Saturday, December 28, 2013

Vaccination Side Effects

The main issue I have with vaccines after researching them more is that they possibly put aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde in the vaccines.  For what purpose do they do this is what I can't get. :(

Also whenever there is money involved things may not be totally safe.  Vaccines bring in money, therefore, corners might be cut, warnings might not be given etc.  If something makes money sometimes people will forgo precautions in order so that they can make a profit.  This is what the movie The Fugitive is all about in regards to medicines/drugs.

One example of profit over safety and health is McDonalds.  They mass produce food with all kinds of preservatives and additives.  They don't really care about the people who are eating their food, they just want to make money. 

So here are some accounts from friends about possible adverse reactions to vaccines in babies:

"I know that a family took their daughter to get vaccinations and then she became narcoleptic."
"My baby just had her 4 month shots and they made her a HOT MESS and super fussy for about 4 days."
(I wonder if that is why babies are vaccinated as opposed to older kids, because babies can't speak and tell you what the vaccinations are doing to their little bodies. :(  Very sad)
"I know of a little boy that became a paraplegic right after his vaccinations. I don't know if it was proven that the vaccinations were the cause or not, but the mother thought so."

"My kids didn't have a reaction to vaccines per se, however, my 3rd baby had all kinds of ADD, ADHD issues and allergies & unexplained heart condition! All of which he has overcome as an adult!"


"I have researched vaccines for almost 3 years now. They are highly toxic and often cause horrific reactions."

"You can always go back and do them later, but you can never undo vaccine damage. My son was vaccine injured."  :(

"Yes, I had a bad reaction to vaccines...really did several of my friends...and all of us have a lot of health problems (could be connected, but I guess we'll never know).  My little brother never got any vaccines and he has the best immune system out of all of us though."


"My fifth daughter contracted Spinal meningitis after receiving her MMR's at 6 weeks. She almost died. Strangely, several other babies in that same county got meningitis after getting their shots as well. I did not get child number 6 vaccinated."

"When I was a baby I got a bad rash...and I cried for the whole rest of the day...something like 12hrs."

"My oldest who is 21 now had a horrible reaction, but doctors will never admit it is related. When he was 4 he got his kindergarten shots and then lost all gross motor skills and stopped talking. I showed a family friend who is a doctor videos of him before his shots - age 2 to 4 and then a video 3 days after shots. She felt it was related but warned NO doctor would ever admit it because they would lose their license. If you met my son now you would not know how far he has come. He still has a language disability but it is more comprehension and attention than anything. He functions fine now. But it was years of therapy and special education."

"When I got the MMR vaccine I had a reaction to it . Stiffness of the joints and it lasted several years."

"I knew a family that had three kids. The oldest was severely "delayed" (about the same as retarded. I don't know the difference). And the second was slightly delayed. But the youngest was fine. The mother suspected that giving the first two kids an all-in-one vaccination had led to their mental problem. So she insisted that her third child be given separate vaccinations for each disease. The nurse didn't like it, but the mother insisted. 

I think I may be done with flu shots, myself. Because I'm reading too many negative things about vaccinations in general."

"I had a severe reaction to the pertussis vaccine...stopped breathing, in the picu for 5 days, on oxygen, and had seizures for 4 years. Needless to say, I did not get any boosters!"

"There's so much controversy around vaccinations and how they are the reason our country has autism and other issues.  I know doctors that don't vaccinate there own children."

"Our oldest had a bad reaction for like 3-4 days at 6 months so we stopped until he was 16 months. Now we only give 2 a visit so I can monitor each leg and we are selective about which ones we give. We try to evaluate it on whether they are likely to contract what we are vaccinating for. If its really rare we skip it or delay it. They want to give 3-6 a visit which is just crazy. What a freaking cocktail of drugs in their little bodies."

"Mine have. My daughter has had 2 severe reactions to the flu vaccine. The second one worse than the first. And my youngest had a severe reaction to the RSV vaccine."

