Friday, November 8, 2013

Near Death

My thesis for this blog. :)  I believe right before people die they enter into a  kind of heaven/earth portal so that they are in both worlds at the same time.  This is why people often see angels, demons and people who have already died when they are about to die. 

I just met a lady who was a hospice nurse for a time.  A hospice nurse works with people who are given only about 6 months left to live.  She has told me some very cool stories that people she worked with told her about things they saw before they died.

But first, from famous people who died:

Dwight L. Moody before he died said, "I see heaven opening and angels gathered."

The guy who wrote the Satanic bible, Alistair Crowley, was quoted as saying right before he died, "Oh no, oh no!  I've made a terrible mistake!" :)  Yes he did. 

My friend said: "One of my patients saw my dad but he died 13 years ago.  He said, 'Your dad was in the hallway helping me back to my room because I almost fell and he told me to call you!'"  She asked him to describe what this man looked like and he described her dad to a T, down to his mannerisms and everything. 

She had another woman look past her when they were talking and she said, "There are a lot of demons in here right now standing right behind you."  haha can you imagine someone saying that to you. :)

Another interesting thing is that she said every single patient she worked with that was near death told her they saw a little four year old girl following her everywhere she went.  She had a blue dress on and a blonde pony tail. 

I have heard that our guardian angel looks like a miniature version of us, so they were all probably seeing her guardian angel.  So cool! They said this little girl had a personality just like hers.  :)

Some of her patients didn't realize she couldn't also see this little girl, so when she told them she couldn't, some felt weird about it and didn't talk much more about it. :) lol

Some of the patients said the girl would have a little boy with her that was about the same age that she would play with.  This could have been their own guardian angel if her patient was a man. 

Also something very interesting, most people get a huge burst of energy right before they die.  One man hadn't walked in days and could barely lift a glass of water but then for about 15 minutes he was walking all around the house. 

Another man had been bed ridden for two months.  He crawled out of bed one day, walked around the house and talked to his daughter about the good old days for about an hour.  Then he went back in his bed, cozied up with his favorite quilt, told his wife and daughter that he loved them and said goodbye.  He then died the next morning.

Another lady she took care of only lived one month after a breast cancer diagnosis.  It seemed the day before she died that her body was glazed over, like her body was there but she wasn't.  She kept seeing and talking to her sister who had died years before.   :)

And here are stories from other friends:

A friend I know, her dad died and went to heaven for a bit.  He said he saw roller coasters there and movie theatres.  Everything that we would have here on earth.  He said it looked like a very fun place.  And that people were able to fly everywhere.  The streets were streets of gold.

Another friend I knew, his dad also died and went to heaven.  He had like 7 heart attacks and a bad heart.  He was in heaven and God told him, "You have to go back and take care of your son." 

One of another friend's cousins who was Christian died for almost 7 minutes.  He said he saw the gates of heaven and his family, his brothers and mom, in heaven.  They had already died. 

Also a friend of her family who was an unbeliever was struck by lightning and was dead for about 2 minutes.  He saw nothing but absolute darkness. 

My friend has seen angels and she said their presence feels like a warm rain shower or a warm blanket.  It's like a rush of a warm, soft current of water.  :)

I have felt this somewhat in worship, tingles or yes, a warm sensation.  It's very cool. :)  I never think much of it because I have felt it so many times, almost every time I am singing in worship in church.  Perhaps I am feeling angels, who knows. :)  I have heard that angels like to see how we worship God, like they are curious or something. lol :) 

Another friend said that she knew someone that was dying and saw angels playing trumpets in his hospital room.  That would be interesting. :)

Another friend said she's known people who nearly died and saw angels or demons and went to heaven or hell for a bit.  That really does happen all the time it seems.

Another person saw the streets of gold in heaven and the gates.  They said it was peaceful and warm and bright in heaven. :)  awe :)

A friend also has an uncle who is an atheist and was there when her grandfather died.  Everyone was in the room singing hymns and her uncle said he felt a presence in the room.  He felt like there was something there that was warm and peaceful.  :)

Another friend knows a woman who died in surgery.  She was sucked through a black tunnel that was dark.  She believed she was going to hell.  She was trying to fight it though and ended up coming back to life.  The first thing she did when she could, was go straight to church. lol :) 

Another person she met told her that her dad died during surgery.  He said he went to a bad place but he would not say much about it. But he came back.  Hopefully he knows Jesus now. :(

Another girl died in a drug overdose awhile ago.  She died and went to heaven, but then came back.

And perhaps I will hear more stories to share with you all. :)

May God bless you and increase your faith more and more!  Amen! :) 

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