fun. They see Christians who seem to have no joy and no fun and they think, "Why would I want to give up my fun life for a life of no fun?!"

Well here is the reason....most Christians may be missing joy, but at least anyone who knows God has peace and can have self-control.

Peace is born out of self-control. When one feels secure and under control they can have peace.

Peace is a more important quality to have than joy because it is an uncurrent feeling that never goes away.

Happiness comes and goes, joy comes and goes, but peace is always there.

Why do Christians have peace?

Mainly because we are secure in knowing we will go to heaven when we die.

I think fears of the after-life must plague non-believers all the time, or they should at least.

Also we have peace because we know God loves us and is on our side. God does love everyone in the world, in a sense, but he really, really loves us who are his children, because we belong to him.

We know that "There is no more condemnation for those who in Christ Jesus." That brings a lot of peace. Knowing that we are right before God through Jesus' blood that covers us.

We know that "We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus." That brings peace.

We know that "If my God is for me, than who can be against me." That also brings peace.

Forgiveness gives us peace. We know that God has given us this amazing gift that prevents us from holding onto bitterness against anyone.

Knowing that God will protect and be with us gives us peace.

Knowing that we cannot be possessed by a demon because Satan cannot dwell where God does, gives us peace.

Knowing that "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" gives us peace. So we don't have to worry about food or clothing, because God will take care of us.

Now what about self-control?

We know as Christians that we are not to be mastered by anything.

Those in the world are "slaves to sin" as Paul says.

But who are Christian are FREE! "He whom the son sets free is free indeed."

We can still sin, but we can also choose NOT to sin.

We have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of us enabling us to live upright lives not mastered by anything.

Satan can try to decieve us and entrap us, but we have built our house on the rock yes? We stand firm on the truth of the word of God.

We can recognize lies from the enemy of humanity better because we know God's word.

We also have peace because Christians typically have better and more successful relationships than non-Christians. We know how to love because we are loved perfectly by God 24/7. We have a well full of the ability to love others because we have been filled with all the fullness and love of Christ.

We are more generous because God has been generous with us.

We know that ultimately everything comes from God so we are spared the bondage of pride.

We have the joy of the Lord burning inside of us which keeps us from being slothful.

We love God rather than money so that keeps us from being greedy. We place our trust and security in God and not our bank accounts.

We know that "charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting" so that keeps us from vanity. We know it is the heart that matters, not the outer appearance, for God looks at the heart of a man.

We know that this world will be passing away someday. Nothing on this earth matters in the long run.

We are more capable of loving our neighbor and our enemies so that keeps us from wrath.

We rejoice with those who rejoice and that keeps us from envy. We are content and grateful for what we have so that keeps us from wanting more or wanting what others have.

We know our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so that keeps us from gluttony.

We know that God meant for sex to just be in marriage between two people and that there is no joy in sex outside of that which keeps us from lust.

God has made us wiser than the world through his word and through his Holy Spirit that lives inside of us.

The wisest wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.

God has given us confidence and boldness in Him.

He "makes us lie beside still waters and restores" our souls.

He is our rock in hard times, our reason to rejoice in good times, and our shelter to cling to when we need him.

And those are all the selling points of becoming a Christian. lol :)

I know many Christians are hypocrites, but that is because they are still human like you and I are. That does not mean God is not good or holy, just because people still have struggle with sin.

God is perfect. He is good. He wants what is best for you. And he is not against you.

If you can believe all that And believe that Jesus is your only way to heaven, you will be saved.

My prayer for you is that you will be, soon. :)

May God bless you, and I hope you have been convinced if you weren't already. lol :)

Take care!

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