Friday, December 27, 2013

To Vaccinate or Not

Some pretty amazing research I have found on the topic of vaccinations. 

I have wondered why there is such an epidemic now of ADHD in kids.  It could just be nervous anxiety, or it could be caused by their vaccinations. 

I met another pregnant girl on a recent cruise who said at dinner plainly, "I feel a lot better not vaccinating than vaccinating."  And now I can clearly see why.  Check out these quotes:

"Jini Patel Thompson who wrote Should I Vaccinate My Child, points out some interesting results of a study done by the WHO contradicting this statement,

“An unpublished study by the World Health Organization (WHO)...
on a “measles susceptible” (malnourished) group of children showed that the group who hadn’t been vaccinated contracted measles at the normal contract rate of 2.4%. Of the group who had received the measles vaccine (MMR), 33.5% contracted measles.’

"For all of the people that are anti-abortion but still vaccinate their children…there is an ingredient in vaccines called human diploid cells, which come from aborted fetal tissue." how sad

"According to Naturopathic Physician, Keith Post, ND these are the filler ingredients we can find in our vaccines:
•Aborted human fetal tissue
•Dead animal tissues, such as chicken embryo, rabbit brain and ...
dog or monkey kidney
•Pig, horse or calf blood
•Toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde (think embalming fluid) or phenol
•Antibiotics and yeast (think Candidiasis)
•Toxic heavy metal compounds made out of aluminum or mercury. The mercury compound is called thimerosal and is the subject of current litigation, because many parents and researchers link it to the alarming increase in post-vaccination autism." (yep)

" I found that there are in fact still trace amounts of mercury in vaccines. Even if it’s just trace amounts, isn’t it still very bad to put any aluminum and mercury into my 2 month old baby?! Why didn’t the doctor tell me this before we immunized!?"

"Here’s a list of just some of the vaccine reaction symptoms.
•Pronounced swelling, redness, heat or hardness at the site of the injection
•Body rash or hives
•Extreme sleepiness or long periods of unresponsiveness
•High fever (over 103 F)
•Weakness or paralysis of any part of the body
•Loss of eye contact or awareness or social withdrawal
•Loss of ability to roll over, sit up or stand up
•Vision or hearing loss
•Restlessness, hyperactivity or inability to concentrate
•Sleep disturbances that change wake/sleep pattern
•Onset of chronic ear or respiratory infections (I had those
•Violent or persistent diarrhea or chronic constipation
•Breathing problems (asthma)
•Excessive bleeding (thrombocytopenia) or anemia....

"Mary attends a holistic moms group and has told me about a mom whose little baby turned into a “vegetable” hours after the DPT vaccine and other mothers who watched their baby die shortly after being immunized."

"There are about 20-thousand adverse reactions reported each year."

"There also have been quite a few studies that have shown a link to autism in children with family history of depress...
ion, anxiety and Alzheimer’s. Some doctors and pediatricians don't vaccinate infants with family histories of these diseases as they feel the child will be at an increased risk of developing autism after being vaccinated as an autoimmune response." (wow)

"I was vaccinated against the whooping cough and got it years later."

"I had three posts on three diff sites asking this question and out of all of the non vaccinated kids, they are all healthy. I mainly hear more so than the vaccinated ones!"

"While I in no way wish pain or discomfort on anyone, having a fever is there for a purpose. Too often we rush to give Tylenol or Advil and in the process we negate what the bodies natural response is meant to do and we jeopardize the health of the liver and kidneys." (yep)....

"Just because you vaccinate doesn't mean you won't get it. I had all my shots as a child and I still got a few of the things. They actually don't keep you from getting the diseases. I had the whooping cough shot and still had it very badly as well."

"An ER doctor said she kept having kids coming in to the ER having seizures and the parents kept stating that the child just had their shots." (yep)...

"We don't get the regular flu shot cause every time we got one in the past we still ended up getting the flu, and the times we didn't get it, we didn't get the flu." (ha)

"About the H1N1 shot, my mom got the shot... 10 days after the shot she woke up with the whole left side of her face PARALYZED. Can not blink her eye, use her mouth and now she has ringing in her ear and needs sleeping pills and an eye patch to keep her eyelid closed." (wow)

"Polio: protects against polio, the vaccine is also known as IPV ..Sometimes the vaccine was causing the disease."

(wow) "Of 253 infant death cases awarded more than $61 million by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in the 1990s under the compensation program, 224, or 86 percent, were attributed to vaccination with DTP, the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) shot."

"A mom drove to the public health clinic and her baby was given oral Polio and DPT shot. He never woke up for his 3:00 am feed."

"My baby stopped breathing after her second hep b shot. She is okay now. I am not."

"We started vaccinating our first son on the normal vaccine schedule, but when we discovered he had autism, we began to rethink our decision."

how sad :(

"In 1975 Japan raised the minimum age for infant vaccinations to 2 years. As a result, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or, crib death) and infant convulsions virtually disappeared. In the 80's, Japan lowered the minimum age back down to... 3 months and the rate of SIDS returned to previous levels."

"A group of recruits were immunized for Rubella, and all produced the expected antibodies. When later exposed to the disease, 80% of the recruits contracted it."

"The use of live viral vaccines introduce foreign genetic material into the human system, which has contributed to the unprecedented escalation of auto-immune disorders (like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cancer, Crohn's disease, asthma, etc.) in recent decades."

"75% of British people who contracted smallpox had been vaccinated."

"How much synthetic vitamin K is in the shot? Shockingly, the national standard mandated by most states for US hospitals to administer is over 100 times the infant’s RDA of this nutrient. Since studies have linked large doses of vitamin K with childhood cancers and leukemia, this large dose of synthetic K administered within minutes of birth seems questionable at best." - See more at: (wow)

"The manufacturer’s insert included with the shot includes the following warning, 'Severe reactions, including fatalities, have occurred during and immediately after intravenous injection of phytonadione even when precautions have been taken to dilute the vitamin and avoid rapid infusion …”

Here the CDC openly lists all the possible negative side effects for each immunization.  Wow.

"A vaccine, like any medicine, could cause serious problems, such as a severe allergic reaction or even death."


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