Thursday, November 7, 2013

On Spiritual Warfare

Here are my class notes from the Free Indeed class I took.  It is all pretty similar to the book The Bondage Breaker. 

We are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.

"In the N.T. you see the unfolding of the kingdom of God on earth."

The believers in Acts had been set free and transformed.

There is a transforming power in Jesus.

The freedom in Christ is available and should be a reality to all. 

"Christ came not only to die for our sins but also to set us free from the power of sin and to heal us."  Amen! :)

Wounds form our past are often the source of our physical illnesses. 

"Captives have been placed in bondage through the actions of others." :(

What areas of your life hinder your joy?  (jealousy, anger, laziness :)

"If the son sets you free you will be free indeed!"  Amen!

The three voices we hear all the time in our heads....

Satan voice bullies, discourages, criticizes, is derogatory, negative, attacks self and others, condemns, rejects, accuses, diminishes you, forces comparison, doubts God, is world directed.

The voice of the flesh is self-focused, self-absorbed, analyzes, debates, self-promoting, justifies self, blames others, depends on self, compares self to others, rationalizes.

God's Spirit's voice to us loves, accepts, encourages, speaks the truth in love, offers hope and strength, convicts lovingly, does not compare to others, trusts God, remind us of God's word. :)  Amen!

"One of Satan's greatest strategies is to keep our focus off of God and on ourselves."  Yep, whether for good or bad.  Just don't think about yourself at all, lol, if possible. :)

As the church we are to establish God's kingdom on this earth, via healing the brokenhearted, healing others, setting people free etc. 

Jesus wants to change your situation.

Heaven starts now.  Eternal life starts now.  God wants to change this world through us.  We are his ambassadors. 

When Jesus was water baptized the trinity was all present, the spirit as a dove and God the father spoke from heaven. :)

A book to read: The Search for Meaning

Once you see yourself as a saint it will change your life.  See yourself as God sees you.  Already but not yet.  We are already saints in his eyes, though we are not yet entirely saints in that we aren't perfect yet. :)  Not until heaven. :)

In the story of the prodigal son, Jewish fathers never ran, ever, let alone to a son who left him.  This story shows how outrageous God's love is for us.  :)

God views us as the end product of what we will become.  He sees the end result, not the process.  He sees the house finished, not the construction.  He wants us to see ourselves this way. 

Your salvation is free but at the same time, it will cost you everything. lol :)  yep

To be the son or daughter of a king is somewhat scary; it's a lot of responsibility and power.  Somewhat hard to accept the free gift because you feel like you own God or you need to repay him.  Well we do. :)  With how we live. 

A song by Shane and Shane that is good, Embracing Accusation.

Why do we need to confess our sins?  Our sin doesn't condemn us once we are in Christ but it hinders our intimacy with God.  It keeps Satan from accusing us.  Satan wants to say we are condemned by any new sin as well. 

In Christ we go from fear to courage, bondage to freedom, ruled to ruling, alienation to adoption, death to life, weakness to strength.  Amen! :)

How would I act differently if I really believed I am a saint?  :)  No insecurity perhaps.

We as Christians need to make God's kingdom different and attractive. 

When we speak out what God says is true of us it can become true of us. 

My grandma always said that I was going to do something really great someday, even though at the time I was not behaving great.  :)  She showed me God's character.  That he sees our end product.  He see what we can be, not just what we are at the time. :)  Amen!

Don't drop into dirt thinking. :)  We are meant to reign.  We are the sons and daughter of a king.  Get out of the pit. :)  Soar high and stand tall. :)

Even if I don't feel all the things God sees about me, they are still what he sees. :)

"I am highly valued. I lack nothing for godliness and love because I have been made complete in Christ.  I am free from all condemnation.  I am totally united to the love of God in Christ.  I am courageous in Christ.  I am a minister of reconciliation for God to the world.  I am a new creation.  I am loved and treasured.  I am never alone; God is always with me.  I am totally accepted in Christ and treasured by God."  Amen! :)

We don't understand the process of transformation with ourselves or others, but the end is beautiful. :)  Trust that God is working on yourself and others. :)

You can change your atmosphere by what you say. 

"Satan does not own us anymore as Christians."

Satan lies to us about who we are, who God is, and how we can find fulfillment, thus idols....

We may think that we are unwanted, un-needed, unloved, that God is mean or that things that are sins and lead to death are good for us. 

