Sunday, December 22, 2013

Labor and Delivery

Will child labor and delivery be as bad as I have always thought it would be?  Will I survive? lol  I hope so. :)

My husband and I were watching the Nativity Story the other night and I was like, "This movie is scaring me." lol  Because of how excruciatingly painful the delivery looks for Elizabeth and Mary.  But the funny thing is both of them got to have about a one minute labor and delivery process.  Ah only in the movies.

I have been hoping for awhile that I would just have a one or two hour ordeal of it all. 

But here's what reality will probably be like.

I asked around how long people's deliveries were and I was quite shocked actually. 

And I have a bit of advice after hearing everyone's stories: I would recommend not getting induced.  It seems most people who have had really long deliveries were induced.  Also personally I would not want my water to be broken.  I say let the baby come out when he or she wants to and let things flow naturally. :) When I think of a woman's water being broken for some reason every time I picture that scene in the movie "The Island" when they open a fluid sack that one of the clones is in and kill it.  :(  It just seems it could be kind of a risky thing to do.  How does anyone know for sure that doesn't hurt the baby in some way potentially. :(  I don't know. 

Also, on a side note, an epidural may cause long term back problems and there can be serious risks and complications with it. 

The question I asked was "how long were you in labor for and was it better or worse than you thought it would be?  Also, did you get an epidural?"

My mom's experience, "I think it was 18 hours for Nate (my brother) and 8 hours for you.  Both times they had to break my water.  I didn't get an epidural either time.  With Nate his head was turned the wrong way so the doctor had to reach in and turn him around."  (ah.....poor baby Nate!)  :(

From a friend:

"My labor was very long with my first. The epidural was good...but there are pros & cons...the epidural can slow down the labor process but you feel absolutely nothing in that time.  It is based on height so if they misjudge you can end up with too much or too little...with my first I had too much & could not even move my leg let alone push a baby out...that could have been bad but thankfully was not...With my fifth child everything that could go wrong did... While receiving the epidural there was an issue in my spinal column...which I hear is common...there are things that can be done to correct it but more or less it causes you to leak brain fluid until it heals...for about 6 month...which causes some pretty nasty headaches.. While waiting out the healing process it got infected.. I have shingles & its gotten into the wound & causes shingles induced meningitis... more or less chicken pox on the brain... I was on life support for three days.. As much as I know that was a rare thing to have happen...It is still hard to recommend the epidural.   I really cant say if I would opt to have one again or not...Things went horribly wrong for me, but most of it is pretty much unique to me...but it does cause me to hesitate in recommending it.

(Good things to know and think about for sure!)

The best story I've heard: :)

"With my first I was in labor for 22 hrs and then had an emergency C section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. I scheduled a C section with my 2nd.  I'd push & push...for 1 1/2 hrs and I remember screaming, "Get this baby out of me!" Since I had the C section, I remember getting a shot in the spine to numb everything, I think they called it a spinal. I was in the hospital a couple of days, and then when I got home, my mother-in-law stayed with us for a week, which really helped. It was hard to move around with the C section. If you can avoid one, do so! Recovery is much longer. 

But my daughter had an amazingly easy birth in Nov., giving birth by a midwife in a tub of water at South Coast Midwifery in Irvine - she had her 1st contraction at 5:00 p.m., gave birth at 8:30 p.m. & went home at midnight. So easy and no epidural."

(Maybe that will get to be my story too lol that would be nice!) :)

And from friends in my Bible study:

"Girl you don't want to know my labor...(lol) it was a one in a million horror type thing. Lol but my epidural went the wrong way and I was paralyzed from the waist up it sucked. 3 nurses were fired on the spot that day. I felt everything. Then when he came out the doctors said I only had half of a placenta which you are supposed to have a full one to carry a baby.... it was pretty crazy."

(Yeah I think I'll opt out of an epidural :)

"With my first labor was crucial because the doctor induced me at 38 weeks because he was going out of town.  I was in full blown labor at the hospital for 48 hours not even kidding.  There was no progress after 3cm so an emergency C-section was performed.  With my other kids no labor at all, just C-sections were scheduled before I could even labor.  Labor was not fun.  You don't even want people in the room with you. lol  But once you get the epidural it's smooth sailing."