Realistically anything they vaccinate for, if it is contracted, mostly likely won't kill a child.  The flu can kill a person but it is very rare.  I get the flu almost once every year and it hasn't killed me yet praise God! lol :) 

It sounds to me like the risks of vaccinating are greater and the side effects are worse than if a child were to actually get the disease they would have been vaccinated for.  Almost every kid gets chicken pox and survives etc.

The facts are, sometimes vaccinations can cause permanent damage if the child has a severe allergic reaction to them, such as spinal meningitis, fibro myalgia, joint stiffness, narcolepsy, paralysis, etc. where as getting the disease is just temporary and may last only around a week. 

Also mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde are in these vaccines.  Why?  What purpose does that serve in the vaccine?  These toxic substances should never be allowed to enter the human body, much less forcibly so.

We don't know all of the unspoken and naively unlinked side effects that vaccines may cause, such as chronic ear infections, chronic sinus infections, seizures, ADD or ADHD, mental retardation, possibly autism, allergies, asthma,  etc. 

How do we know that SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is not also a result of vaccinations?  It usually happens, where infants mysteriously die, shortly after they get a round of vaccinations.  It seem that it is too much for a baby's tiny body to handle.  In getting the vaccine they essentially give them the virus.  Why would doctors give a tiny baby possibly 6 viruses in one day and expect their body to be able to handle that and fight them off so soon after they have newly come into the world?  It does not make any logical sense.  "Come let us reason together." :)

I say vaccines, if done at all, should be done only on older kids that are around 2 or 3 when their bodies are more developed and can handle the shock to their system that vaccines seem to cause, and then only one vaccine at a time every few weeks or so.

I know this theory may sound a bit crazy, like it's something out of the movie Conspiracy Theory, which I recommend you watch, but the people who are in charge of Planned Parenthood, who love to give out birth control etc, and perform as many abortions as possible, believe that our world is overpopulated and want as few humans to be alive as possible.  Their beliefs are like the computer in the matrix, that humans are merely an infectious disease on this planet using up all of the natural resources; that we need to be exterminated.  Why the carbon scare that we are using too much carbon?  Why all the abortions?  Because the secret is that they actually hate humans, as Satan does and I'm sure they are inspired by Satan, and they want to slowly kill us off and prevent the human race from being born.  The elite, the illuminate some call it, wants to kill off the common man so that they will have less people to rule and can then easily take over the world.  The movie The Hunger Games touches on this idea, as does the book 1984. 

That being said, who is to say that these people aren't also behind vaccinations?  How do we not know that their intention is to actually harm and diminish the human race rather than improve it and cause it's growth?

In China, if any woman, has more than one baby, they forcibly will drag the mother out of her house to have an abortion at the hospital, no matter how many months along she is.  I realize this only happens on the other side of the world as of now, but I believe it is only a matter of time before that happens here in the states and all over the world as well.  We were the number one country in terms of wealth and power for a long time, but that wealth and power is now in China's hands, not ours.  And "whoever has the gold makes the rules."

As Christians we are called to be "as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves."  Just because someone pretends to care about you does not, by any means, mean that they do.  There are con artists everywhere you look, hoping to deceive the naïve and exploit the overly trusting. 

A final song by Michael Jackson, that he would have sang in his final tour, had a line that he kept repeating, "All I'm really saying is they don't really care about us."  Who was he talking about?  The government perhaps, the elite, those in charge of the medical field, the bankers?  I am not saying the workers in the medical field are to blame, so please don't take this personally.  I am saying the head guys who call the shots and pull the strings and make the decisions, in the medical field, in banking, in politics etc, it is quite possible that they don't really care about us. 

Humans are by nature evil, very evil.  We are all born with original sin.  It is only by the grace of God that we are enabled to love others and give selflessly.  But the majority of our population, about 95% I would say, are only out for themselves.  "Narrow is the road that leads to life."  We cannot be so naïve and ignore evil in the world.  We cannot blindly think that everyone we meet has the best intentions for us and is actually concerned about our well being.  Most of humanity only thinks about themselves, what will profit them, how they can get more power etc. 

This is a hard truth to swallow but it is what it is.  As we mature we are better able to see reality for what it is.  We live in a very, very fallen and evil world, and Satan is the ruler of this world. 

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