Saturday, November 2, 2013

On Power

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

 Abraham Lincoln

When we have power is when our character truly can be seen and is revealed. 

Power can be used easily to exploit others.

I have seen this in my dad, obviously.  He used his power over me to exploit me.

I saw it in a guy I used to work with at a school.  He loved being the "teacher" and loved to use his power to dominate and control the kids.  He was later accused of molesting some of the kids, which I think for the part did actually happen, given his character of liking to dominate and control others.

I have seen this in other co-teachers I have worked with in working with kids.  They loved the power they had over the kids and being able to make them do whatever they wanted. 

People can get high off of power.  It can be a real thrill for people.

This is often why people choose to work with kids sadly.  They don't really care about the kids, the just care about the power they can have over them.

There were times when I worked with kids and felt a bit of pride when they actually did what I wanted them to.  But for the most part for me it was always humbling to me given all the times the kids did Not obey me or do what I asked. lol :)

But look at a lot of people in positions of power.  Catholic priests, football coaches, teachers, doctors.....all have used their power and the trust the public has in them to molest children.

Does power lead to evil acts like molesting children or do evil people seek positions of power more?  That is a good question to consider.

Often times in churches people will fight for positions of leadership, because of their pride, because of ego.  They want to "be somebody."  They want their name to be known.  They want their name on a plaque or to get up in front of people and be seen.

But Jesus said he who wants to be first shall be last. 

I have always viewed leadership as a way to serve others, not a way to have power over others. 

But so many people crave to be leaders so that they can tell others what to do.  This is not how leadership should be. 

Leadership is about having more responsibility and carrying the weight of decision making etc for the people they are in charge of.  It is not about bossing people around and telling them what to do.  Leadership is serving others. 

In college we discussed would we rather be a king that is feared or loved?  Loved of course.  And which one has more power?  A king that is feared appears to have more power at first, but in the end his subjects will just want to murder him in his sleep, because they will resent his domination and control. 

A king that is loved may not appear to have as much success, but in the end he does, because his subjects follow him from the inside out.  They love to serve him because they love him. 

We cannot get people to do what we want by forcing them, nagging them, picking on them etc.  We have to encourage others and use charm to get what we want. 

I love the line in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."  The mom says, "The man may be the head, but the woman is the neck and can turn the head wherever she wants." 

This certainly is not always true, but women know how to influence others through charm. 

You will not be effective in trying to control others as long as you are trying to control them.  Your objective needs to be foremost to love them.  Once they see that you really care, they just might do what you want. :)

God has complete power over us, but he does not exploit us.  He loves us.  He relinquishes some of the power he has and gives us a free will.  Why?  Because he loves us, and he knows that only in giving us freedom will we be able to really love Him. :) 

As long as one tries to dominate another, love will not grow.  Love can only grow in freedom.


May God increase our wisdom on how to be servant leaders when we are called to lead others.  Amen. 

God bless!

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