Thursday, December 8, 2022

90 Minutes in Heaven

 The saddest movie you will ever see is 90 Minutes in Heaven. After seeing it I am thinking my pregnancy is nothing to complain about. Sure I had annoying diarrhea and now super annoying heartburn, but at least I don't have metal poking into my arm and leg to try to fix them. Don was in a horrid car accident and lost bone in his arm and leg. They used what looks like a torture device from a horror movie to fix the bones. 

If you listen to Don Piper talk today, he seems like the most humble and down to earth guy. I think that's why God allows us to endure extreme pain, it makes us more humble. Pain will either make you better or bitter. You can decide what effect it will have. Let the sad things of life make you a better person. 

The kindest people I have ever known went through extremely painful things. I think it made them more kind because they would never want others to feel the pain they felt. They try to ease the pain of others rather then inflict more pain.

The movie is not really about 90 minutes in heaven but 90 minutes in hospital hell. It probably hit me harder because I have felt extreme physical pain many times.  At age 10 my appendix was infected and ruptured. I got it surgically removed and spent 2 weeks in a hospital recuperating. I threw up a lot. I could barely walk. Then recently I had my gall bladder out and felt pneumonia trying to kill me after the surgery. Again I found it very hard to walk for a few weeks. 

But I overcame. I let those 2 times of pain make me a kinder person. I now feel more empathy for anyone going through any pain. I think I feel pain too much now, but it's good that I care more. 

What pain have you felt? Did it make you bitter or better? Don't stay bitter. Let it help you be a better person.

God bless 😊

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