Saturday, December 21, 2013


Yep, that's how I feel in relation to my view on doctors.  The only person who saw things the way I do was the guy I was with before my husband and he is now dead, ironically due to his doctor prescribing way too many medications for him. 

No one I know sees doctors as I do.  Most people I know put doctors at an almost God status which my whole life has greatly frustrated me; my mom, my best friend, other friends and now almost everyone I know.

I just think people need to recognize that doctors are generally wrong.  I'm not saying they always are, but they generally are. 

The only time my brother ended up in the ER was after a flu shot.  At least my brother feels somewhat the same as I do about doctors so that is nice. :) 

When I wrote my blog on medications about a year ago he said to me on the phone, "If you feel God led you to write about that then that's good."  That was nice to at least have his support.  But, that blog made my best friend cry sadly.  The only time in my life really that I had offended her really, in the 14 years that I have known her.  But I was just writing what I believe to be the truth. 

Sure it would be a lot easier for me to just go along with the crowd and see doctors as everyone else does, as being special and all wise, but I simply don't and never will.  Only God is all wise. 

I think they are generally con artists that benefit off of the foolishness and ignorance of the masses. 

I don't like doctors, for the most part. 

Granted they saved my life when I was 10 from appendicitis.  That was good.  They can do good and do at times.  But generally I think they only hurt people rather than make people better.  That is just what I have seen in the lives of everyone I know.  So that is why I feel the way I do about them. 

You, whoever you are reading this, are entitled to form your own opinion of course.  I am not forcing my opinion on anyone in anything I write.  I just express my own view points about things as I feel led to by God.  I write what I believe to be the truth, and always will, no matter what anyone says.  That is all. 

Grace and peace to you and God bless! :)

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