(Yeah I really don't like the idea of inducing labor.  It seems there would always be more complications when you go against nature.  I say let the baby come out when she wants to.  Yep. :)

"The contractions hurt but the meds they gave me helped with the delivery.  I went into labor at 6:30am and had her at 4:40pm."  (Not bad I suppose lol)

"I was in labor about 7 hours.  It was bearable but take the drugs!!! :)"

(I always wonder if the pain killers or epidural have an adverse affect on the baby.  I can't take an Excedrin while pregnant so why are any drugs in delivery perfectly safe for the baby?  I don't know.  I'm sure when I'm actually in delivery I will stop caring about that though.)

"I was in labor for two days with the first two and 8 hours for my last.  Everyone was different.  My first was painful but only during contractions.  I was scared.  The other two I had an epidural but only because it was necessary to deliver."

(hm....two days! lol  God help me :(  lol)

To psyche myself up for all that I can think to myself, "You can handle this Lisa.  You went to India and back.  You've had appendicitis at age 10 and almost died from that.  You almost drowned in the ocean twice.  You've had food poisoning and thought you were going to die like 4 times.  So you can handle this.  Piece of cake right?"  lol hopefully. :)

Another friend:

"I was in labor with my first for 23 hours.  And for 6 hours with the second.  The contractions were pretty painful.  Before I had the epidural I could just breath and get through them.  The actual delivery was hard with my first, but my second was easy.  It wasn't worse than I expected.  It was probably a little better because I was terrified before I knew what to expect."

Yep my mom said she was terrified while pregnant.  I haven't been for the most part.  God has given me peace, praise God!  But my whole life I have been dreading the labor process.  The curse was, "I will greatly increase your pains in child birth."  How sad. :(  It would be very nice if that curse was somehow lifted for Christians.  I have been praying for a supernatural pain free delivery.  Please God. lol :)

It doesn't help that someone I know keeps saying I might die in delivery, but that's just her worrying too much.  I think everything will go fine.  I played basketball 12 years.  I am in shape.  My grandma said since I played sports my whole life it should be easy for me.  I hope she's right. :) 

Stories from other friends:

"With my first I was in labor for 22 hrs and then had an emergency C section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck.  I scheduled a C section with my 2nd. My daughter though had an amazingly easy birth in Nov., giving birth by a midwife in a tub of water at South Coast Midwifery in Irvine - she had her 1st contraction at 5:00 p.m., gave birth at 8:30 p.m. & went home at midnight. So easy and no epidural."

(God let that be the case with me! lol  That would be ideal. :)

"To recover from the C-section I was in the hospital a couple of days, and then when I got home, my mother-in-law stayed with us for a week, which really helped.  It was hard to move around with the C section. If you can avoid one, do so! Recovery is much longer."

"I was in labor for 72 hours and with my daughter about 4 hours.  Two totally different labors and no I didn't have an epidural.  It was a natural birth for both my kids.  I went into labor on the 26th and on the 29th about 3 in the morning my water broke and a few hours later he came.  About an epidural, my daughter has had a lot of problems with her back after having the epidural."  :( 

Labor stories from other friends:

"For my first it was18 hours. I ended up with emergency c-section. Should have had the epidural right when I got in. Because it ended in a C-section and I wanted a vaginal birth, emotionally it was harder than I expected. But having the baby is the once I realized the important thing happened and he was healthy, I was fine. For my second they broke my water and induced me. 5 hours of labor. Had an epidural early. It was wonderful. I had a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean. It was great and about what I expected."

"My labor lasted 12 hrs six of which I pushed.  The pain was painful lol.but it was doable. I had an epidural but it wore off so I felt everything.  I also requested an episiotomy which helped and I healed faster.  The worst pain I had was the pressure in my bottom.  It was horrible lol."

"I was in labor for 25 hours with 2.5 hours of pushing. It was different than I thought. I didn't think it was THAT bad, but it was definitely exhausting just because it was so long. Everybody has a different story though. Yes, I did get an epidural but I waited until I was 7cm before doing so. I also did not get Pitocin which is probably why my labor was so long. I just wanted my body to figure it out on its own....Pitocin is a medication that hospitals are using now to speed up the labor. I haven't heard good things from people who have gotten it so I didn't want it. The IV line is for hydration.  One friend said it totally complicated her labor. Another friend said that she was dilating too quickly so her body wasn't getting the time it needed to adjust. It just depends on what you decide is best for you and your body....Birthing centers generally have an emphasis on more natural birthing styles and procedures. You might want to read up on them just for more options."

