Monday, November 25, 2013

The Fool

     I have been meaning to do a study on the fool talked about many times by Solomon to his son in Proverbs. 

What is a fool?  How can I make sure I am not a fool? etc. 

Let's take some advice from the wisest man who ever lived:   :)


Proverbs 18:2                    

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."
I have certainly known many people like this. :)  I suppose sometimes I too have lacked the ability to understand others at times. 
I have run across many who like to lecture instead of have a conversation.  I suppose in my writing it is like lecturing, but in person I prefer to dialogue.     
My dad is one of these people.  He loves to just talk and talk but never allows the other person to talk.  It's very frustrating.  I'm sure many of these verses will make me think of my dad lol.       

Proverbs 26:18-19                    

"Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death, Is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, “I am only joking!' "
Yes this is very annoying when people do this.  I heard in a sermon once that when people "joke" around and tease and say hurtful things that that is NOT love.  They may do it in a friendly manner, but it is still mean and them being a fool.  It is a foolish thing to do, because you never know when a "joke" that is said may offend your friend.          
My step dad used to do this when he first married my mom.  He would tease me about various things.  He soon learned that this teasing was not ok with me lol.  Especially any teasing regarding money.  :)
Some say if you weren't so sensitive you wouldn't get offended, but no, you're just having the proper reaction to someone acting foolishly and in a rude manner.  Teasing another is always foolish and rude.  :(

Proverbs 29:11                    

"A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back."
Another translation says "gives full vent to his anger." 
Anger is very foolish usually.  It makes someone look foolish and causes them to loose the respect of those around them.  It happens though and we can't ignore anger or try to sweep it under a rug.  But the wise thing to do is to take a deep breath and figure out why we are angry, rather than acting impulsively out of anger. 
Anger is a signal that you need to fix something or change something.  Anger gives you the energy to take action about something.  So anger can have positive results, if it is handled correctly.  But how many times do we only do more damage when angry?  That is very sad. :(  Instead of fixing the problem that our anger gave us the energy to do, we only make more problems. 
It is hard to know the perfect way to handle anger of course, but overall "man's anger does not bring about the righteousness of God."  But "don't let the sun go down on your anger."  It's a balance.  Don't stuff your anger or it will lead to bitterness, but don't give "full vent" to your anger either.  Both are foolish.  Express what needs to be expressed but in a rational manner if possible. lol :)  Easier said than done, but that is the best way to handle anger. :)  Say what needs to be said, but speak the truth in love. 

Proverbs 1:7                    

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."
What does it mean to fear the Lord?  In my research into the once saved, always saved theory this mentality pretty much takes away the fear of the Lord.  Another reason why it may not be good. 
Who is supposed to fear the Lord?  Everyone.  Why?  Because he is God; he is all powerful, and we are like mere tiny ants compared to him.
Paul says, "Take heed lest you fall."  And "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." 
Then it says, "fools despise wisdom and instruction."  If we thought we had no risk of not being saved once we are "saved" why would we ever feel the need take advice from anyone?  We are then untouchable right?  Even to God? 
haha, no never.  There can be much pride in this mentality. 
So why do we constantly need to take advice and listen to wisdom and instruction? 
Because we need to always be careful of where we stand with God.  We will all have to give an account to God on the last day for how we lived our lives.  We will all be judged, even if we are "saved."  So regardless of the theological position on security of salvation, we ALL still need to fear God.  Amen?  Amen. :)          

Proverbs 18:6                    

"A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating."
lol this one is pretty funny. 
I knew a few people who literally got out of their cars when tail gated by someone as if they wanted to start a fight with the person behind them.  This has to be the most foolish thing a person could ever do.  How did they know if the person in the car behind them had a gun or not?  Someone could easily open themselves to get shot in such a situation.       
Never pick fights.  Fools pick fights.  Wise men walk away.      
Why does the fool's "mouth invite a beating?"  Fools usually have a lot of pride.  Overwhelming pride is probably the main character trait that everyone can't stand.  So when seen in others, people may feel the need to beat this pride out of a person, either with words of physical force. 
Men understand this.  If one man challenges or insults another, he gets beaten up and the lesson is learned.  "Don't be so arrogant and think that you're better than me or you will get pounded."  That is what is being communicated in a physical fight with guys.  But often people don't listen to reason and that is why, to some, violence seems necessary. 
"Wisdom is found in those who take advice."  "Bend the knee or have it broken."  Being humble will not result in fighting.  Fighting comes from pride. 

Proverbs 29:9                    

"If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."
What the fool wants is to get you angry.  If you allow yourself to get angry, then they have won.  I know this from my many years of working with children lol.  In many ways children are fools.  We are all born fools really and with age we become more and more wise. 
For some reason it is the ultimate thrill for a kid when they can make you angry.  I don't know why.  There is no other explanation than that they are a fool.  :) 
The fool, or the child, wants to know they can have an affect on you.  Fighting is entertainment to a fool. 
He laughs because he has been able to have power over you by making you angry.  Fools love attention.  They love to be noticed.  They love to have power over another.  By having power over your emotions, they then have power over you.  Don't show the fool that they have won by having power over your emotions. 
How can you win with a fool?  Don't show any reaction to them.  Show them that they DON'T have power over you, and that they can't affect you, no matter what they do.  Have self-control.  Don't allow yourself to get angry at them, for then they have won. 
That was the number one lesson I learned in working with kids, don't show them that they can have any affect over you.  Don't show them that they have the power to make you angry.  They may make you angry, but if you show it, the child has just won.  Then then know that they are in control, not you. 
By maintaining your composure and having self-control over your emotions, you show that you are the one in control.


May God increase your wisdom in all things.  Amen!

God bless :)

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