Saturday, June 8, 2013

High School Days

Our 10 year high school reunion got cancelled, which is unfortunate.

I was just looking on our facebook page to see when the date would have been for it and found that out. 

Not enough tickets were sold.  It was going to be a bit expensive, so that was probably why.  Most people these days are broke, myself included. lol

I'm hoping we can still do something simple and possibly free like a bbq in a park somewhere.  There was a park right by our old school that is pretty nice called El Camino park. 

Bbq's are always fun, where everyone brings their own dish potluck style and then you can talk about each other's food and play frisbee or toss a football around. :)  God's will be done but that would be fun. :)

I remember when I was in Jr. High I really liked this one movie with John Cussack.  It was about a High School reunion and it was called Grosse Point Blank.  It was really funny.  :)

Some pictures were posted on our page of our old school, but how it looks now all remodeled.  That brought back so many memories.

I remember in high school it was always kinda awkward when you passed friends during the rushed 5 minute passing period.  It was always like, "hm do I say hi or wave or just ignore them?" lol 

I graduated with about 200 or 250 other people, pretty crazy.  I didn't know everyone but I knew a good number of them.  I was involved in everything I could be in high school, so I was in all the different "groups" really.

I played basketball for 3 years so I had a lot of friends from that. 

I was in choir for 4 years so met a lot of people doing that.

I was in Model United Nations all 4 years so I met all those people.  That was a lot of fun. 

We would have these conferences on the weekends, sometimes at cool hotels. 

I personally was never that good at MUN.  I only got like one award all four years I think, but it was still a fun experience.  I just didn't care as much as the others I guess, but oh well. :)

I was never all that competitive, not in basketball either.  I played basketball 4th grade through college and I think I never got a foul, like not once.  I just played cause it was fun.  I didn't get all crazy about it like some people do. lol :)

Also my senior year I was in ASB as the senior class vice president.  We really botched the senior activities though sadly.  But I did get to design our senior shirt which was pretty cool.  lol I remember I ordered too many smalls and the school store lady was like, "Why did you order so many smalls?"  I guess I just thought most people were small like I was. :) 

We had a trip to 6 flags at the end of Senior year which was cool. :)

We had a breakfast thing in the middle of the year and a lunch thing where a hypnotist came out.  And a BBQ out on the baseball fields with a bounce house.  That was cool.

But I remember when I first got into ASB I was hoping to do all these cool things like beach bonfires and I don't know flag football at parks but then we were told we could only organize 4 activities.  I was like, "what?" haha, but even those four were hard to pull off.

High school was a lot of fun.  It really was the best years of my life.  It was the time when I had the most friends, the most fun in sports and choir, and the greatest sense of accomplishment about everything I did.  It was the time I was the most proud of myself. :)

I remember I sang the Star Spangled Banner before one of my basketball games and I felt soooo special lol.  I sang it with this other girl at an assembly once too.  That was scary lol.

At our graduation pre-ceremony at my church I sang "When You Believe" with two friends.  That was a lot of fun.

Prom was fun.  I went with this guy two times that I was practically in love with and thought I was going to marry but we all know how that goes.  It's good I didn't because he wasn't Christian and he was a bit of a bad boy. :)

I have so many good memories from high school.  Everyone was nice.  Everyone was positive and seemed to have a bright outlook on life.  Everyone had goals and dreams. 

I knew so many smart people in high school, so many very talented people that I admired so much.  I had so many great teachers that made classes so much fun.   

I had originally planned to teach high school English just because I think I wanted to re-live my high school years somewhat and get to go to assemblies again and feel that contagious school spirit etc.

Game days were always so fun.  Pep assemblies were awesome.  I remember all the cheering and the posters and the asb dances in assemblies. 

We had winter talent shows that were really cool.  One year I sang "Hero" with some friends.  That was fun. :)

I remember in choir we did choir assemblies.  I always felt bad that everyone HAD to be there lol.  Like the classes would all come at some point.  It was like assigned. 

Basketball was cool.  I remember my freshman year being disappointed though that I didn't make JV right away.  I thought I was pretty good.  I did make Varsity Sophomore year but that actually turned out to not be as cool as I thought it would be.

I was in a lot of AP classes.  One year I was in three I think and got totally burned out so had to drop one.  Yeah that was crazy, my junior year I was in AP Bio, AP English, AP US History AND MUN, choir, and on Varsity basketball.  I don't know what I was thinking lol. 

I had my picture up all four years on the principles honor wall which was cool.  Whenever someone walked into the school they would pass by my picture.  Only about 20 of us from each year had our picture up. 

I was a lot more confident in high school.  I felt like I could do anything and I thought I would do everything.

Then going to my private Christian college kinda took the wind out of my sails, mainly due to an honors program that I was in.  Everyone thought they were so smart and I saw so much pride there.  I still somewhat regret going to Biola and wish I would have just gone to CSUF where a lot of my high school friends went.  I probably would have been 20 times happier there, but you can't change the past. 

At least going to Biola turned me into a better reader, and made me more knowledgeable about the Bible. 

I learned a lot about theology etc. that I had never known before. 

I became a master of Christianity I suppose, through the great books program too.  We read a lot of books on church history etc. 

But man what I wouldn't give to go back in time to being 16 again, when things were carefree and simple and I was more happy with how life was going.

A lot has happened since then.  A lot of scars, a lot of pain.  But I'm still surviving thanks to God.

High school was such a great time; it really, really was, and it's fun to remember things. 

I hope every one's high school experience was as awesome as mine.  :)

God bless!

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