Friday, November 22, 2013

Never Give Up

Written by my hubby :)

"Sometimes people may try to tell us things like, "Oh you'll never be able to have any success in life.  Your dreams will never come true."  It could be anything they are saying like, "You're never going to be a good husband or wife or a good father or mother.  You'll never be able to get off of drugs or quit drinking or you'll never be able to be a happy person because you're depressed all the time."  "You'll never receive all that God has for you" and so on and so on.

(That is Satan talking through others if you ever hear things like this.  None of that is coming from me, just an fyi. :) I try to be encouraging as much as I can. 

But Satan wants us to think we can't do anything.  He wants us to give up.  But God wants us to never give up.  Amen :) 

"I just want to point out here that there isn't anything prideful about replying that with God's help you can and will rise to the occasion.  You can recognize that you can't do it without Gods help, so its actually really humble as long as you say it in a good spirit.

You shouldn't feel bad at all about reminding these critics about Philippians 4:13 which says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" or the verse that says "all things are possible for them that believe."

Do not, in any way, doubt that God's help is on the way, because one who doubts is a double minded man, tossed around like the waves of the sea.  It says in the Bible, "Let not that person believe they will receive anything from The Lord."  It also says, "As a man thinks, so will he be."

You need to think of yourself as someone who can win, and when you continue to believe your going to win no matter what you are hearing from others, you have just increased the odds of that happening. 
Let's give a worst case scenario here and say that you don't get the victory. Do you think when this life is over God is going to say that he was proud of you that you didn't give up, or is he going to say "I don't know why you just didn't quit a long time ago?"
"Without faith its impossible to please God" it says in the book of Hebrews.
Jacob in the Old Testament wouldn't give up, but Esau did.  That's was the difference between the two of them.
The reason God hated Esau is because he only cared about himself and that's why he was a quitter.
 You might recall the football movie Rudy, where the main character didn't have the size or quickness to be a college football player, but he had the right heart.  Sure there were times he wanted to quit, but he kept going.  God wants us to have a heart of perseverance like Rudy and to never give up."

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