"I was in labor 24 hours with my 1st daughter--she was 6 wks early and they were trying to delay labor. She came early anyway. I was only in labor 7 hours with my 2nd daughter--also 6 wks early--but the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck so they had to deliver. My twins were 9 weeks early, they couldn't stop the contractions so they delivered. Spent a month in NICU. I had epidurals with all of them. 2 regular deliveries, last one c-section because one of the twins turned sideways and the dr was worried she might lose both the baby and me if he didn't drop during delivery."

"My 2 kids were night and day! My first was at exactly 40 weeks and my water broke and that officially started my labor, I didn't have any contractions though, they had to be induced. I did end up getting an epidural because I was tensing up so much I wouldn't dilate. However it slowed things down quite a bit, I didn't have baby till 8 hrs labor 19 hours. (2am - 9pm). With #2, she was 3 wks early, I think my contractions started first thing in the morning, but they were mild enough that I still went to work! I lost my mucus plug around noon and then the contractions started! I still worked till 4, went home did stuff and went to the hospital around 11p. I was admitted at about 11:30ish and asked for the epidural right away, but anesthesiologist didn't get there on time! Baby was born 20 min. Later! I guess total "real" labor hours were 12.
So the epidural is nice, but I felt made my labor longer... Not sure how #3 is gonna be, but I will probably ask for the epidural again! ( oh downside though, once you get it, you're restricted to the bed, can't get up even to bathroom!)"

"I was in labor for a lonnngg time, and it ended with a c-section. I wouldn't suggest that at all! Good luck

"My labor with my oldest, was about 12 hours or so. I was induced because he was stubborn and liked it in my belly too much. Yes I got an epidural, tried it without but quickly changed my mind after my water was broke. Yes having your water broken happens ALOT. And that's just speeds things along."

"It was worse than I was expecting pain wise. My labor went pretty quickly. I went from 1 cm to baby in 6 hours. The doctors had to vacuum her out due to some complications, so I was only pushing for like 7 minutes. It was that or a C section. She had some egg head, but it turned out fine. If they wouldn't have vacuumed I think things could have been bad. Her cord was around her neck and with every contraction her blood pressure would drop to scary low levels. She had to have oxygen and be monitored when she first came out. I didn't see it, but apparently she was not moving at first and such. Anywho, I'm glad they got her out quickly because I don't know what would have happened otherwise.  I have friends that birthed at home, but after my experience I would be afraid to do that in case something were to happen. You never know."

"My labor was very short with all of my kids. My water broke at home with my first but he was turned side ways so they used a vacuum to get him out. With the girls I went to the hospital at a 6-7 and 95% effaced. Had them all quickly - yes I did have an epidural with all of them. My longest labor from beginning to end was 5 hours."

(the vacuum thing sounds scary :(

"I was born with spina bifida so due to my abnormal anatomy the anesthesiologist would not give me an epidural and if I opted for c section I'd be completely under and not witness my kids birth. So I went with the al natural, so for me it wasn't so great. My first baby, was a 16hr labor. My second baby, was 8 hours. My third baby, was 10 hours. My fourth baby, was only 4 hours, but I'd have to say he was the worst labor. It went fast, sure, but because it progressed so quickly the contractions were came very quickly together and very strong. But the Lord got me through it all of it, I called out to Him with all four of my kids and He definitely got me through it all. Here is my suggestion it's all mind over matter. It's all temporary and all soon will be over. The amazing blessing besides seeing your precious baby finally is once she is out the Lord allows us to enjoy His creation that when she finally is out of you all of the pain goes completely away, of course until later when you have to massage your uterus. But other than that it's an amazing experience. I would never trade the experience."

"My labor was 13 hours, and it was better than I expected. I did get an epidural, and went from a 5 to a 10 in 45 minutes. I only pushed for 7 minutes, which is unusual. Good luck!!!"

"Both of our kids were induced so yes, I definitely had an epidural. Labor was about 8 hours or so - - Being induced made things very predictable for the most part, which was better than I expected. However, it caused me to just be in the hospital bed (no walking around or other means of dealing with pain) so had no choice but the epidural. The main thing - - 2 healthy babies!"

