Sunday, December 1, 2013


I had some very strange dreams last night. 

They may have been because of a talk I had with my mom yesterday.  She said my grandma had a seizure three weeks ago.  I said how I generally think seizures are spiritual and are caused by demons attacking people.  Then she said how my grandpa does think there are demons in their house.  Apparently drug dealers used to own it before them and when they moved in there was blood on the walls.  Pretty creepy. :(

So needless to say I'm sure that was partly why I had the dreams that I did.

In the first dream I was in Japan or China and I was watching a Kung Fu class of some sort.  The students were all middle aged children.  Then all of a sudden this girl who was about 12 looked over at me and glared at me, like she didn't want me to be there.  Her eyes were completely black and she said in the creepiest voice, "I am Satan!"  Then I woke up.  Thank goodness. lol :)

I had never really had a dream like that before. 

In the second dream I was in my room.  The books on my bookshelf were messed up and I knew someone else was in the room.  I asked whoever the unseen being was to straighten them up.  The books started moving until they were all straight.  Then three angels appeared, but they just looked like men really.  They all had white robes on and red or brown hair.  I asked one of them how many were there.  He counted the ones I could see, and others I couldn't see, and he said there were 15 angels there total. 

That was the first time I've "seen" angels in a dream, or dreamed about angels. :)

Then in the last dream I was at a church.  The pastor was saying everyone needed to pray in tongues.  He started speaking in another language.  But it turned out the language was a language from Jakarta and he had grown up in Jakarta, if such a city exists.  I said to everyone there that was not the same thing, since he was just speaking a language that he had known since birth.  But he was fooling the people into thinking he had the gift of tongues when he didn't.

Very strange dreams for sure. 

And then I got this from a friend today in an e-mail.....

"An angel grabbed my hand yesterday!!!  I was in my bed, trying to take a nap.  And I felt I wasn't alone.  I said aloud, "just hold my hand." And someone grabbed my hand!  I felt a hand in my hand, and the greatest surge of energy through my body.  I was terrified, so I tried to scream but I couldn't scream, or move.  I just felt the energy rush through my body and then I was completely exhausted, drained and I still could not move."

Very interesting for sure.  I am not sure it was an angel though since she was terrified.  Usually just Satan and demons invoke fear in people. 

But then again, whenever angels appeared to people in the Bible they always said, "Don't be afraid."  So perhaps seeing an angel or being around one is kind of scary. 

I'm not sure what to make of what kind of being it was that touched her.  If you have any thoughts feel free to comment. 

God bless! :)

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