Monday, June 10, 2013

Making a Name....

In our women's Bible study this morning we discussed how we may have tried to make a name for ourselves.

Jennifer Rothschild talked about the tower of Babel and how those who were making it wanted to make a name for themselves.

They were prideful.  They wanted to build a tower that would reach God and the heavens.  They wanted to become like God really, just like Satan did.

She noted how they built the tower out of bricks and not stones.  Stones are natural and made by God, but bricks are man-made.

So she had us think about what bricks we have used to try and build our lives on and make a name for ourselves. 

I have a lot.  Various things I have put my identity and trust in.  Success was the biggest one throughout my life.

My mom was always huge on me getting straight A's, and I usually did, so that was certainly something I built my own tower with.

In California, where I was mostly raised, grades and degrees are everything. 

After I got my B.A. several of my friends were going on to get Masters degrees and I definitely wanted to and have ever since.  We all felt I think that our worth was in our intellect and how many degrees we could get etc.

In high school my bricks were made out of sports accomplishments, being popular, singing in front of people any chance I got, being attractive, etc.

I have always wanted to make a name for myself really. 

When I was little I wanted to be the next Mariah Carey. lol

As I got older I wanted to write and publish 50 books someday like Joyce Meyer. 

But why wouldn't I want to make a name for myself when all I heard growing up was, "Make your mark on the world."  "Change the world for Christ!" 

So I took them, speakers and teachers I had, literally and thought I actually would change the world.  :)

But now I realize it is not I who will change it, but if anything, Christ in me. 

I need to keep reminding myself of that. :)  And stay humble. :)  Apart from Christ we can do nothing.

What bricks have you tried to use to make a name for yourself?  Most people want to feel that they have a purpose, that their lives matter and mean something. 

The problem is when we go too far and seek our own glory rather than God's.

May all the glory go to God in everything I do, because if it weren't for him, I know I couldn't do anything.

"You are the vine, I am the branches."

Amen?  Amen :)

May God bless you in all you do!

and something to think about: "Competition is the thief of joy."  Yes it is.  :)

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