Thursday, December 15, 2022


 In many ways Satan is like a spoiled child. God does not very often restrain him or correct him. He is able to do almost anything he wants to do. Why does God allow all that he does? I have no idea. His explanation for painful things to me is that it is interesting. 

Satan is called the god of this world in Corinthians. When Adam sinned it is as if he passed the keys to the power over the earth to Satan. First Adam ruled the world. After Satan won in making him sin, now Satan rules the world. It is interesting he did it via the woman. That is why the earth is so sad and painful now. Ultimately God controls Satan, but he doesn't keep a tight reign on him, it would seem. 

Satan used Eve to get Adam to fall. That still happens now. If women become sinful, men easily fall into sin. Think of porn. Almost every man is influenced by evil women in porn. The more depraved the woman is in her videos, the more messed up the guy watching it will become. Porn can and will make you go insane. And it can lead you quickly to hell. Be careful guys. 

Women are meant to be the guardians of sanity and purity for the world. We are supposed to make the world a better place for our children. Women in porn usually don't have children. That is why they don't care about the depravity of this world. 😣

 Satan knows if he can get a woman to be a leader into sin, he can influence almost the whole world. It all started with Madonna and  Mariah Carey. They made the whole world worship sex. MTV had a show called "Good Girls Gone Bad." That was also the tagline on a Rihanna CD. It was subliminal influencing. The idea was that good girls would then go bad and Satan would win, at least for a season. And he did. 😒

Satan is mainly after us women. If he can make us turn to sin and evil, he can dictate how the entire world will go. That might be why Hilary Clinton was set up by evil forces to lead America. Just imagine how crazy the whole world might have become. 

Ironically my dad used to always say I would be the first female president. Now that would be amazing. I bet I could start a life changing world wide revival that way. But the Elite would never let me step up, for fear of that. Or maybe they would. God can change the Elite and change the world if he wants to. For now he seems to enjoy watching it stay evil. I don't get why, but oh well. 

You probably didn't realize it, but most presidents have been into witchcraft and on the evil side. The Elite, the richest men in the world, keep it that way. We deceive ourselves in thinking we are a Christian nation. We are actually very evil at our core. 😣😒

May God bless America. And may God raise up godly women to lead our nation and our world into holiness instead of evil. Step it up ladies. Be the godly women God created you to be. Then maybe, just maybe, we can make this world a better place in the future. 

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