Monday, December 19, 2022

My Brother

 My big brother made me cry yesterday. I feel like crying a lot anyways since I'm pregnant. Maybe the baby kicking me a lot causes that. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ I have been texting him sermons and poems I write and blogs for awhile. He sounded annoyed with me. 😣 But of course, what can light have in common with darkness? Or he is jealous of how awesome my poems are. 😁 I suppose he has always been jealous over me. That has caused division for us for the past 38 years! My goodness. 😣 He said one time he felt like I got all the good genes and he got all the bad genes like in the movie Twins. But now I did very little with my degree in English and he is getting to be an electrician. I am so proud of him. πŸ˜€ I have yet to find a real long lasting career. But maybe it isn't important, because I always mainly wanted to be a mother. Some moms have a carer too, but it is ideal to not do both, if you can. 😊 If you are a mom, try to remain at home with your kids as much as possible. Spend less on shopping so you can focus on them more. So many moms loose their kids due to a love of money, in many ways. 

I wish my brother was nicer but he is trying to get his life back in order. He threw out his back 8 months ago and has been staying home to recover. I think he got used to getting lazy. 😒Please pray he will have the courage to get back out there. It took me 3 years to have the courage to start a family again after loosing my last one. Actually I lost many fake families over the past 3 years. Groups of people that felt like family. 

If you want a family that will for sure last forever, listen to sermons every day with them and try to serve one another always. Hopefully my attempt this time will be long lasting. 

If you have siblings, be nice to them. That is important. 

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