Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Eat Well

 I heard a great talk on the Jay Shetty show yesterday about eating healthy. The guy interviewed said we need to eat foods that love us back. That was genius. If what you eat or drink hurts your stomach, why do you eat it or drink it? For most people that is junk food and alcohol. For me that has always been coffee. It's like I enjoy hurting myself. It always hurts my stomach and yet I drink it anyways, and have been for 28 years now. I started drinking coffee when I was 10, thanks to my dad. Once you develop a taste for something it is hard to give it up. It becomes like an old friend that you always think will bring you comfort. I am now convinced that coffee is really bad for you, decaf or regular. If you are hooked on it, I hope you can let yourself be free. 

I read a while ago that if you have your gall bladder taken out, you really should not drink coffee anymore. I had mine taken out 3 years ago due to horrible gall stones. The acidity of the coffee is probably why it should be given up. I thought decaf would still be ok, but no, it doesn't seem to be. 

I have had terrible heartburn in my pregnancy. I finally realized the solution is to drink a ton of water whenever I have the heartburn. It helps to drink milk too, but mainly tons of water. It happens to be in the middle of the night when I have the worst heartburn, but if drinking tons of water helps, then so be it. It means getting up to go to the bathroom a lot, but that is better than throwing up from the heartburn. 

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