Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Things I Learned

 From my exes...

Roger taught me to be smart, to analyze everyone, to not easily trust others. He taught me to be tough and resilient. He was an MMA fighter. He very much valued being strong. He taught me that family can really be a great thing. That we need to respect our parents, even if they don't deserve it. 

Tim taught me to have fun and enjoy life more. He taught me that I was actually important and that the things I say are important. He helped me to become a great writer. 

Ben taught me how annoying it is to be prideful, because he was annoyingly prideful. He taught me that Charismatic have a few good characteristics but to be careful with their ego and how they try to control people. He taught me that men can be extremely sensitive, even more so then women. He taught me that there are many things in life that you absolutely cannot control, like how other people's brains work. 

Bryan taught me to value church again and to honor church leadership. He taught me to enjoy your kids and try to keep a connection with them. He taught me to cut loose and have more fun. He taught me to enjoy food and drinks and music and people and nice things more.

Josh taught me that you have to be more strong to handle life. He taught me that most men are extremely shallow. Most men only care that women have a tight but and a perfect body. He taught me to take better care of my body and to be more healthy. And he taught me that guns should be illegal. 

Eric taught me how to be lazy, which actually is good. I have always been a big time workaholic. I never really knew how to have fun. He taught me it's ok to do nothing and to just be alone with yourself. 

Zach taught me to love. Like to really, genuinely love people. To be soft hearted and kind. He taught me how great it is to be chill and calm. He continues to teach me how wonderful true love can be. Awe....

And hopefully there will be no more bf's and I'll learn to genuinely love from Zach until I die. I love you Zach! 🤗👏😁

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