Monday, March 6, 2023

Greg Laurie

 Probably a man who had the hardest life ever was Pastor Greg Laurie. Look up the YouTube video Greg Laurie's Testimony. It is wonderfully done. I attended most of his Harvest Crusade revival services from the time I was 14 to 25. Every time I went to one, my life and my faith were drastically changed and improved. 

Pastor Laurie's mom had tons of abusive relationships that he had to be around as a child. He had to go to military school. Later in life his son died in a car accident. 

I think Satan knew his great potential. He wanted to stop him, but praise God it never worked. 

I can relate to his life story in many ways. My dad was sexually and verbally abusive. I lost my daughters, not due to death but divorce. All I can say to that is "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, but still blessed be the name of the Lord." 

God knows how strong or weak we are. He knows how much suffering we could handle. I often wish he didn't push us to the limit of that, but our faith shines brighter through the trials of life. We can have more of a heart for lost sinners who have suffered as much as we have. 

So often "Christians" are cold and callous toward others. They don't get it. They have almost never suffered through anything. 

When you have had a life full of pain, you care deeply about others more. It is in being broken that we find true life. "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it." Lose your life for God, not the world. Let him transform your heart and be a witness for him anywhere you go. 

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