We need to abide in God's word, that is what it is to abide in the vine, being Christ.  Christ is the word of God, the Bible.  "In the beginning was the word...."

God gives us children and it is our job to give them back to God.  They are not ours ultimately.  They are God's, just like everything else we have.  Amen :)

A study was done on what kinds of thoughts we think and what our brain looks like each time.  For positive thoughts our brain literally looks more organized.  When we think negative thoughts our "brain trees" look more chaotic and scattered.  Interesting.

There is a theory that cancer is caused by a deep emotional trauma.  (my theory is junk food and fast food cause cancer, but who really can say for sure :(

We need to realize God is with us throughout the day. :) 

We don't know ourselves nearly as much as God does. :)

My life before I made Christ the Lord of my life at age 14: I was.....bitter, angry, rebellious, greedy, dishonest, in darkness, defiant, not submissive.  After I made Christ Lord of my life I was.... at peace, obedient, content, happy, filled with joy, more bold to share the good news, loved the light and honesty, submissive, friendly, respectful, had better words and thoughts, free :)

I knew God/Jesus before I made him Lord of my life, but knowing God in our heads is not the same as knowing him, loving him, following him with our whole hearts.  Amen :)

What do we put our trust in that isn't God?  That is what our idol is.

Lies that we may struggle with....these are all lies from Satan....God is arbitrary, God hates me, God is punishing me, God is indifferent and doesn't care about me, God is not good,  Satan is more powerful than God, God cannot be trusted, God plays games with my life, I am on my own and have to watch out for myself, God is a scorekeeper waiting to punish me for anything I do wrong, I don't matter to God :(, I am unworthy of love- God's or anyone's, I am inadequate, I am defective, God rejects me.... my life is random and up to chance. :(

The truth from God's word that counteracts all of those lies from Satan.....God is good, He loves me, God is more powerful than Satan and anything alive, God CAN be trusted, He is involved in my life, He cares, God looks out for me, God is my loving Father who only wants to do good for me, I am significant in God's eyes, I am loveable, I am capable, I am acceptable, I am loved by God and others, I belong, God hears when I pray and listens to me, My life has purpose and meaning and significance because God is working it out and has plans for me. :)


We need to have an intense experience of God's love for us. :)  (I had this when one night it just dawned on me how MUCH God loves me, about 5 years ago, and I was weeping and overwhelmed.  I finally realized that no matter what I do God loves me.  God's unconditional love for the first time became real to me.  Ironically it was when I was reading a book on the five points of Calvinism.  Even though I don't like those lol.  There is some truth to them, that God loves us not matter what if we are saved.  Very cool :)

We sometimes believe we are unworthy of God.  Which was are.  But in Christ we are worthy.  We are hidden in Christ so when God looks at us he sees Christ, not us!  Amen :) 

If we believe Satan's lie that we are unworthy, we may get into relationships where we are treated unworthy and disrespectfully. :(  We treat people how to treat us.  What we think we deserve, we will get.  It is a self fulfilling prophecy.  We attract what we think we deserve.  As much as we love and respect ourselves is as much as others will love and respect us as well. 

If someone is annoying us in the present it may be that they remind us of something in our past.  If someone now is controlling it may bring up anger of someone who was controlling in the past.  So the anger we feel is partially at the current person, but also unresolved anger at the person of the past. 

We need to overcome strongholds in our lives and lies that keep us captive.  Things that can produce lies and strongholds in our minds; abuse, neglect and trauma.  These imprint us as little kids and are hard to get over as adults.

We need to have righteous anger over things in our past.  Until we do we may never heal from them.  You cannot bury the feelings forever.  They will come out in one way or another.

Satan tries to pit us against people in the present from strongholds developed in our past.

We need to feel the anger we need to feel and then give it to God and forgive.  Let it go.  But you can't let it go until you have felt it and dealt with it.  Forgiveness is not saying it didn't matter.  It's saying it did, but I still forgive you. 

May God heal our anger and brokenness. :)

A truth that God spoke to me about my past:
"You were innocent as a child.  You didn't want what happened to you.  Your dad was evil, extremely evil.  It was not your fault at all.  I love you though and did not want that to happen to you.  I'm sorry I let that happen to you but I didn't want it to.  It was not in my perfect will but I give all humans free will.  It was your dad's choice to disobey me and do that.  But I will protect you in the future.  Don't be afraid.  But even if you do get hurt again I can heal you.  Don't worry."  :) 

If we sow negative things, we will reap negative things. 

