Thursday, November 14, 2013

Casting Out Demons

I have some very interesting stories to share.

A friend in a Bible study I'm in was in a grocery story a few months ago. 

She was standing next to a couple people and she could feel something was wrong about them, something evil. 

She went to another part of the grocery store and started getting sick.  She then went in the bathroom and ended up passing out.  She was taken in an ambulance to the E.R.

A cat scan was done and there was something in her neck.

That night her pastor came and prayed over her, for a COUPLE hours, to cast a demon out.

While he was praying over her, she was laughing at him in a demonic voice.

He then finally succeeding in casting the demon out. 

The next morning the hospital did an MRI and it showed that whatever was there was gone.

Pretty trippy stuff.  Science proving what happened spiritually.  Very cool. :)

Another story, a friend in this Bible study was laying on her couch one night and she could feel something in her wrist.  It was painful. 

She then felt something crawling under her skin, up her arm and over down her other arm.  She knew it was a demon and prayed, "In the name of Jesus leave!"  The demon left.

I know some won't believe these stories but I do.  I'm pretty good at being able to tell when people are lying to me or are crazy.  Neither of these women were neither lying nor crazy.  They were perfectly normal.

I wrote about this before but another story is my co-worker woke up one night and something was grabbing her hair and whipping her head back and forth.  She said, "By the power and blood of Jesus Satan be gone!"  And whatever it was left. 

Things like this happen.  The first story is a bit scary to me though because it sounds like what happened to her was possession, but as far as she knows she is saved.  So that is interesting for sure. 

If you have any thoughts on any of this feel free to comment.  God bless! :)

On a side note: in regards to Christians being possessed, "a house divided cannot stand" and there is a verse about the evil one cannot touch those of us who are saved.  Also that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.  Some use that verse to argue that God cannot dwell with darkness, therefore the Holy Spirit could not be in someone when a demon also is. 

She laughed in a demonic voice so therefore a demon was inside and had taken over. 

But she had prayed in tongues for 3 years so that should mean she's saved yes?

But then how could she be possessed?

Questions to think about. 

From a friend:

"I have had several experiences with demonic cases and I have heard of things related to that. I have met people involved in witchcraft both in real life and in the spirit realm. 

Demonic attacks are real and if a believer does not know how to use the authority and power in the name of Jesus against them, they will continue to operate. (scary :(

From my study of Scripture and my experiences, I do not believe a Christian can be possessed by demons, but they can be severely oppressed by demons (the demons infest their bodies and soul, but not their spirit).

The Holy Spirit can dwell in the Believer while he has the demon of anger, lust or hate in his soul.This occurs when Christians open the doors of their lives through certain sin strongholds or demonic practices."

That was what was taught in the Free Indeed class I took.  They talked about the demon of anger, lust etc. 

I don't know, it's possible.  But a full on possession where someone's body is controlled etc by a demon, I do not think that can happen to someone who is an actual believer. 

I think the demon of anger etc. is just a whispering in the ear kind of thing.  I do not think they take over our minds.  But they talk to us and try to influence us. 

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