Friday, December 20, 2013

God Loves Us!

I had somewhat of an epiphany last night at church, seeing what Christmas is all about with new eyes.

I heard a great story that really changes how I saw God sending Jesus to earth. 

The story goes that a man didn't want to go to church one Christmas with his family.  So they went and he stayed home.  Then he looked outside and saw some birds caught in the blizzard that they were having.  He went outside to try to get them to go into their barn, so they could stay warm.  But they were just confused and scared of him.  He then had the thought, "If I could just become like one of them, I could show them the way, and show them what would be best for them."  Then he realized that is why God sent his son Jesus to earth, to show us the way. :) 

How cool huh!

That story really made me see it in a way I never had before.  I mean my whole life I have heard that God sent his son to us and I never thought much about it, like what that really meant. 

If you really think about it, it does seem odd that God has a son who is also God himself and that he would send him to earth knowing that we would torture him.  And why would God put himself in such a vulnerable position as to be born as a baby?  Talk about a lot of trust in Mary to be a good mom! lol :) 

I suppose I will have a lot of questions for God when I get to heaven.  My biggest one has always been, why did God create us knowing we would reject him time and time again? 

But perhaps that is why marriage is meant to illustrate to us how it is with the church and Jesus.  We as the church reject Jesus time and again and sin but he keeps forgiving us.  It is the same in marriage.  Spouses continually hurt each other, we wish that we would not be it happens because we are fallen, but we keep forgiving each other. 

Well the answer to all my questions I think it just simply love.  God loves us, a LOT.  "For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son...."  He wanted something to love and show love to so he created us, for the same reason we have children. :)  He just might have been bored and lonely before he created us and that is why he did create us. :)  He loves us and that is why he keeps forgiving us, no matter what we do.  He loves us and that is why he sent his son to show us how to live the best life possible. :) 

But if God loves us why does he allow us to suffer?  Right?
Well like parents sometimes will let their kids learn something the hard way and show tough love, God lets us learn the hard way at times.  He knows that the pain of this world will make us run to him faster and more often.  So he allow us to experience pain to teach us a lesson.  The lesson being; anything I do that is not in his will will cause me pain, so I need to just do what he tells me to do.  That is what children eventually come to learn with good parenting.  "If I follow what my parents want me to do I will have the best life possible."  It is the same with us and God.  :)  He loves us and just wants us to be happy, but sometimes we have to learn the hard way about things, about the world, about doing anything away from him. :)  Amen.

May we all learn to trust God more and more and truly believe that he has our best interest at heart.  May we remember that even though we experience pain that doesn't mean he doesn't love us.  Sometimes him letting us feel pain is him showing us his love, because pain helps us to learn and become more wise, like when a kid touches a hot stove.  Stay away from hot stoves. lol 

God bless! :) 

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