What things open us up to curses in our lives?

Idolatry and false worship.  Dishonoring parents.  Injustice and violence.  Sexual immorality.  Robbing God-not tithing etc  Malachi 3:8,9.  Ignoring the poor. :( "If you close your ears to the poor when they cry out then you too will cry out and I will not hear you." 

Vow-  don't even say you will never do something.  Never say never. :)  That sets up a self curse in your life, putting yourself in bondage by what you vow.

Evidence you may be under a curse:

Poverty, infirmity, mental illness, barrenness, failure to prosper and thrive in any way, oppression...

Sins of our fathers may affect us now....the curses from these need to be broken....

The sins of my father or previous generations:  dissension, anger, temper, rage, porn, adultery, prostitution, alcoholism, addiction, abortion, sexual immorality, unfaithfulness, abandonment of children, lying and dishonesty, lust etc.....I'm sure there's more.

Soul ties- anyone we joined our body with outside of marriage in the past creates a soul tie that needs to be broken in Jesus name. 

Do we really believe God's word is true?  In our hearts?

Life will always have trouble.  We need to have a new mind.

Something in us knows that we are destined to FLY! :)  woot!

We will go from glory to glory in Christ.

We are now born again of water and God's spirit.  We have a new spirit in us and controlling us. :)

Don't just change your actions, change you heart. :)  The root cause of your actions.  The heart is the wellspring of life.  "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."

We need to not have our heart and mind at odds with each other.  Bring your heart into alignment with Christ and submit to him.

We often may have more issues with ourselves or in relation to others. 

Someone who can't submit to authority will never have anuthority. 

Authority is the power to influence and command. 

God gave man authority at creation.  But we gave that authority away to Satan. :(  Jesus gives us that authority back. :) 

Adam was made to be God's representative on the earth, but then we become slaves instead of rulers.

God wants to rule this world again through us, the church.  But we have to believe in our authority in Christ. :)

Demons are subject to Christ in us. 

Ask God to make you hungry for his word more and more. :)  "Hunger and thirst for righteousness."  The more we eat of God's word the hungrier we will get. :) 

Remember to pray, we don't ultimately control anything. 

We cannot be possessed as Christians but we can be afflicted, hindered, and harassed by Satan. 

He messes with our soul.

The more we submit to Christ, the less and less temptation will appeal to us.  The less Satan will be able to mess with us. :)

What do you turn to in pain instead of God?  That is your idol.  For me: sleep lol :)

God created the world just with words.  "God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light."  God spoke and things came about. 

We speak and things come about in the unseen realm.  The spiritual world is directed and set in motion by what we say.  We can curse others etc.   We can also bless others and speak life into them and their situation.  "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."  :) 

We are made in the image of God, so our words have more power than we realize.  How we speak is very important and crucial.  They can have a huge effect on ourselves and those around us.
A book to read: on the prayer circle....Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker.....about praying circles around things in your life, protection from Satan.

Request that God send angels to the four corners of your house to protect it in Jesus' name. :)

You are a soldier in God's army.  Literally.  You are in a battle whether you realize it or not.  An unseen battle that you cannot touch or see, but you can feel at times.  It is all around you. :(  Angels and demons.  This is why we need to pray without ceasing. :)

Brokenness comes when someone that we need is unavailable. :(  It causes us to believe wrong things about ourselves, God and others.  Scars from childhood almost never go away.  So be careful with your own kids.  :( 

These lies can create spiritual strongholds.

A lie we may believe as a result, "Anyone you love will leave you or hurt you."

It may cause us to think something is wrong with us. 

We may think, "If God really loves me why did he let that happen.....?"

If we were violated we may believe the lie, "My purity does not matter to God."

It may be hard to receive love now because we think we don't deserve it.  Common when there is abuse in our past. 

So we push people away. :( 

We are less likely to trust anyone.  Plus we have been so used to being on our own and caring for ourselves. 

Pain can make us act out of control at times, when our bruises get pushed in the present that brings up pain from the past. 

Jesus said, "I've come to heal the broken hearted."  He wants to heal us, you. :)

We may think life isn't safe unless we control everything.  Our lives were out of control as children so we seek to control everything now. 

We may respond to things in the present that didn't even happen, because it triggers something in our past.  We imagine things are there that are not happening as happening. :(

God can change the way you view your past and memories. :)

Open every part of your heart and past to Jesus.  Amen :)

I hope my notes from this class helped you!  God bless!

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