Thursday, March 16, 2023


 War, what is it good for? Nothing. 

A lot of my family served in the military. My brother was in the National Guard for about 10 years. I was very worried about him when he was in Afghanistan for a year. Thank God he made it back safely. My step-dad served in the Airforce for 30 years. My step-brother is currently in the Navy. I kind of considered being in the Army just to get my college paid for. My step-mom really wanted me to do that. I thought about it. 

It is good to serve our country, but what are the long term ramifications for doing so? Usually there is some emotional pain, some aftermath. Most people who have gone off to any kind of war come back with PTSD. It is hard to adjust back to normal life after seeing the horrors of war. I can't imagine seeing even one person die needlessly. 

My brother has always been a difficult person. I mostly always blamed my dad and his critical nature, but it probably was also due to his time in service. He has emotional pain now from things he saw. 

I am against any and all military involvement. I don't see the point. Now that we have drones and nuclear weapons, why do we still think we need 5 branches of the military? Isn't it all a giant waste of money? Let the men stay home and stay safe. The world needs more counselors and dentists. Let the men do that instead. 

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