Saturday, October 29, 2022

Strange Fire

 I am re-watching on YouTube a great conference that John MacArthur held 8 years ago. It is the Strange Fire Conference. After I watched it last time, I wrote my self published book "On the Charismatic Movement." Check it out on Amazon. I think I did a good job on it. 😁 I had read his book Charismatic Chaos and realized I had lots of my own things to say about Charismatics. 

There is good on both sides of this religious verbal war. It seems that is really what it is. John MacArthur is by far the smartest preacher to have ever preached in America. He is a genius. But with great intelligence often comes great pride. I know because I was smart too and used to have lots of pride. He is picking on what he doesn't understand, because he has not been there. He is somewhat mad, maybe at God, that he hasn't ever spoken in tongues. He probably feels like I used to feel. Why would God withhold tongues from me, if it is wonderful, after all I have done to grow his kingdom? Don't I deserve that blessing too? But if you do not see as a blessing, why would God want to force it on you? I got the gift of tongues 4 years ago. Since then I have talked with God almost 24/7. It definitely opens up a deeper friendship with God. 

However, for most of my life I was scared of supernatural things. I blame Benny Hinn for that. His video of his "healing" service freaked me out. A friend gave it to me in High School. I only was thinking, "I want nothing at all to do with the Holy Spirit if that is what it is like." But Benny Hinn did not know the Holy Spirit, or operate in the Holy Spirit. He was only filled with demonic spirits. 

The reason MacArthur had the Strange Fire conference was to correct the errors. He didn't want people to see things that seemed insane and credit them to the Holy Spirit. Just because an event or a feeling is supernatural, that does not mean it comes from the Holy Spirit. Demonic possession is supernatural too. That still happens a LOT today. You might Think you are being filled with the Holy Spirit but it could be a demonic spirit. How can you make sure it is the Holy Spirit? Don't be an idiot. Listen to your gut feelings. 

I have been afraid since I was saw that Benny Hinn video at age 16 to open myself up to anything supernatural. But that is how Satan works. He wants us to be afraid of the Holy Spirit. 

I beseech you to desire more of the Holy Spirit. I pray that MacArthur may pray in tongues soon. But realize acutely that demons are real. Test the spirits. Not every supernatural spirit is from God. Witches pull up dead spirits and evil spirits all the time. There are tons of demonic entities that would love to have access to your mind, just as much as God wants to. Be cautious. Be wise. 

Why does God allow evil spirits to exist? He tells me that it keeps life interesting. Don't get deceived by all the evil. God gave you a brain for this reason. Use it. Yes be filled with the Holy Spirit, but please never let an evil spirit fill you. How can you tell the difference? 

Do you feel peace? 

If only the Holy Spirit is in you, you will have peace. If it is evil spirits, you will never have peace. 

Be on your guard. Protect yourself. You owe it to people that love you to take good care of yourself. Besides, you definitely cannot take good care of them unless you take care of yourself first. Guard your mind well from evil entities.

Be wise. God bless. Stay alert. 

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