Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Job Market

Does anyone else find our current job market to be quite frustrating?  Why does there seem to be a huge lack of good paying jobs anymore in America? 

It could be Divine retribution.  We have spit in God's face since the 60's, the drug revolution, and done whatever we wanted, so we are now having to pay the price for it.  Our economy is falling and will continue to fall and there is probably nothing we can do about it, except move to another country. :)  New Zealand perhaps?

But, for some reason, the whole world is in debt.  Even Japan, who seemed untouchable, fell and is no longer part of the "big 5" anymore.  Really, what is the world coming to?  This is why I think the end must be near, or at least I hope it is lol. :)

I remember when I was in college in SoCal the goal was not to have kids, among my female co-students, the goal was to succeed, to become somebody.  But success seems completely impossible in our current economic recession. 

One day one of my friends even said, "What's the point of getting this degree just to have kids someday?"  And yes, indeed, what was the point?  We wanted to make money.  We wanted to go somewhere, change the world.  But none of us have, really.  One of my friends, one of the smartest girls in the English program, went on to get her Masters to become a college Professor but ended up not doing that, sadly.  That also has been my goal but it would mean acquiring more student loan debt, which would not be wise, of course.

What really is the point of any one's degree these days?  So many people can't find jobs so they go back to school to get a masters only to find that that degree also is useless.  Why?  Because there just aren't jobs like there used to be.  I heard about this all the time at my last job at the student loan company I worked for.  I was in their call center and talked to people from all over the states about this all day.  And I could understand first hand their frustration for sure. 

I was preaching to my class about 3 years ago when I taught Jr. High English that I believed we were entering a 2nd Great Depression. I remember thinking the kids would think I was crazy, but seriously, I think it is just around the corner. 

I remember I was quite disheartened when I graduated from Biola with the B.A. in English and went on to Cal State Fullerton.  I completed the 5 pre-req classes required to get into the teaching credential program, had trouble with the final test, the CSET, but I realized at that time that about half the teachers in California were getting pink slips and getting laid off, so why on earth was I trying to become a teacher? 

I seemed to have graduated at the worst time in history for trying to become a teacher.

All four of my grandparents were teachers so it seemed like I was destined to do that, but my destiny didn't jive with the recession we were entering. :(

If you really think about it, the only decent paying jobs for women, really, are teaching or nursing.  We say that feminism has opened doors for women and we can do any job we want to now, but that isn't really true.  Most women, pretty much all the women I have known over the years, either went for nursing or teaching and that was it.  Or retail jobs or waitressing.  In the few restaurants I have worked in I have worked with many other people who had degrees but couldn't find better jobs.  There really aren't too many other options for women. 

And what about for men?  Of course everyone knows becoming a doctor or lawyer is the ideal route to go, but who wants to rack up that much debt for school?  The highest debt I saw at the student loan company was 250K!  Can you imagine.  I would always joke, "Man if my loan debt was that high I would probably just go jump off a bridge or something."  I mean these people would have student loan payments of $1,000 a month.  That would be insane!

So why is the entire world in debt and where is all the money going?  To the bankers.  Who owns these students loans?  The banks.  And not necessarily the American bank, because we as a country are trillions of dollars in debt as well, it's the private world bankers.  They have a massive scheme.

They have all of us like puppets on strings.  We think we can't get a good job without going to college, so people take out outrageous loans to go to college and then what?  They are in bondage the rest of their lives to their debt and on top of that can't find a good job to pay off the debt. 

College used to be affordable, doable, now it is completely ridiculous. 

And what does, or what did, college promise?  Good paying jobs like being a doctor or lawyer right?  Well then why was I working at a $12 an hour job with a lawyer at one point who himself couldn't find work?  Why are private practice doctors almost having to shut down their offices because taxes are getting so high?

Is there really any profitable work to do these days?  Is there any way to find success in our modern economy?

It would seem that the answer is no. 

My step dad has had a great job working for Orange County but even he is being forced to take un-paid days of work due to budget cuts.  And he has three degrees!

So what does that say for our future?

If high paying jobs start to fall apart like doctors and lawyers, then the retail industry will fold because people will stop buying stuff and the restaurants will all shut down because people won't be able to afford to go out to eat anymore.  So what will be left in the future of our country?  Nothing.  We will most likely end up becoming a third world country or a ghost town because everyone will move elsewhere.  But we deserve this, really, if you think about it.

If you google world country debt 2013 in google images you will see what countries are actually doing relatively ok now.  Russia, New Zealand, parts of the middle East and some countries in South America are only billions of dollars in debt as opposed to trillions, much better lol. :)  And that is about it.  China's debt is about the same as ours.  Brazil, most of Europe, Australia and India....we are all in the same boat. 

Eventually this trillions of dollars of debt will begin to show.  People don't see it now.  You wouldn't know it walking around in the states.  Everything looks fine, normal, but it's under the surface.  Like lava boiling under the surface of the earth, eventually the volcano will erupt.  Our country's debt will destroy us soon, it's only a matter of time. 

Check this out....

What is really funny about the map on this page is that most of Africa, who has always been completely third world, is actually in the green, and we, the great and powerful America lol are in the red.  The tables have turned.  "Those who want to be first shall be last?"  Is that us?  Now?  Perhaps. 

So pray.  Ask God for help and wisdom of what to do in these last days.  Get saved if you are not already.  Repent, seek God's face before it's too late, because tomorrow is not promised. 

May God be with you!


  1. Hi Lisa: It's Kristen. I really enjoyed your blog. You write very well. I would love to have you on my team and build a lifestyle for ourselves. There are so many options online. The key is commitment and hard work :)

  2. I think you and I see the same inadequacies about the 9-5pm jobs. I lived it for most of my life. And I found myself as an educator, working round the clock with the new teacher evaluations--while the town took away my teaching space. After taxes making 54K with the freeze from the crash of 2009.
    Find me on Facebook: "Live Your Dreams." There you can post links to this blog and share your inspirations and hopes. I really want to get a solid professional blogging/marketing group going.
