Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 People who think they are saved are almost impossible to save because they think they are already saved. And that is most of America. 😣

How can you know for sure you are saved? Here is an easy test, would other people say you are saved? You might think, "Um people's opinions don't matter." But Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit." Do other people see genuine fruit in your life? 

What is genuine fruit? You probably already know what it is and you just don't do it. 

Loving others, having joy, staying at peace, having patience....generosity. Forgiving those who hurt you. Not gossiping or slandering against other people. Not lying. Loving your parents. Desiring church or listening to sermons. Prayer every day. Praying for others. These are the signs that follow those who believe. 

It is not just supernatural things. It is your fruit. It is the holiness of your life. It all depends on how good you are. "Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do." 

If you believe in Jesus and you are good, genuinely good, and others would say you are too, then you can always know you are saved. 

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