Sunday, June 9, 2013

God Opposes the Proud

Why does God oppose the proud?  What does God hate about pride?

Pride is at the root of all sin.  Pride was what caused Satan's downfall.  Pride is what made him want to rise up against God and take his place. 

Pride is what makes people lazy and slothful.  It makes them unwilling to help and care for others because they are too focused on themselves.

Pride leads people into lust because they are following the flesh instead of the Spirit.  They are living life the way they want to live it, not the way God does.

Pride leads to anger and dissension among people.  "Pride only breeds quarrels."

Pride leads to gluttony and over eating because you want all the food for yourself and forget about others who may actually need it rather than your just wanting it. 

Pride leads to vanity, obviously.  If you have pride you think you are the most imporant, most attractive, most wonderful person in the entire world.  But that is not possible, because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

And the irony of pride is that if you think you are humble, you probably have a lot of pride.  But if you recognize that you have pride, you are most likely actually quite humble. :)

What else does the verse say?  "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."

Grace.  Such as good things.  Gifts.  He shows his favor on those who are humble.

He opens the present bag of heaven for those who are humble.  :)

Those who think they deserve nothing, he wants to give them everything.

But those who think they deserve everything, God may give nothing.

Not only will he give nothing, but he will actually oppose someone if they are proud.

Make their life harder.  Close doors.  Cause misfortune to come upon them to teach them a lesson.

I love the quote, "Bend the knee or have it broken."  :)  That is how God works. 

Sometimes people have the thought that God is punishing them.  I have never had this thought.  But some feel that because of past actions God may be punishing them. 

God does discipline those he loves, but if we have confessed it and repented of sin "there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  Amen? 

God has grace on the humble, on those who confess their wrong. 

"If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will heal us from all unrighteousness." 

But the prideful person who does not think he has anything to confess, that is the man that God will "punish" or oppose until the person sees that he needs to come before God humbly and confess.

So be humble and lay down your pride.  Recognize that you have pride, because everyone does.  That is the first step.  And then ask God for help with it. 

We can't do it, but God can.  God can help us become more and more humble; become more and more like Jesus every day.

Amen :)  May God bless you!

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