Saturday, June 22, 2013

Grateful Cont.

I am grateful that God gave me athletic abilities and all the fun I got to have in sports over the years; that I got to play on a soccer team, softball, swim team, basketball, volleyball and track teams. :)
I'm grateful that God made school relatively easy for me and that I always enjoyed learning.
I'm grateful that God always gave me good friends in every grade or group; that I always had people to hang out with and talk to.
I'm grateful I never had to live alone, that I have always had someone there for me, to share life with. :)
I'm grateful for all the times my step-dad took our family out to eat.  I love eating out! :)  And for the movies he took us to. :)
I'm grateful for Jesus of course, and that he died for me so I can go to heaven someday. :)
I'm grateful for great churches I have been in, great church people that have felt like family, and great sermons.
I'm grateful for Hillsong worship music and how it just leads me right into God's presence every time!  For how phenomenal they are and their brilliance in song writing and for how real and inspired their lyrics are.
I am grateful for all the times I got to sing in school assemblies and churches etc.  Even though I was super nervous for them, they were all fun experiences.
I am grateful that I have mostly gotten to live in California and for the beautiful weather there.
I am super grateful for the beach and all the fun I have had boogie boarding in the waves.
I am grateful that Disneyland, Seal World, Knotts and 6 Flags exist and are so much fun! :)
I am grateful for the camps I got to work with and go to all these places for free. :)
I am grateful for all the jobs I have gotten to have with kids and how fun they have been. :)
I am grateful that I never stayed with the wrong person for too long.  That God made me wise enough to break things off when they needed to be. :)
I am grateful that in everything God has guided me and showed me what to do.
I'm grateful for all the times I have gotten to move and explore and see NEW things. :)  woohoo! :)
I am grateful that the end is near, at least I think it is, and that Jesus will take us home to heaven soon. :)
I am grateful for all the pools I have gotten to swim in over the years and all the fun I had with friends at the pool when I was younger.  :)
I am grateful for the laptop I currently have and that it is so fast and easy to use. :)
I am grateful, very grateful, for fruit and how good it tastes while still being good for me. :)
I am grateful for encouraging Bible verses that have lifted my soul so many times. :)
I am grateful that God is always listening to me, that he is always here beside me and I always feel him and know that he is protecting me. :)
I am grateful that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me and guides me into seeing things more clearly about the Bible, about life.
I am grateful for comfortable clothes and tennis shoes that don't hurt my feet lol. :)
I am grateful that I have a comfortable bed to sleep in; people in most other countries do not. :(
I am grateful for all the times both my grandmas put me to work and trained me to love working and find joy in getting things done. :)
I am grateful for good movies I have seen that have taught me more about life and broadened my view of things. 

I am grateful for nature and how BEAUTIFULLY God made things in nature! :)
I am grateful for raisin bread; I really, really like cinnamon raisin bread. lol :) 
I am grateful for all the road trips I have gotten to do with my mom and brother; being in Vegas together, seeing Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon and Colorado Rockies.  So many good times. :)
I am grateful for the time I got to hike down the Grand Canyon and camp out with friends after high school. :)
I am grateful that I have always had enough money, enough to meet my needs, but not too much as that may have spoiled me. :)
I am grateful that for the most part I am content with what I have; I love my car, the clothes I already have, things we have etc. many things to be grateful for in life for sure..... :)

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