Monday, December 16, 2013

Stay Humble

"God always favors the humble and the dependent."  Remember, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

"When we humble ourselves we can be exalted by God and we can then live lives of significance." But humility must come first. :)

Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to death, "therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him that is above all names; that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth."  Amen! :)

"To be humble is to be distrustful of oneself" but completely trustful of God. :)

"God created the world out of nothing.  As long as we are 'nothing' God can make something out of us."  Or on the flip side, as long as we think we are something, God can do nothing with us.  We have to be humble in order for God to use us, like Jesus was.  First we lower ourselves so that God can lift us high.  "Whoever wants to be first must be last."  "Whoever wants to become great among you must become a servant to all."  Because it is service that makes us great.  Loving others and doing good for others makes us great.  Trying to be great does not make us great, that just makes people despise you.  What we do for others and how we show love is what makes us great.  Look at the life of Mother Theresa.  Why was she great?  Because of all the good she did for others; how she served others her entire life! :)  If we do leave a legacy, that is the legacy we will leave, how we helped others. 

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."  Amen! :) 

The goal: to never think about yourself at all.  To think about oneself all the time makes one selfish, whether in a good way or a bad way.  Get your mind off of yourself and onto others.  For that is true love.  :)  You cannot really love others as long as you are always thinking about yourself.  Love is thinking about another before yourself and putting them before yourself. 

Humility is honest.  Pride hides behind lies and is fake.  Why?  Pride is fake to protect the ego, the image.  Pride is always concerned about what others think of them.  Humility does not care.  Humility is careless. 

Just be humble and honest with others.  Stop hiding.  And remember, you can never ever hide from God.  He sees you completely and totally, whether you want him to or not. :)  But that is a good thing, because he IS good.  God knows you inside and out and still loves you like crazy, because he created you. :)  He is your daddy and he loves you more than anyone in the universe times 100.  Never forget that. :) 

"Humility is not weakness, self-loathing, a lack of drive or determination, or false tolerance."

Humility knows what it believes and is assertive.  Humility does not mean being a doormat and letting people walk all over you.  Humility is confident and sure of oneself without being prideful. 

Humility knows who they are in Christ: A child of God

An heir to God's richness and blessings

An anointed servant of God

A loved beyond reason one.

You are filled to overflowing

Abundantly blessed










All that God wants you to be.  
Humility is strong.  The strongest people can be the most humble, because they are secure in themselves.  You can't be truly humble until you are secure in who you are in Christ.  Humility has a balanced view of oneself; not too low and not too high.  Humility takes action; it is not passive.  It acts when it needs to act on behalf of others to protect and instruct.  Humility does not mean you let people tell you what to do.  You are teachable but not a push over. 

Humility is not false humility.  False humility puts on an act of being humble, but it is a mask, a fake humility.  A falsely humble person is not really humble, they are actually very prideful.  They are putting on a show of humility in order to elicit compliments from others.  They put themselves down in order to hear other people try to build them up.  They love to be complimented.  They love to be the center of attention, even though they act like they hate it.  They want to be on everyone's minds.  They are not secure in themselves so they need to always be built up by others. 

"You can't operate outside of who you believe you are."

Whatever you believe to be true about you, you will be.  If you think you are full of fear, you will be full of fear.  If you think you will never succeed, you may never succeed.  If you think you will always be single, you might.....etc.  We cause our own beliefs; we create our own self fulfilling prophecies in our minds, in how we think.  How we think dictates our life. 

A sermon recently said when we pray with thanksgiving we aren't just thanking God for what we already have, we thank him for what we trust that he will and can do for us in the future.  Amen?  We pray things like, "Thank you God that today I am going to have a good day!  Thank you that you will help me be the head and not the tail etc."  We pray with confidence and faith that God is good and that he wants good for us and our day and our life.  God is FOR you, not against you.  And he is able to move mountains.  He can do anything and everything.  Believe it.  Pray like he can.  Amen :)

May God bless you! :)

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