"Yes, I had a epidural and my second labor was like 6 hours and my first was like 8. they both went well.. it feels like very bad cramps... Not so bad when it is all said and done... Nothing greater than the reward."

"1st was long! 12 hours. Epidural with my 1st & 3rd. Recovery was quicker with my 2nd (no drugs at all) God bless your delivery~ your baby & your precious family!! You will forget about labor when you hold your little blessing!! "

"Having a baby is the most wonderful experience ever. It doesn't matter if your in labor for 1 hr or 3 days, you forget any and all pain once you hold you baby. Every birth is different and everyone had a story to tell and some of them can be really scary, so don't get yourself worked up if you get a bunch of hard delivery stories. Just pray that God will protect the baby and you and guide the Dr. and nurses to do their best. I was ensued at 36 weeks. I was in labor for 12 hours but only felt an hour of pain. I had an epidural! But, I was too small to deliver her and we didn't realize it until she was past the point on no return. Dr. had to break her clavicle to get her out! My child is perfectly fine. We had to keep her little arm ace bandaged and she received tons of love and kisses from her mommy and daddy. She never acted like it really bothered her either.  I had a beautiful 6 lb. 10oz baby and she is the love of my life. I would do it all over again if I could. I was also 35 and tried for years to get pregnant. My story is not the most pleasant one but the outcome was that I had a perfectly healthy & beautiful daughter."

"I was induced with both my girls. From start to finish with my first was 12 hours. And with my second it was 8. With both mine I had an epidural and labor was not bad for me. I only pushed with my first for 20 min and with my second I pushed for 10. I didn't want an epidural with my second but since I was induced I went ahead and got one. Being induced makes contractions stronger and more harsh than natural and they broke my water at 3 cm which makes contractions worse because it  takes away the cushion. I have very easy labors and so I am not really one to compare to. I just would never go into labor on my own.  With your First its always a little longer and more difficult because your body has never done it before. Just always stay calm and don't get too anxious or it makes it longer. Try to enjoy it. Lol. If you can.  if you stress out and get to impatient it can prolong labor because you are stressing. Just always try to keep calm and relaxed.  It is hard for a husband to watch his wife go through that much pain, I know at one point my husband cried. Lol.  Labor is hard, but not a LOT of people atually die. And if something goes wrong you are at a hospital."

"I ended up having an emergency c-section so I had a completely different experience. I had a c-section scheduled because it was twins."

"I have 2 kids and 2 totally different experiences. Planned natural for both. But with my second I had 20 hrs of crazy back labor and was exhausted so ended up getting an epidural and after ultimately my delivery and recovery was great. With my first he came too fast and i had him w no epidural. Both kids are super healthy. Develop your birth plan and just know that childbirth is totally unpredictable. Make any changes you need to and let the end game be a healthy baby."

"I was induced with a peccary. Progressed very quickly and didn't need a drip (Pitocin). Did not have epidural , however I did gas and air for an hour or so but made me puke and a little light headed so I stopped. It was painful, the contractions are what hurts. Once the head is out all the pain stops final push and baby comes out, u don't even feel it, just a rush of waters.  Trust your body and also, I delivered on my side and not my back!"
Much to think about. 

May God give me strength.  Pray for me please!  5 days to go! :)

Someone commented, "It can't be that bad or women wouldn't have second and third children."  That is a very good point. :) 

God bless!


  1. First of all, you will be fine. I will not say that it won't be painful, because I don't want to lie to you, but you will be ok. I am praying for you. As far as everything else, I was only induced with Zach because my blood pressure was dangerously high. It was triple digits over triple digits. Not only was I at risk of having a stroke, the baby was in danger as well. They didn't break my water though. They gave me medicine to start my labor, and my water broke on its own a few hours later. I had an epidural both times and I would do it again. Of course there are risks, but the epidural is designed so that the medicine only goes into that part of your spine, and not into your blood stream. It is not supposed to have an affect on the baby. As far as other medicines, you can't take excedrine because it has aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner, and those are very dangerous to the baby. Other pain meds are ok in small doses, especially when you are in labor. They baby will only be exposed for a short time, and there should be no problems. I was prescribed tylenol with codeine for migraines when I was pregnant. They said that was safer than ibuprophen. To each her own, but I recommend the drugs.
